I give up, anons. I have been completely and utterly humiliated for the last time. I quit. This life is a fucking joke

I give up, anons. I have been completely and utterly humiliated for the last time. I quit. This life is a fucking joke.

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Things will eventually get better

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What originally happened originally user
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tell us what happened at least, im here man

Me too man. Nearly all fucking people that know me learned about it.
I give up on women for the next year at least

A female coworker beat me at arm wrestling. And it's not like she was one of those huge muscle wheyfu girls or something. She's just some normal Stacy.
I'm a skinny lanklet with twig arms and I get no respect.

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Go the gym and eat more instead of crying about it, or don't and remain the same.

Better yourself and stop pitying yourself

That's what I was trying to do before this happened. I've been lifting and eating lots of protein. But now after this embarrassment I've lost all motivation. My drive to get stronger is gone. I just want to run away and hide from the world forever.
How can I go back to work next week and show my face when they all know that I got beaten at arm wrestling by a fucking girl. This is beyond humiliating. My ego has been torn down to fucking nothing.

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who really gives a fuck just take it on the chin and move on

you're a fucking child OP if you're going to tell us that you're killing yourself because you got beat at arm wrestling by a girl

please tell me this is not the real reason

Everybody at work now knows that I'm weaker than a fucking girl. How do you recover from that? Even if I do finally get stronger there is no changing what happened.

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Maybe you're not so good at arm wrestling for now? But is there anything you're good at and that you enjoy doing?

You're gonna have to become a woman and suck all their dicks better than your bitch coworker. That'll show her

I really doubt they care that much. They might bring it up like once.

no, they know now that he's basically a bitch
there's no recovering from that

I know that feel. When I was in middle school the girls beat me at arm wrestling too.

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At least you were just a kid at an age when nothing really mattered. I'm an adult.
I'm done for, bros. It's over.

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Hold on a minute, anons. I think that bitch tricked me. I'm reading about arm wrestling and it's more about form and technique than actual strength. She made me extend my arm out farther to reach hers. We didn't really have a fair match. I didn't know proper arm wrestling techniques at the time. That fucking bitch jewed me.

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That does it, anons. I'm challenging her to a rematch. I will restore my honor. I'm not going to let some roastie bitch humiliate me like that and get away with it.

wish me luck bros I'm going to teach her a lesson fucking sneaky jew bitch

Arm wrestling is more about strong wrists than actual muscle. Get a pair of hand grippers if it bothers you that much.

Why did you even arm wrestle her?

I don't know user it just came up