Blackbots we should we go back to africa, america is a pretty toxic place for us, whites, asians and even hispanics hate us. Finding a gf is really hard too because every woman expects us to be ghetto & if we dont fit the steteotype they reject us.
I really hate it here, im leaving & I encorage my fellow black bots to do the same.
Blackbots we should we go back to africa, america is a pretty toxic place for us, whites...
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Based Garvey user.
Which country are you moving to.
Objectively, these are all races ranked from worst to best.
5. Black
4. Indians, middle easterns, southeast Asians (they aren't true asians. They are the niggers of asians.)
3. Hispanics
2. White
1. East Asians.
t. A white asian supremacist
You mean ranked from biggest to tiniest dick
Congrats on having a generally larger penis size. It's a shame you're still on food stamps and welfare though, user.
that you pay for. thanks for the free food whitey
Nope. We get money from your women coz they pay us for fucking them
Imagine being proud of being useless to society and western civilization. A truly great race lmao
That's not what your women say. They think we're god's gift on earth
Good. You can have them. As i said, i'm a white Asian supremacist. White women are almost as cancerous as black women. The only true women of honor are Asian women.
go back and become kang of the blacks
you have the money and resources to do so from gibs
We fuckin asian women too
another racebait larp thread. hidden!
Wheres the divine race jews?
Shut up sissy black boi, don't talk like that. You belong here with your massahs. If you left we'd have no sissy faggots to fuck.
I live in Canada and I mostly attract
-bisexual liberal indians who don't mind that i'm skinny and camp
-asian girls who do drugs or are batshit insane
-gay dudes
i don't mind, wish gays would leave me alone though, fucking degenerates
Stop being a cringy faggot and kys
Sincerely' a fellow east asian
They girls is on black dicks
You mean a woman is getting paid to be fucked by one for a porno. Go to any East Asian country like China, Japan, or south Korea and ask them what kind of foreigner they would date. It's always a white guy. Never black. Nice try tho
Why are you calling gays degenerate when you're gay, sissy faggot black boi?
we were pulling the strings all along, merely pretending to be retarded and making the white man work for us.
Asian women are paid more to fuck niggers than they are animals over there
What kind of Asian are you, user? And were you raised in western civilization? If so, you're not a product of Asian society either, therefore, not a true East Asian.
look at this dood pretending that he actually gives a shit about society
Reminder that, regardless of race, if you're a bot, you a virgin, therefore you don't actually benefit from any sexual advantage your race has.
Based sissy black boi being a stay-at-home fucktoy for his massah, hole ready whenever he wants it
>raised in a traditional household which still practices Confucianism
>literally have a shrine in my house
>filial pious as shit
>hurr durr if you no born in East Asian country you not product of Asian society
>hurr durr born in a western country but muh traditional household
You're basically a nigger. Youll never be like your superior Chinese-native brothers. Kys
there was some pretty good banter at the start of this thread
>be mainlander native
>delude oneself into thinking you're only Asian if you're born in Asia
Yeah no, mainlander culture is fucking trash. And Mandarin has been corrupted by the Mongol and Manchu languages. At least I speak a dialect that was the least affected.
>ching chong u no eat dog rike us u no true chinaman hawhawhaw
Fuck off chink leave him alone. He's one of us now. We're gonna help him fuck your FoB whores.