What keeps you going? What does giving up mean?
Also, faggots under at least 28 are not allowed to have an opinion since you know shit about life. You think you do, but you don't.
30+ only
My dog and family. Otherwise I've become really jaded, nights are the worst.
Bump for the aged. 81 here. Don't know what to say really.
Cheers my fellow '81er. How's life treating you? You at good health?
Define family. Your relatives or family of your own? I guess the first one. Doggos all the way, user, fuck cats! Cats = women.
hey lad, where you from? healths pretty good tbqh, except I started lifting weights again and my back muscles are tight as fuck. Got a massage yesterday, another one due for next week. Been doing yoga every morning to try and loosen up. Went for a bodyboard today, fucking wonderful. It's winter here in Australia so it's less crowded. Going to go again tomorrow. How's your health?
Looking forward to a complete breakdown of society is what keeps me going. The idea of everything going to shit gives me just the slightest glimmer of hope. I want to see it all burn, I don't care if I get swept up in the carnage. Giving up is acceptance and continuity of this same status quo. Or sucking off a 12 guage.
Rural Sweden here, we're having a scorching summer right now, had very little rain lately so it's very dry with the odd forest fire here and there. Sorry about the delay, just slept an hour, been up all night making a 130 sqm concrete floor, sort of getting too old for shit like that kek, got some more chores coming up in a bit but it's gotten too warm to sleep now anyway so it's ok. Health is ok, altho I'm starting to catch some rheumatism or artrithis or something, dad has the latter so just figures I'd get it too, joints are stiff and achy as fug.
Massage and yoga sounds like bliss, didn't even know what bodyboard was, do you live anywhere near the sea? I hear Australia has some pretty good spots for surfing and diving.
Also remember and old classmate of mine going down there a couple of times, looking for gold with a detector for a few months. Is it safe from bugs in the winters btw?
>Rural Sweden, been up all night making a 130 sqm concrete floor, got some more chores coming up in a bit
Do you live on a farm? What's the floor for? Fuck I'm useless with my hands. I work in a warehouse as a storeman.
>I'm starting to catch some rheumatism or artrithis
That sucks. I've got bad shoulders, partial tear in my suprispinatus. Not too bad atm, i think it's mostly just age probably
>Massage and yoga sounds like bliss, didn't even know what bodyboard was, do you live anywhere near the sea?
Well, it was a deep tissue massage for some really fucked muscles, so it was anything but bliss. it was pretty traumatic actually lol. ten minutes of yoga has been good for me. It helps with anxiety too. I'm thinking about making a thread to recommend it to other bots. I'm about 45 minutes drive from the beach. Close enough but I'd liker to be closer. Closer you get to the beach the higher the rent though
> Is it safe from bugs in the winters btw?
I'm more concerned about snakes. There was a brown snake skin hanging in the tree above my washing line; I'm always careful where I put my feet when I go outside. The eastern brown is extremely deadly.
Do you have a wife, gf or friends? I'm alone and it gets me down sometimes.
44. Man. Straight. Thom Yorke keeps me going.