Anyone else trying to have a /the dude/ lifestyle? aka having no ambitions, having zero responsibilities or obligations...

Anyone else trying to have a /the dude/ lifestyle? aka having no ambitions, having zero responsibilities or obligations, and chilling 100% of the time.

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id like to be the dude but ill always be a donny

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Literally what I'm doing right now but I'm getting tired of money being a finite resource.

That's like 60% of the adults on this board

That's my life already, desu.

My dream is to make music and get a lot of money from it so i can chill my whole life smoking weed..

Im 24, im not going to make it right?

I'd love to but I don't know how to get the money for it. They never explained how The Dude had the money to live that way either

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Not by choice. I have a mindless repetitive job that requires little effort but because it's rotating day night shifts it leaves me drained and disconnected from normal society. It also pays enough that I don't have to give a fuck about hobbies or anything interesting because those were fueled by my desire to have things that I couldn't afford. Now if I need something I can just go and buy it, but then I'm like what the fuck am I going to do with all this shit? I end up just not doing anything.

Depends. What genre?

That's pretty much your reward for not normalfagging.

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I aspire to live like the dude one day, I even love bowling I was in a league. Also had long hair like that before I cut it off I'm growing it back out to that length hopefully.

I fall into that mindset occasionally during uni. It is hard to maintain your sanity though unless you have a couple of buddies to hang out with occasionally.

Rap mixed with country and grunge

Yeah. No. Youre cooked. Unless its mumble rap no one will listen to that.

What makes mumble rap more appealing?

Are you serious?
I'm a grad student in chemical engineering, don't have any friends, completely motivated on my work/research/studies. I don't how people can so easily "lose their sanity."

What kinda proffession you in

Most people require some sort of socializing, I need my privacy and my own space a lot but still if I go a long time without socializing I feel like I'm missing something

i try but normals always tryna keep a robot down
>just get a job lmao

>Most people require some sort of socializing
I ended my friendships a few years ago, and those feelings went away pretty quickly.
Just bite the bullet and stop socializing, you'll start to prefer being alone. Gives you a lot more time to focus on the things you like.
There's no benefits to socializing and there's nothing to miss out on.

The dude is a loser though. Why would you want to be like him?

I'm a grass is greener, but of course after you spend to much time alone on one end of the rubber band its hard to get back

It's popular amongst the retarded zoomers right now.

Your best bet for musical success is to look at what's popular with idiotic niggers at the moment, because in a few years the zoomers will catch onto it and it'll be the new big thing. This has been going on for decades.
So make some horrible awful horseshit mumble rap, include a lot of profanity and the dumb fucks will eat it up like a turd sandwich.

This. In fact, I'd like to add that I regret socializing. I've gotten into a lot of conflicts of interest because I had to pop the bubble. The less people know about you the better.

oh that's my lifestyle but I'm too highstrung on the web checking current events

literally don't even pay bills or the gubmint shit lol what a bunch of LARPers

Its going out now, youve got to ride the next big wave and maybe its country grunge rap (it will be some type of rap ill tell you that) I say you just do a bunch of stupid shit then when something blows up you can say you did it first

not gonna lie, that's pretty much how i am every day.

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whatever man, that's just, like, your opinion

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Yeah, agreed, that surge of mumble crap is over, the normalfag zoomers are getting tired of it, but it's still the most popular right now.

That's why I said, keep looking at what the ghetto blacks are doing. Some zoomer faggot will copy them in a couple years and make it popular and you can be ahead of the curve.

You're lying to yourselves. The human brain require socializing. As an honest person I have no problems admitting not socializing for over 10 years has left my mental health in shambles and I can no longer even pass as normal. I can barely string a sentence together when I try to speak to anyone and my anxiety goes through the roof if anyone even says hello to me. I talk to myself nonestop, even catching myself having conversations with people I realized aren't even there. There is a reason isolation is considered a form of torture.

