why are there feminine and masculine words in Spanish? It's very retarded.
If i give up trying to learn Spanish this bullshit will probably be the reason.
why are there feminine and masculine words in Spanish? It's very retarded.
If i give up trying to learn Spanish this bullshit will probably be the reason.
But most of the differences are minimal, like a single vowel. You are probably just retarded user
The Spanish aren't exactly know for being intellectuals. Having a retarded language is expected of them.
tiggered basedboys that handle there are only two genders.
If you can't even get their tard language, I have bad news for you...
>The Spanish aren't exactly know for being intellectuals.
>said the fiftysixer burger while appreciating the fresh and pungent aroma of having sharted just 5 minutes ago
Germans actually have 3 genders, and they are pretty much THE intellectuals. So if having more genders in your language is correlated with intelligence I have bad news for you anglospeaking cuck.
I hope you end up learning the butchered up shitty spic version of spanish so you waste your shitty time learning a language to be able to speak to some illegal shitskin wetback and be laughed off by legit spaniards.
sometimes you can be too tall to fit into a small car, similarly, you can be too intelligent to learn a retarded language.
Sorry user, but tallness and intelligence are different, as one is a definite trait while the other is a capacity. Your intelligence is actually more akin to the small car in that sense, while the language would be the tall guy for your analogy. I'm sorry for you.
Latin has 3 genders (Masculine, Feminine, & Neutral), so maybe you're the retard.
Often times old shity software can't run on new modern hardware.
Not my fault Spanish is old shity software.
remembering two different things is too tough for you? i have some bad news about what happens after you graduate high school, OP
Nah theres no neutral only masculine and feminine which makes OP even more of a retard.
Why are you being so defensive? Why can't you just accept that Spanish is a retarded language created by and for retards? My high IQ hardware can't run this filth. There's a compatibility issue
You should just stick to renewing your BLACKED.com suscription, lest your single braincell overheat.
We're talking about your filthy language and you somehow manage to bring Blacked into the conversation. Take a moment to reflect.
It's actually pretty easy. Compared to English, all you need to do is memorize so vocabulary, and 99% of nouns are a/o words anyway so you just apply the a or o as feminine or masculine. A guitar is a guitarra, and it'll never be a guitarro. They're just words.
On the contrary, newer hardware can make up said shortcomings via emulation due to large capabilities. Unlike your brain.
No point of using emulation on a shit piece of software.
Said the fox when he couldn't reach the grapes. Don't worry friend, its not a great loss, I mean you are too much of a loser to need it anyways
Why are you mad that i won't exert effort into learning your filthy language? It's not my fault your languages is fucking trash.
I'm not mad about that, my pal, but the fact that you tried but gave up because of such a trivial thing really activates my almonds, since I learned your shitty language easily
You should deactivate your almonds because my reason for giving up is simple to understand. Your language is trash.
Yeah, but then again, you keep giving up on things so fast, its hard to take you seriously.
Get some motivation
Try learning Mandarin then.
Most languages have gender
French, Spanish, Sicilian, other Romance, German, Dutch, Russian, Latin, Greek etc..
It is of course entirely unneeded as a language such as English or Esperanto can work just as well without it. However native speakers of those languages are able to do these gender distinctions on whim and it's simply something you will need to learn if you want to get fluent.
Don't stress about it though, people will still understand you even if you mess up the gender. Even natives and fluent speakers make mistakes.
>People will understand you
No we won't. 90% of times I've heard someone making retarded mistakes, people immediately laugh at them/talk behind their back.
So you can differentiate between males and females without specifically mentioning the gender.
Natives don't make gender mistakes. (Native Spanish speaker here)
Holy fucking kek user, thank you for the laughs.