
/drugfeels/ thread

Don't ban yourself at least I actually enjoy you posting here h user. Last thread died, hoping to bring it back but who knows.

Had a nice stoned drive out in the country earlier tonight, every time it's like a new journey. Lotsa deer out but watching the crimson moon set was cool

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Also @ h user I thought you were a lot older than 20. Holy shit, like I'm 20 you're living in a whole different world if you're doing heroin at my age. We grew up to the same music, TV shows, events,and yet we end up in such different lives it's crazy. If it feels to you you're trapped to your bedroom and avoiding family (you live in parents' house right?) maybe it's time to get a new place on your own and start making relationships w your co-workers. It tends to work out for your social health too and in other ways you don't think of. I tend to be very blunt-sarcastic so to say and those who appreciate or laugh along w my sense of humor I find are much more likely to develop a companionship/friendship with.

To be 20 again...
I'm 26 and I can't believe H user is only 20. Man at least wait til you're 30 to start H to the point of death. Dying in your 20's is just hard to watch.

Drug virgin here.
Only had a puff of a joint before.

Got a girlfriend who had experience with quite a bit of different drugs before.
Might be able to try MDMA with her.

Problem is, that she mostly did it with a friend of hers, who's still a coke addict and always got the stuff (she knows people who could get it her durectly, but the idea serms to be stressing her out, since she has left those people behind). She liked the idea of me being interested, but she expects that we would do them at her place.

Don't like the idea, because I'd like to touch, kiss, fuck my gf while on it, which means we had to be alone. Also they both had two threesomes together while on a drug cocktail with her friends bf.
Not sure how risky this is of repeating itself if you "just" do Molly, but I'd rather not risk it.

Any stuff you can try that has no risk of turning the situation into a threesome?

DXM is pretty good. Buy some robocoughs from Amazonn or Ebay and have everyone just drink 1 bottle. it's the size of a 5 hour energy and taste great and is safe at the dose of 450mg which is the small bottle.

you guys will be listing to music and feeling fucking amazing and shit you won't even wanna come out of it. It lasts 5-6 hours. Make sure you're in a bed or something.

My favorite drug. Don't hate on it because it's legal, the guys who made robo cough are gonna get it banned soon because it's obvious they made it to get high on.

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Oh I forgot, also your dick won't work while you're on DXM so no way you can fuck.

Been smoking weed for few months and considering getting a vape (for stealth reason + ability to eat vaped weed), any budget recommendations?

Also to those of you hear who smoke in a bong, do you prefer smoking large bowls over a length of time or pulling a small bowl in one hit?

Worth bothering with if legality isn't an issue?

Just popped 3.5mg of xans. Gonna cop some roofies later so I'm hype. Happy tripping yall

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i know of a couple that didn't make it out their teens and knowing what they were like before it all makes it just that much worse. I've only seen how h user has progressed from his first ever high to where he is today

The best for me was when I smoked joints instead of my fake cigarette looking pipe. I would just let the joint sit in the ash tray ready to be continued and there were always a couple in there. What a life it is to smoke indoors

It has to be legal or they'd have to use codeine over the counter instead. They used to put tylonal and stuff in with it so you couldn't get the sweet dxm. But robo cough came and saved the day. Trust Me you guys are gonna love robotripping.

Just have everyone drink a whole bottle and you guys will love it.

Dick don't work on mdma either. You can get hard but it's literally impossible to bust a nut.

Man I wish robocough shipped to my country. I've tried DXM before and it was just similar to being drunk for me. I don't understand the craze

I want to prove you wrong so bad but I also don't want to do MDMA

Lmao I'm robotripping right now

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You have to get a correct dose.
They literally protected it with 450mg a bottle. I've done it 5 times and had the same trip every time. It's amazing. They really know what they're doing.

No, I mean is it worth bothering with, if you can easily get real drugs.

Don't care, if I can fuck her real good, that's enough for me.

I've had morphine, dilaudid, Vicodin, Xanax and MDMA and I think DXM is better than all them high wise.

You won't be disappointed.

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You can't prove me wrong. I've tried it on several occasions. Why don't you want to do mdma?

>check r9k
>be completely broke from internet bills and other normie rubbish
>find thread and crave drugs instantly

goddamn you r9k, you reminded me of why normiehood is so shit

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Tried weed with normies last night. Literally nothing happened. I am sure everyone who's high is just pretending because it's expected from them. Seriously, I've smoked just as much as they did and I didn't feel any different than after smoking a cigarette.