Not lying, I'm just not mentally weak.
I convinced myself to change, and so I did.
your struggled because you couldn't break free of the shackles. You believed society was right in that socializing was necessary, and you couldn't overcome that with your mental strength.

i have to agree. i spent 2 years more or less without friends and then when i tried to reconnect i just wasn't into it. ghosted them because maintaining relationships had become stressful even though it's all i thought about when i was by myself. loneliness changes you inside, best to accept it.

Ah. I guess all the hardened soldiers and criminals who go through isolation torture and come out fucked in the head were just not as strong as you were. Your coping mechanism isnt going to work forever.

i don't have social anxiety issues like that though, you sure that will happen to me?

Always got to do something even if it means rebuilding and resetting the entire system hi user, bye user.

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That's because they didn't make a conscious decision to stop socializing, it was forced upon them.
Obviously the outcome will be different.
Comparing the two situations is wholly unproductive.

It depends on the person. I isolated myself for three years and had no problems re-integrating into society. I fucking hate it and want to kill myself every second that I'm not alone in my room, but I did it.

My Tinder blurb once read


It didn't do any better than any of my other Tinder blurbs, sadly.

I should probably just adopt /the dude/ lifestyle, but I'm too much of an asshole. I could probably manage to be a Sobchak, though.

One day you'll suddenly find yourself alone and extremely sad, nothing will satisfy you or bring joy and at that point I want you to look back on this conversation.

It is in your human nature to socialize. It's like an ant trying to live on its own without the colony. It just does not work. It's not your biology. As much as I wish this were not the case, it is. We're tribal apes. You can cope for a while but your time will run out and you'll find it very difficult to come back once you want to.

I did have mild anxiety beforehand, and depression, both were exacerbated extremely over the years. I don't know for sure what will happen to you, but your social skills will atrophy for sure, and you are likely to develop some sort of mental health problems, which will only worsen over the years.

Sounds like the last thing people should do after reading your post is accept it. That is unless they want to be an hero

I want to become merely an observer. No socializing, no relationships, no interpersonal interaction. Life is quite a lot more enjoyable for me when I do not have the burden of contact to maintain with other humans.

Please describe your day to day lifestyle of not socializing.

Or not. You're right that most people are weaker than they think they are, but people also aren't as similar as you think. That someone on Jow Forums might truly be like that is not unlikely, as this is a nesting place for the least normal of humans.

You're going to regret it. One day you will wake up and realize you missed out on your life by simply being an observer. Gondola is probably not a very happy meme character.

Wow, Jow Forums is really not the board I had thought it was.
What's with you guys being pro-socialization? I thought you guy were the opposite.

Anyway, no, I won't regret it, because I'm doing what I want. I don't want to socialize with people, I want to work, focus on my studies and my hobbies. I have zero desire nor longing for socializing. Maybe in 50 years when I'm a very different person I will, but who's to say?
Summer: Wake up, go to work, come home, work out, watch anime, go to bed.
At uni: wake up, work out, go to class/work, watch anime/study, watch anime/do hobbies, then bed.

Couldn't be happier, I'm doing what I want to do.

Alright Homo-Sapien-Sapien-Sueriorus. You have just evolved beyond us mere mortals. You can join the ranks of Nikola Tesla and Issac Newton, both of which were known for their bubbly personalities and exceptional mental health.

>One day you will wake up and realize you missed out on your life by simply being an observer.
No, this is the life I chose. I know what I sacrifice, I'm simply autistic enough and bitter enough to be okay with it. I already know that I'm going to miss out on life, at least the kind of life that normal humans live. I'm fine with that, because you can't miss what you never had. I'll find something else to live for, and maybe someday just stop being human altogether. I've always known my fate. Acceptance, defeat, whatever you want to call it. That is what my life is, an existence of comfortable apathy and aimless theorizing about abstract, useless information.

>Goes to uni
>Doesn't talk to anyone
That isn't exactly how uni works at least not in the US. What country do you go to school in and what do you study?

