how does it feel to touch boobs?
How does it feel to touch boobs?
Owen Sanchez
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Ian Mitchell
It feels like bags of sands
Wyatt Moore
Pretty underwhelming, it feels like a fat mans chest with a lot more of an emotional connection
Jayden Davis
like a big bean bag but that was just my moms
Anthony Wright
feelz like warm fatbags
>t; actual 43 yr old kissless boob-grab-less virgin
Anthony Torres
squishy milk-filled meat sacks
Jaxon Diaz
This unironically
>originally orogneelly
Josiah Wilson
like tiddies
Gavin Mitchell
As a fat guy with gynecomastia, I'd assume they feel a lot like mine, which are like thick, squishy bags, but softer.
Juan King
They feel squishy and firm at the same time, it's hard to explain