Op im the heroin guy from the last thread. Fairly sure i had a minor or moderate overdose. Idk wether i have any brain damage or anything. I feel fucking retarded and its imlossible to type well but a lot od that is cause i havent sleept in a loong time and im still intoxicated. Iirc 90-100mg total heroin, 1.5mg xanax, 15mg melatonin, an antidepressant, 3 benadryls 6 advil 1 xyzal, a bowl of weed. I think thats it. I cant say too much but obvs i cant drive to the hospital and i absolutey cannot have any locals know so i cant use ems or the cops to get to the hospital in the only nearby town. Its so hard ti fund helpful information about ODs online that say more than "call 911"

Banning myself from rkanine is the least of my worries
Im so exhausted and fucked up that im giving up for now. Ant braun damage i may or may not have is over and done with. Idk if they can analyse it bette right now than they could if i go later today or tonight.
Im cleary not a veggie but was there any real damage??
O shit i just realized what i thought was a large pool of drool was actually just water i now remember spilling, thats a good sign. I stll had a lot of the stymptoms of non leathal OD tho. though, depressed brearhung was the most significant of them though
On the bright side i dont think ill be gettint high off dope a while

I cant stay awake amymore, good night, happy tripping, careful and dont end up retarded like me

I'm having the same problem as this user, I've got a Q of good weed and I've smoked like 3 bowls yet I'm not sure I even feel anything

Not in the best state of mind for that comedown folks talk about
first few times might not get you high you'll know nobody's pretending once you get actually high. Try and have fun and not just sit in some depressing room. I knew someone who never left the house and did all his shit right on the same side of the same fucking couch the whole time I knew him
weird trend going on is people using Uber for that exact reason... your family would say it's not worth actually dying for dignity, they'd rather have you here and not actually dead no matter what you think. If you fear immediate death call 911 and say address right off the bat and you need naloxone incase you at some point pass out. If you OD at home you OD at home, recommend even calling from a landline since those are attached to your home address unlike mobile phones. In some states, officers carry it with them in their cars or something like that

15mg melatonin is 30x more melatonin than you should be taking. Take 3mg max if you want to be asleep within an hour. 0.5mg if you want a very natural sleep cycle to occur, take 3.5hrs before anticipated bedtime.

just because you get high off of it doesn't mean it's good weed. Good weed is weed you take 1 hit off of and you just know what you have coming for you

Pic1/2 of my smoking spot. It's a staircase exit I use as a balcony. Only a 10 foot walk from my bed so no real reason to smell up the inside over such a short distance.

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Pic 2 of view. I enjoy so much having nature in my view; it's so nice to hear the same birds sing in the morning and not to mention see how weird shit looks on psychadelics. It's all boring when scenery is nothing but straight lines symmetry and the like

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Here's where I get high. I like to watch my Chinese cartoons while fucked up on DXM.

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My setup, leftie here. Looks like this all the time besides the grinders and yes my bed doubles up as the pc chair, hopefully I can get a back support that doesn't fall over and I can sink into

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I went for a three hour walk last night with my new portable vape and some very potent weed. A couple of hits were enough to completely fuck up my short term memory and give me intense psychedelic effects, almost like LSD. At one point, I felt like the whole world was just a projection on a screen that I was walking in place in front of. People don't give weed enough credit.

its so weird dude sometimes I'd be walking around but it feels like I'm in a movie. Sometmies i even fucking feel like objects which is the stupidest sounding thing ever. "Damn dude i feel like a blueberry if it were a shake"

but i also ask the dumbest pothead questions ever "do you think religious stoners pray before they smoke?" lmao

I'm a leftie too but I learned to use a mouse right handed.

So where do you even buy this robocough and what does it do to you?

anyone know what legal high I can get in thailand

It's on Amazon and it supposedly gives you auditory hallucinations. Not sure if I'll try because I still live with family but it looks to be a safe bet for entry level and experienced users.

Auditory hallucinations? I've done acid and shrooms enough but I'm not sure that's what I'm looking for.

Not just that. It makes you feel really good too like an opioid. It's an amazing ride. And you will feel amazing the whole time. Just be in a room on a bed or something and don't try to walk unless you really have to go to the bathroom because it's hard as fuck to walk when it hits.

It's more like bumping ket than just auditory hallucinations.
disassociation, closed eye visuals and the like

Never done K or a dissociative.

Is it really mental like shrooms/acid are?

I like the sound of an opioid chill mixed with a trip

It's not really like LSD, acid or shrooms. DXM is a whole other monster.

Is there chances for a "bad trip" like hallucinogens?

I just found a listing on ebay that shipped to me regardless.
Same goes for melatonin,whch is fucking prescription only here for some reason.

Never had a bad trip.

Drinked 1 bottle of robo cough and let my buddy drink the 2nd bottle because it comes in 2 when you buy on Amazon. One bottle 450mg is perfect amount.
The company totally did this to get people high.

We had a blast that night. I've done it 5 times. Always drink just 1 bottle and wait a week before doing it again. If you do it everyday you could get psychosis and be crazy for a few days.