If I didn't socialize at uni I would do ok but my job opportunities afterward were greatly benefited by my networking skills (I studied CS)

>no, I won't regret it, because I'm doing what I want.
>t. 18 year old zoomer
Don't say we didn't warn you buddy. I was in your exact position with your exact mindset back then.

>What's with you guys being pro-socialization?
It isn't about being pro-socialization, really I don't even like it. It's more about accepting the reality of your biology and trying to stop yourself from going insane like:

Failed normies in this thread tryna bring a robot down.

>y-you'll go insane from isolation!
Already been isolated for over two decades, can't see why another three would suddenly be super different. Maybe I'm already insane, but if I am I don't care because it doesn't bother me. I highly doubt I'm the only robot who never had friends or acquaintances in their life at all.

>Maybe I'm already insan
>Posts on Jow Forums

Yeah checks out

Alright, cool then.

>said without a trace of irony

Not that poster, but for a lot of robots clinging to socializing and to its attendant hopes and anxieties is a big part of their problem(s).

If you are (for example) a 30 year old KHHV, the chemical and hormonal crisis has long since passed, and you're on the downslope. That type of robot would actually feel better if you gave up human interaction entirely, since their genuine desire for human contact is long since chemically and emotionally gone or neutered; what's left is the continual fear and shame of the fact that *others might know* and might judge. That robot would feel much better if he could convince himself that no one could *ever* know, and no one would *ever* judge, because his social contact has finally become negligible enough for him to be forgotten.

>find something else to live for, and maybe someday just stop being human altogether
You're probably going to kill yourself. I've walked this same path and after so, so many years it's worn me down to the point that where I wish for death, or a change I no longer even have the ability to implement. You aren't going to listen to me, but at least I feel better having offered a warning.

was going to say the same.
this board is normie central.

I've already planned to kill myself eventually.

>That isn't exactly how uni works at least not in the US
Huh? How?
I am in the US. You don't need to talk to anyone to go to class and pass. There's no group projects.
I'm studying chemical engineering.
Don't need networking to get a job, just a good resume/degree, and good work/research experience.
No, because I don't have any regrets. I'm not like you guys who deluded myself by listening to other losers, I made my own decisions for myself and I have 0 regrets about doing it.
If I find later on in life I want to socialize, then so be it.
I don't buy into the whole biology aspect of it. If you're mentally strong enough, you can just override your "feelings" to suit how you want to live your life.

>having no ambitions, having zero responsibilities or obligations, and chilling 100% of the time
Minus the zero responsibilities or obligations part, my life was kind of like that at a time, and any ambitions I had were far away pipe dreams
It's kind of strange, back when I had no real drive for improving my life I was content with with being miserable and alone and just living for /comfy/
Now that I want to fix things I feel a lot worse, but I'm glad I have drive
Stop romanticizing loneliness, EVERYONE including (You), craves social interaction, which is exactly why you're on a website where you can talk to other people

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>it's a "non aspies think every human is a neurotypical" thread

There's a difference between total isolation like in the Shining and sitting away in your room playing video games and jerking off to Hentai, retard. The internet is a goddamn dopamine field of landmines. Any person can be inside their rooms with a fast internet connection for an extended period of time. Shit's not hard.

>You don't need networking to get a job
Networking gives you the best jobs, no question.

Okay great, you can make 90k instead of 80k a year.
You really convinced me.

>I don't buy into the whole biology aspect of it. If you're mentally strong enough, you can just override your "feelings" to suit how you want to live your life.
You don't buy the whole " you're an animal" thing? Humans aren't special, you are an animal, a product of your biological coding. Humans are not seperate from biology, they are a part of it. Your brain requires certain chemicals to function properly, some of those are acquired from interacting and sharing information with other humans, some of them come from close personal relationships. But, who am I to try and shatter your coping mechanism? Go on doing your thing.

Yeah, I was talking about isolation from real life inter-personal socialization. Try to keep up, and don't you touch those fucking goalposts. No, anonymous posting doesn't count because there is no interaction with individual entities.

