What do you expect from a person from r9k? What type of person are they?

What do you expect from a person from r9k? What type of person are they?

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Mostly ironic shitposter.

Loser degenerate virgin. No life pedeophile/lolicon weeb. People who will only talk shit as long as they got the safety of the screeb. Bad hygiene etc.

What is the motivation in most cases? Being a "loser degenerate virgin"?

Fluffy marshmallow?

Like they are fat?

irl i'd guess most guys that post here are just quiet AVPD types that overthink everything because anxiety problems
the girls that post here are either fat or have daddy issues

Someone that I would never ever want to associate with

The ones that talk for a bit then stop talking then go away forever.

Pink and chewy?