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Nice man. Tell me how the trip is. I'll always be in these threads. I want everyone to know the joy of robo cough.

Before the government bans it.

I ended up having a pretty insane day yesterday, I smoked a wood with some gangstas in a trap house. Bought a 90 bag and packaged the shit up. They started playing 69 and waving guns and shit. Some real shit man


Drug virgin here. Is it worth looking for shrooms in some pine forest or should I not even try. I have no connections and I don't want to make any. There the only drug I would take cause they don't fuck your brain n shit up. Is it worth it?

grow kit would be easier but depending if the mushrooms are around where you live it's probably worth looking around. I wouldn't have a clue where to begin looking tho

Melatonin sucks. I have bad insomnia and it just makes me sleepy but still not able to sleep. It's awful. I finally got the doctor to prescribe be lunesta which is as good as Ambien. Sleep like a baby now.

robo cough shills in my thread huh guess i cant stop you

It was ok. I got the itch, I listened to some music, and then I started watching some TNG on cytube.
Being high makes you really appreciate the subtle sound design in star trek. That episode with sarek losing his mind is killer.
Then I watched a classic, Sanatorium pod Klepsydra. It's an experience.

I use it less as an on-demand sleep and more to fix sleep schedules. It makes me drowsy, and allows me to fall asleep more easily when I use it. It wont counteract stimulants, so it you drink energy drinks or tea before bed, you're still fucked.

Grow kit? You mean they sell the spores?

>Shrooms don't fuck up your brain

Man I hate this disinfo. I'm not trying to scare people away, but I had a 7 month long manic/anxious/depressive episode brought on/out by shrooms. I have tripped on acid since then but I waited 4-5 years until I even thought about it.

I understand it doesn't happen to everyone, but there are chances. If you have mental issues or a family history of them you should stay away or be very careful.

That being said the trip can be very worth it and rewarding. I'd start with a lower dose and see how you react to them before moving up. Everyone likes to say "start with 3.5g man you'll be fine" but even that can be very intense.

I admit I am a shill. But I swear I don't work for robo cough. I just had really amazing highs on this stuff and I'm wanting everyone else to enjoy it too.

It's like finding the cure for cancer and you just wanna tell everyone before the government shuts you down and takes it away.

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Thanks man i don't plan on doing any more than 1g first. The only problem is an addiction problem on one side (opioid use for generations) and I have lil social anxiety (dont we all). Cheers man and I hope life is doing well.

something very close to it right off amazon i think, youtube it

good night/day anons op signing off at 7am central time...talk w yall later

1-2g's is usually good for a first trip.
As for addiction, the only way to.get carried away with hallucinogens is because they can be so much fun, but you'll probably have enough sense not to do that. Even while tripping you realize it's not something meant to be done all the time.

Try acid at some point too if you can, it's very similar, yet different from shrooms in a way that's hard to explain. Two sides to the same coin almost. That's probably a little less risky to order off the darkweb too. Just get a testing kit so you know what you actually got(they're really cheap) There's shit they pass off as acid that can kill ya.

Why take benzos for recreational fun? Because firsly you'll just black out and not remember any of it. Secondly you might embarrass yourself or do something really stupid/bad or get into legal troubles. Lastly, benzo addiction and usage is so sneaky, it creeps up on you and before you know it you'll have to start taking it just to handle stress and anxiety and the withdrawal are absolutely horrible and they're longsome.

Why is your desk so clean you syrup abusing piece of human being? Also, don't you know that shit might give you horrible psychiatric disorders later?

I never understood benzos desu.

I didn't notice any immediate effects aside from being slightly sedated then I'd wake up and realized I didn't remember half the night.

I never understood benzo highs either. I tried taking Xanax recreationally. Just makes me sleepy or black out.

Someone tell me about DMT please

Do people generally smoke it or inject it?

Is it obtained as the freebase or a salt?

yes just inject a point of it man

Well it's pretty good if you're anxious

Thanks again. Yeah I'm going to college next year hopefully and I'll probs start from there if nothing else.

Because I use DXM responsibly.

Only go yup 450mg and wait 1 or 2 weeks to do it again. Once the high is gone you just go Back to life.

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Nigga why do you have a shell full of candy in glass containers?

I've committed some serious crimes on benzos and only remember glimpse of it but it was fun to be honest

You fumbled up limpdicks can't even keep a thread up, just give up like the giving up failures you are

About to take an extreme dose of 30mg of adderall xr, 2mg of xanax, and smoke a bunch of weed what should I expect.

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I'm going to stop smoking/vaping bud and switch to edibles only, I'm tired of coughing my lungs out.
I like weed tea, works well and easy to prepare on the go.

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>Thread started at 5am EST
>It's now 9am

What more do you want?

