S-should I go for it?

S-should I go for it?

Attached: okcupid.png (1358x920, 193K)

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>YWN have a cute extremely clingy anime-enjoying 3D waifu that draws you specialized hentai

straight up trailer trash. or worse. you finna bout to run into a tranny.

probably a very unkempt person behind that account

hey you never know man. one time i messaged a girl whose only picture was pink guy and she ended up being really sweet and cute.

Yes, only you dorks would fall for this shit.

>I'll treat you like a king/queen
SJW trash

What if there's an actual anime girl on the other end? OP would miss out.

Fuck it might as well try
Just pray the tranny dosent kidnap you

pic related is hiding behind that anime avatar

Attached: lmao.jpg (1920x1080, 84K)

The posters here are correct in that there's a very high chance of said girl being of low value. However, considering that the vast majority of women on dating sites are super flaky and dismissive, even a uggo with mental illnesses like her would be worth a try. I had a 3/10 gf with BDP who I could totally see put up an anime dating profile like that

inb4 it's an AI Robot you're dating

What is more important then, subjective reality or objective reality?

Its an AGP tranny

She is either incredibly autistic, is hiding something, or has a really bad self image. 2 of these could be great for you.

>What if there's an actual anime girl on the other end
Get real

>What if there's an actual anime girl on the other end?
Who knows, there could be a real life Misaki there.

Nah, it's a tranny. Or some fag.

If you're really lucky it'll be a used up trailer trash whore with blown out holes trying to be cute.

>be me
>browsing fb for stolen data
>find animu waifu chicks profile
>go to Jow Forums
>make post

Well, she says she's bisexual, so clearly if she gets a gf of her own, she'd treat them like a queen.

That said, this is clearly a trap, and OP is going to get mugged.

Do it OP so we can have an update thread about your fat black tranny from west of Six Flags

Okay, she's clearly unattractive, BUT...

1. She still has a vagina
2. You can still watch animu all day with her

So that's kinda worth it.

I'll bet you any amount of money that she's a non-passing transsexual with a huge Adam's apple.

>be OP
>looking for free data on FB
>find animu waifu
>go to Jow Forums
>make post
>people are calling animu waifu possible trailer trash
>decide its worth it
>tfw everyone was right and I wasnt

>OP is going to get mugged
This is the kind of area that's in ajc.com/news/local/35m-case-cobb-teen-brutally-beaten-six-flags-quietly-settles/egESN9ru8RpJUtgzCdV6PM/

This would be awesome

>trailer trash.

>The racial makeup of the city was 55.9% African American, 36.0% White (33.4% Non-Hispanic White)

Ohhhh shiiiieeeeetttt, OPs gonna get mugged and ass raped by a bixnood.

>Lists "looking for hook-up" and provides no pictures

It's either a non-passing tranny or a visually and emotionally unpleasant obese woman. If you're into either of those, go for it.

Attached: 1457653032268.jpg (800x800, 52K)