Do men really care about how genitals look like?

Do men really care about how genitals look like?
I'm a virgin but like I literally have a roasty pussy ]:

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i unironically prefer roastie looking pussies desu. but id rather not take your virginity. im a little bit past that stage

if you fuck some dude and ask this question hes going to get annoyed. Roastie pussy was originally just a joke to fuck with some girl on Jow Forums who was mad and calling some user a dicklet. it caught on because she got butthurt and started crying

Robots have no idea how vaginas work and will never see one. Doesn't really matter what they think.

post that shit, femanon. we want to see how bad it is

>robots have no idea
Why the fuck are you here This isnt reddit

>Roasties getting toasty
Your cunts are as disgusting as you, sluts

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user eat my roastie pussy lips! they are for your tongue alone! when i see you my oven heats up so much that the ends of my meat flaps begin to burn! Quick dump your yeast inside me and let something grow

Gee, you mean to say YOU can't get laid? Must be a big Chad conspiracy and not your personality.

>dump your yeast inside me and let something grow


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this would be hot if it wasnt a dude larping

probably, it doesn't help that im a big fat neet. But we killed like a solid minute which was fun

I just want someone to hug, cuddle and love but I don't know how to talk to women. I can't even talk to women, I don't even know what a vagoo really looks like, I don't care, I just want someone to love but I'm a failure.

>we killed like a solid minute which was fun
checkinem. indeed it was fun

>, I don't even know what a vagoo really looks like,
anybody have that pic of the vag molds?

I prefer not to look at them up close personally, but I'm sure some people are very particular with vaginal aesthetics, just not me
I'm a filthy limerance faggot anyway

I don't watch 3d porn but in hentai i much rather a clean looking pussy

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Just having an outtie, or full on hanging curtains? The second could be trouble not just for looks, that shit gets in the way.

For the first, honestly I think most guys do not give a singular shit, or find it interesting and want to play with them.Then again, meme do have a way of floating into reality sooner or later.
Also unless you are down for sending pussyshots around, he will have his fingers down your pants before noticing it anyway. What bloody fool blows off a girl he got so far with because "Jow Forums told me this is icky"?

>I'm a virgin but like
Yeah, right...

>I literally have a roasty pussy
Yeah, right.

>oh user, roasties are natural.
>oh, I broke my hymen riding a horse
>oh, it didn't hurt the first time we did it because I use tampons
All lies that roasties perpetuate to gaslight innocent gullible men into believe roasties are worth something, can be modest and chaste.
All lies!!

I can post it but its gross looking.
Its not just an outtie.

>that shit gets in the way.
i like playing with them. i like licking, kissing, and sucking on them desu. it might not be all that sensual for the girl, but idgaf.

do it but right the Arby's slogan on the side of it

Don't fall for the roasties temptation robots.

do it then

oh for the love of god please post them. i promise i'll fap to it. see also:

I'm a normie with a gf. I think all pussy is great especially when it's attached to a girl you like. So don't worry about it OP.

Nah, it's just a really shit meme. As long as it isn't torn / mutilated to shit or destroyed from massive dildos then it's good

Men... no

Male robots... yes, absolutely. Wouldn't touch roast beef with a ten foot pole. Pussy must look like anime.

are you a bad enough dude to assassinate THE KONG?

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you dont watch 3d porn. Like me... Wanna be fwiends >?

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Damn girls for never saying that one during a leglock, or at least not to me.
Chances are I would grow a new size-record inside her.

are you a girl desu desu

Its a meme/joke but for most guys they do look unattractive. Only like 1/5 chicks actually have a pretty looking puss, and many virgin guys are the most shocked by how a common/normal pussy looks when they first get laid because every porn ever tries to pretty them up.

"Is it supposed to look like that?" Is a a nearly mandatory question of guys to other guys after they banged their first chick.

post discord please. i like roasties

get out nigger normalfag

Who cares, its not like I'm going to get a gf to love and worship anyways.

i think OP have abandoned us

I would like if i could be above all that, to be a less shallow man, but at the end of the day most vaginas i have seen in amateur porn of irl just look damn disgusting, sorry. If it makes you feel any better women probably find most dicks disgusting as well.

looks like she really PUSSIED OUT this time around

i make fun of them but i really dont care

I feel like my vagene looks okay, its not an adorable puffy hentai-tier pussy but its little and an innie so i don't feel insecure about it.

I have vaginismus tho so it doesn't matter what it looks like, it won't work for a dude

which one does it most closely resemble desu?

found it

Attached: Panel-1.jpg (940x573, 672K)

i can assist you in helping to gape it wider senpai

post your discord cutie please

can i stick it up your bum at least?

Do you think you can handle oral? I can handle eating out vaginismus or trying to widen it if you really wanted but I just want someone to love.
I really like the idea of oral especially of it makes someone happy.

does this mean you can never give birth?

What's the source for this pic?
Image search brings nothing

Yes, but like all things different men like different things and it's rarely a dealbreaker.

