Ticks are everywhere

You feel a tickle in your ear, that is a tick on your eardrum.

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Itchy sensation in your eye? Definitely a tick.

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You know that slight gurgle you just felt in your stomach?


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I'm getting fucking spooked.
I find being scared exhilarating

No way they have that much room.

Satan is real.
He's behind you.

Ticks are cool.

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As if I wasn't paranoid enough about ticks.
Thanks anons.

You can't be paranoid enough.

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little eight legged parasite nigger is about to die very painful fully. Seriously fuck parasitic animals, especially nematodes.

Glad I never leave home so I'm at no risk of encountering fucking insects

If you think ticks are bad, check out "Chiggers"

You were warned

Nematodes are people too.

I get my ears cleaned by doctors every 6 months. They've never found any living creatures.

>fall sleep in grass
>skin itches so bad i lay on the concrete and skin my back trying to scratch it
>mom comes home and tells me medicine exists
never again will i sleep outside

Aren't those the things that leach off the welfare systems of successful societies?

You still have holes, that are open to any critter.

Nah, those are niggers.
Chiggers are almost as annoying.

Spics are everywhere

Holy fucking shit if I could genocide a creature off this plane of existance it would without a doubt be these parasitic expired egg and steak salads. I feel nothing but fury towards those bottomfeeding insectlets.
They're relatives of ticks so they get the bullet too. Hell of a lot more ticks in the Mid Atlantic though.

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Reminder that ticks can make you permanently allergic to meat.

doesn't seem that bad

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Why didn't anyone help me?

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Tick caviar looks delicious.

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>tickle on eardrum
haha you have no idea what you're talking about
any stimulation to your eardrum doesn't "tickle" it hurts like heck

This ones for you pupper

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Stimulation? This tick probably weights fraction of a milligram. You probably won't feel much before it starts to feed.

if you go your whole life without noticing it then it's probably not much of a problem

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buddy, you have no idea how sensitive your eardrum is

If you live in some burned out wasteland, probably.

First you have to go to places to get ticks. To get one in ear, you need to either lay in grass or travel so long that little bug has several days to travel up your body to reach your head. It's a rare occassion they travel up so far

Yep, most of them go to your balls.


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>living in rural shitholes
This is why I never leave the city

They won't stop, we need to educate people.

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Had a tick in my ear as a kid. My parents spent several hours dousing it with oil before the fucker let go.

>implying that living in a city can save you
ticks live everywhere where grass/bushes grow

Once I had over 50 ticks on me. I wanted to die.

Did you get infected with something?

They can be a great jewelry, if you manage to preserve them in epoxy.

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Ticks are pretty harmless unless they carry an infection

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No, I noticed them right away and they were mostly wood ticks. Most were on my socks so I just took off my socks and burned them.

How the fuck does it even happen? Did you spend the whole day frolicking in the forest?

Probably stumbled upon fresh spawn from tick caviar.

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>Did you spend the whole day frolicking in the forest?
Pretty much. I had to go on a 20 some mile hike through brush. I hated the horseflies more than the ticks to be honest.

I once had a tick lodge itself onto my dick. Traumatized me against parasites for life.

At least someone sucked your dick.

Original tick

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we need to genetically engineer a virus do destroy this fucking literal parasite

One problem: lots of species spread around the whole world.

Man if that happened to me I'd rather just let it have its fill and drop out. Don't want anyone screwing with my eardrum.

I've had them on my nutsack before. The subsequent itching was the worst part.

Ticks only suck your blood for a few days and then they drop off when they're full. You'd hardly have to go a lifetime.

Mosquitos and flies present a much bigger danger to mankind, why not start with them? Also
>creating a potent virus just to get rid of some bug who innocently wants to succ for a bit
What can possibly go wrong there

Nah, mosquitoes and biting flies first. Ticks are nowhere near as bad or annoying as they are.

Ever been in a deer fly infested area? They circle around your head and only bite your face. And they will follow you for miles.

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Are you actually that stupid?

And they get stuck in your hair by hundreds.

No, I got a tiny camera and checked. My eustachian tubes are often inflamed from the noise here. I can't even use headphones without earplugs because they resonate so loud. I really need to move.

>going outside ever
This was your first mistake

Ever run from one and look back to see it chasing you?

>spend an hour making myself a delicious meal while a movie downloads for a comfy evening
>come back after washing my hands
>one of these cunts is sitting right there on my place
>have to dump the whole thing

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Seriously? What camera?

You're a spoiled little shit.

>not capturing it and torturing it slowly as revenge

These fuckers are annoying but their larger cousins are literal spawns of satan. Feels 10x worse than a regular deer fly.

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