All I'm hearing is "wah wah wah I tried to be like the cool kids on the internet by not having a social life but I failed because poor little me got ronery"
If you're still succumbing to your emotions and feelings, you're a disgrace of a human being.
Get a fucking backbone.

I don;t think you need to socialize but I think that you will be passed over for promotions and opportunities in the future if you are incapable of dealing with people. I was super reclusive, got A's in school and my "friends" who were social and got c's/d's are now running successful businesses and do research for my uni while I work at some big shit company that doesn't give a fuck about me. I worked in education research for awhile but they never offered me a promotion because I have dwarfed social skills, cant work in groups and isolate myself. I graduated 6 years ago, I would recommend trying to make friends.


Let me guess, you grew up with friends at school, regular people you talked to and shit, right? And I bet you think you know jack about being socially withdrawn just because you didn't have friends from college onwards. Well let me tell you user, most robots didn't have friends. We have always been alone. Maybe not all of us don't hate it, but it's certainly a lot fucking easier for us than you think with your failed normie "experience".

See you in the loony bin in 20 years, user. Make sure to write a manifesto if you neck yourself before that.
>Include this in the footnotes pls

Sorry, I really don't care about changing the way I live my life so I can make a few dollars more.
With my education alone I'll be able to obtain my dream job, without needing connections at all.
I'm not going to bend over backwards and live my life completely different for... what, a bigger paycheck? Money doen't make you happy. And it's not like I'm justifying a $20k/year wage, I'll still be making ~$80k/year. That's more than enough.

But no no, you go ahead and waste your time socializing for marginal gains in employment.

Someone seems upset. What was it that rustled your jimmies user?

Not him. I find it funny how adamant you are that humans need to socialize despite schizoids existing.

>See you in the loony bin in 20 years, user. Make sure to write a manifesto if you neck yourself before that.

Right...because the normie suicide rate is zero.

If normies have it all figured out so well...what's up with all of their "misery" statistics? Why are they all so unhappy?

In 20 years I'll have achieved my hopes and dreams without any of your help. I'm a self-made man, I don't need others to live.
See you in 20 years, groveling and begging to your "friends" to validate your existence.

>Assumptions: the post
I grew up in a ghetto with a crack head prostitute mother, had zero friends in elementary school, zero friends in high school and zero friends in college and maintain no relationships with any even distant relatives. When I said 10 years I mean thats how long it's been without saying more than hello to a person.

Did you read my post? I didn't socialize I do not have marginal gains in employment I have an over 80k a year job that I fucking hate because when I went to school I wanted to work in research and research is a social job so I was not cut out for it because of my reclusive lifestyle.

this. a lot of r9k is denial. i've always been a loner but the last couple of years have taken a toll on me. the only person who texts me is my mommy (aunt) and the only person who calls my phone is my 2nd mommy (grandma). but they don't fill the socialization i need from people my age.

being alone is torture.

His uncle invented the Rubix cube and he get's some royalties from it.

>Did you read my post?
Not really, I don't care much for what you people have to say.

>Knows I am right
>Lives in denial
At least we are on the same page

Well yeah we are on the same page, it's

I thought they were screenwriters.

Isn't Sobchak supposed to be John Milius?

That is a fair point, just don't act like no one warned you

Thirding this. Socializing leads to conflict inherently. If no one does anything no one would fight.

someone replace that can with jeffle

Operator at a nuclear power plant.

>that 60 year old zoomer who derails threads to rant how other robots are delusional unlike him :^)

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Actually I'm 21

no id rather not be a homeless bum

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Wow... is your boss called Mr.Burns?

Keked irl, thanks oreo user

Well, am 24, never experienced anything like what you've mentioned above.
Seems that you're just psychologically inferior.

anyone know a website for robots that enjoy solitude? it isn't this one.

didn't The Dude inherit a rubix cube fortune?

I'm close, but I live alone and work two jobs to stay somewhat comfortable and afford getting drunk and stoned all the time.
I seem to get fired from a different cafe or service job every spring, then spend the summer hopping between shitty jobs and unemployment, so you could say I'm basically spot on.

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