Are the Japs stealing our memes?
Are the Japs stealing our memes?
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japs would identify with fresco way more than westerners
What do these runes say?
Considering that japs literally work themselves to death it's no surprise they taken to this meme.
After spending millions of hours watching anime, I can assure you that the top portion in red says Fresco in moon runes. I can't read the part underneath it, though.
I say we lob another nuke as a warning shot to stay away from our memes
>ding dong nip nong nagasaki bushido hiroshima desu
It say, roughly, when translated:
"Can't wait for Monday to come!"
One thing is for certain, they'll never steal Jeffle.
They whitened his teeth, but why?
>Moot stole Jow Forums from Japanese
>Hiro is a cuck
you're the only one i've ever loved jeffie
According to google translate, it reads "Fresco Overworking Salaried Worker"
the lips are a different color. open your eyes whitu piggu
I suppose coffee isn't as popular over there?
Bad teeth are degenerate
Japs do lurk Jow Forums and Jow Forums. Remember Beastman and the insecam fiasco?
"Salaryman" is in the same script as the top line, cmon dude
Something along to lines of
Fresco, Overworking Salary-man
Jeffle has appeal to all cultures the world over. Do not underestimate the appeal of Jeffle.
Fresco was NEVER appreciated by Jow Forums I'm personally glad this meme has found his true home.
It pays to work hard, doesn't it, user?
Work Hard, Drink hard my friend!
I forgot something. Sorry.
atleast they are not retarded and made his teeth white and lips pink
to make him less of an eyesore because nips have more brains than the creator of this meme
>Japanese think they are edgy and deep for using Japanese
>Think they are cool using Japanese symbols
>I'm le deep for watching original anime
>Use imaginary language from shows
Speak English close eye mother fuckers
Learning japanese is free. So is pretending you know it on an online danish woodcrafting forum.
this is weirder than my mom printing out a keep calm meme
>he thinks spending time studying is free
I study at work. WHAT NOW SLAVE
The jap version, with white teeth and pink lips is an improvement.
nips have such an elegant approach to debuting their memes whereas amerilards shamelessly toss shit the wall until something sticks.
>stealing a forced meme
>not getting into the ground floor of Fresco
Don't you want to see your edit of Fresco used off-handedly and incorrectly by Matt Pat in an episode of game theory discussing the significance of the newest FNAF game to show he's with the times? It could be YOUR fresco edit behind the FNAF desk he uses!
>uploaded 40 min ago
>7 view
tottemo omoshiroizo
I gave it another view
What site this is?
jap art sharing site pixiv
he looks better with pink lips
softer on the eyes
That's missing the point entirely.
why are you posting woopi goldberg what did she do to you???
I know but it's one of many reasons fresco will never take off
>angry wojack and pepe rip off
>aesthetically unpleasing
>NEETS can't relate with wagie memes
>all jokes are just job oriented
>NEETS can't relate with wagie memes
>all jokes are just job oriented
I see that I'm talking to a brainlet.
This is literally a meme to make fun of you dumb wagies
They can't take Ferguson
he posted it himself most likely
>implying I'm not a NEET too
I sincerely appreciate this
Think of it as an expression of accepting the rat race
>meme forcer got a jap friend to slightly edit his shit and then post it so he could force it even harder because "muh japs like it"
I wonder how many memes they have taken and we should go to 2ch and steal some.
Wagie ragie 24/7
here guys,have some OC. I'm a wagecuck and really identify as fresco. Notice the irony of pepe's line in the last panel, he says that to the shit meme jeffle ho nobody related to, but could the words "keep it up and you'll accomplish something" apply to our friend fresco too? has fresco really given up that he really thinks wagecuckery is better than NEETgod life? I wonder.
Why do Japs love to work so much
i bet the chineses would love fresco even more than the japs. those fuckers work 16 hours a day or more.
Because they're too intelligent. They know that only by working can they get ahead of their peers.
In the west, it's piss easy to become rich because you just need to put in the slightest bit of effort at school to get ahead of the competition. In Japan they are so intelligent that everyone has this idea, so they work themselves to death. Sad.
I need to know what they're saying. Do japanese recognise the stupidity of the American date system?
Whole thread got archived here. Maybe someone can translate.
I only saw it because I was looking for Ridley reactions on 2chan back at E3
fresco couldn't ask for a raise..again
I remember making a fresco lookalike in ms paint about a year ago in an attempt to create the most jarring character possible.
You are the cancer OP, also what are you trying to prove forcing your shit?
Base pill me on this
Please stop forcing this meme. It's a pepe recolour and that's it. If pepe gets replaced organically, shouganai, but focing it is mendokusai.
No it's ok. It's a pepe variation. Like the fucked up looking neet
FRISCO, frescos rich self employed brother is superior
>japs take a meme about a poor wagecuck who works himself to near death
fuckin pottery