dripping with sweat right now thinking about how its literally over for me.
>24 years old
>no career path
>no degree
>fucked up mentally beyond repair
I'm srs boys I wanted to travel and see the world before emigrating to the USA and settling down in oregon with a big booty wife. Now this is obviously never gonna happen because i will never have enough money and I cant make enough money without any degree because I'm a 4/10 with no social skills or life experience.
even if i did find a way to make enough money it wouldn't matter because all my years of loneliness have made it impossible for me to relate with anyone
I'm just gonna waste the rest of my life working as a shelf stacker in a supermarket until I finally get enough balls to kill myself and there is nothing i can do about it.
on a side note:
god damn those years 18-24 went by so fucking quickly
if you are 18 and just spending all your free time drinking, jerking off and watching anime just remember that you will regret that shit bitterly once you reach 22
and you will get there a lot quicker than you expect.