Speedballing your balls off.

anyone from london here? looking to get some pot

I started collection the most sour candy across the world from Amazon and got containers for them. I'm weird like that.

I'm visiting my mom for the summer, her bf is there with his brother who's staying over for a bit because he's getting a divorce or some shit
I brought a big stash of weed that I've been smoking all day everyday in the room right next to his and I just learned he's a cop

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Am I being trolled

Is the freebase even soluble enough to inject?

Good for you. I got a double lung transplant and I'm telling you please take care of you're lungs.

It was a birth defect, I never really smoked anything.

Everything about what you just said makes me feel sorry for you user. And it kinda confuses me why you posted a smug/high pepe with that post? Because there's nothing to feel smug about in a situation like that.

Landon is a bretty big place there buddy, and it's bretty hard also filled with lots of hard cunts.

Oi, you got a loicense for that pawt?

>tfw I've been sober for eight months and it all still gnaws at me like a dog on a bone

Do what you can to quit now, lads, and never look back.

Anybody here has a bf/gf and tell about drug experiences you had together.

Not a bf/gf but I can tell you about the first time my roommate and I did shrooms together if you're interested

Sure, I'm interested.
Go ahead.

Xanax and meth
The criminal cocktail

This was about eight months ago, so bear with me

>roommate and I are playing vidya, drinking whiskey and coke
>we start talking about weed
>he can't smoke because he's active duty
>lol sucks for him, I already did my time
>he asks what I think about psychedelics
>I tell him I'm down
>he runs to his room and comes out with a baggie of shrooms
>we both chow down on about 4 grams a piece
>an awful idea for first-timers who have been drinking
>I put on Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" album
>he starts having a good ol' time, seeing lights and shit
>I'm full-fledged paranoia for an hour but can't fidget with my phone to do anything
>eventually some sort of dam breaks and I start crying really hard
>this lasts for about two hours
>roommate tells me all about his extended family, how close he was with his grandma, etc.
>the effects wear off but I'm still wide awake
>don't sleep until eight the next morning (took the shrooms at 10 the previous night)

Anyway, nothing too crazy or eventful but if I could do it again, I'd have a sober third party there to make sure I was alright

I smoked weed the other day for the first time. I smoked a dime of marijuana while visiting one of those crazy cat lady people that wants me to fuck her. She let me smoke her stuff for free while she came onto me. I profusely denied her and told her I wasn't interested but she's a bit loopy and she told me was just lonely and liked having me around so I thought fuck it, I'll just do it. You know, she's a nice lady, but she reminds me of my mother. I tried giving her money for the weed because I felt bad like I was taking advantage of her but she waved me off. I've been an alcoholic for several years, and this drug shit is obviously better. I was laughing my ass off the second I finished that shit. It was like I was transported to some other dimension free of pain. It felt like home. It was lovely, like I was sleeping under a swimming pool watching life unfold in this beautiful fashion that could only be described as a dream. You know what, though? I'm glad I'm a piss-poor motherfucker. If I wasn't so poor, this drug shit would be eating me alive right now. I'll stick with alcohol, because I know if it gets any worse I'll kill myself. I even want to quit alcohol you know, I'm vomiting up blood recently. I feel terrible. I might have cirrhosis. My vices are already ruining my life. I lay awake at night unable to sleep. When the pain becomes too much I break and I feel nothing except the drink. If I picked up on the drugs I'd be even more fucked up.. I can't decide whether I want to be a homeless bum fucked up on every drug in the world or a sober man with a respectable life. It's hectic. I can only fathom suicide most days.

I just had a very unsuspected speed fuled fuck session with a girl that lasted about 8 hours.

I didn't excpect that.
it was pure degeneracy.
I'm dead now.

Tell me about your life, m8. I'm interested to know what has led you to this point

Why the fuck would you ever do meth?

Why do you feel that way exactly? I'm having a pretty good time. Though I'd prefer to be back at my own place.

I'd really like to try Molly with either my gf or some friends.

They make me feel extremely relaxed and aloof. I have no cares in the world right now. It's very pleasant with no down side.


Psychedelics affect everyone differently. Definitely have a "sitter" for the occasion

That's not shrooms fucking you up, that's just you having a mental condition.

Gonna take LSD for a he first time, but I will be alone. Is this a bad idea?

Youre doing dxm wrong if you have lights on. Turn all the lights out. Pitch black darkness. You will have the most realistic hallucinations ever. 100% convinced youre somewhere else. Last night i did it in the bathroom and I was in a tiki bar in hawaii.

Doing this, the visuals are stronger than even lsd and just about as immersive as dmt (although more realistic and less profound and impossible)

if its a low dose you'll be fine as long as you don't have any mental conditions
your pretty lucid while tripping bellow like 300ug