>it's rarely a dealbreaker
>What bloody fool blows off a girl he got so far with because "Jow Forums told me this is icky"?

gonna need some sauce on that image, OP

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>I'm a virgin
>I literally have a roasty pussy
I am sure you are honey

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Eh it's not really a question. Some will like them even, majority of guys who like you won't let it change anything. I think generally preference is for an innie, but that doesn't mean they all expect it. Either way not worth worrying about.

- owner of pink medium roast.

Yes we do. Genitals in themselves are quite ugly things, but if it's attached to someone you care about then they are great obviously. This is why nobody really likes dick pics from random dudes

When and where? Soon please, I don't have much time on this earth.

Answer that for yourself, op desu.

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mine is 3rd row down, furthest left. It makes me feel literally disgusting

That's pretty unsettling, not gonna lie.

I've had pussies like this, I just mentally block the image and make sure to focus on the clit and not stray as to not gag.

yeah, I know it's gross. I want nothing more than surgery, but can't afford it. It's so unfair that some girls get pretty innies and I'm stuck with this monstrosity.

do you shave? having a bush will hide it

I shave once every couple weeks. I dunno, somehow it looks even more disgusting with hair added into the mix.

got discord? chat with me a while and i can make you feel good about those beautiful lips. not even joking.

you should try a super thin landing strip desu

>being worried about this
Let me be completely honest about how male attraction works. You'll hear a lot that we're visual creatures, and a lot of women assume that means you need to be porn-star perfect.
Most of us aren't like that at all. We're the biggest romantics.
Think about porn categories for a moment. Chubby girls, bone-skinny girls, musclebound girls, average girls, mom-bodies, petite bodies, tall bodies, big tits, small tits, flat tits, pointy tits, cowtits, perky tits, saggy tits, shaved pussies, hairy pussies, horsepussies, innies, outies, big clits, big asses, fat asses, little asses, toned asses, mom asses, teen asses, red hair, black hair, blonde hair, brown hair, dyed hair, ponytails, pigtails, short hair, shaved heads, long hair, curly hair, black skin, brown skin, yellow skin, white skin, pale skin, tanned skin, freckled skin, butterfaces, nerdy faces, the entire genre of amateur porn and looking for average and realistic-looking girls to get off to.
Also, guys like your flaws when they love you. When I Iove a girl, I love everything about her. I like the way her nose is too pointy or the way it's too round and piggish, I like every little freckle and mole she has, I like the way light gets scattered by the tiny hairs on her arms and her face, I like her smile even if it's missing a tooth or it's snaggletoothed or it's goofy because it's her and she's smiling, I like her BO, I like the smell of coffee or cigarettes on her morning mouth, I like every little asymmetry that's hers because I appreciate her as a I like all of it. And if she has a roasty or a horsepussy or big, puffy flaps or whatever, I like those, too, and I want to slip my dick into them.
Obviously this doesn't mean that you can be fucking hideous and slovenly and expect my standards to be that low, but the point is men like a really diverse spectrum of stuff.
No man on Earth is going to have his dick out and think twice because you have flaps.

>t. male feminist proud cuck proud pansexual proud communist genderqueer panromantic.

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This certainly made me smile. not op tho. Just thought I'd say. I'm the same with guys. That is literally what it is to love someone. Their imperfections are part of them.

Nobody meaningful cares how it looks.

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Yeah women can say that dicks look gross or icky, but when a man expresses preference or aversion, then he is not meaningful.

Checks out, cuck.

A a vagina for fucks sake. I doubt you have any to chose from anyway.

>Their imperfections are part of them.
beautifully said

you couldn't be more obvious roastie

wrong. im just a dude who knows what he likes and isnt afraid to say it


I have probably encountered most of the types shown here Ease up on the projections.


has any guy seen it irl?

C sections

nice one

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but if she cant handle a cock inside her, what difference does it make?

Only 4 people want to see it? :/

If you post it you're a slut.

make that five :> pls post

I bet if I ever saw a pussy irl, I would be happy to be getting pussy, doesn't matter what it looks like.

ignore this user you will be the highlight of our day if you post them

I can talk to you about how to improve ur chances if you leave ur info, I've been thanked for my pointers in the past :3

and exactly who are you?

Someone who's looking for someone to talk to and distract me from thinking about posting what all these guys want me to.

>t. larping faggot trying to be subtle

okay fine
help me pls

>ima grill by the way OwO

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it is physically impossible to be a roastie if you're a virgin

t.roastie who loves feeling good about herself by being a virtue signalling whore.

>encouraging whoredom

I seriously hope you robots don't do this.

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Whores are for all. Why would you not want to share with your brethren?

Hahaha I got you to post it in 2 seperate threads you sad bastard, get fucked with thirsty discordfag

Fucking kek.I liked the way he ran.

chad(lite) here

when it comes to random hookups, im picky about pussy. i dont want to eat anything that looks like it was served for 6.99 at arby's, and i only might stick my dick in if im more than a few shots in.

if its a girl i'm in a long term relationship, though, then it doesnt matter. pussy could look like hp lovecraft couldnt describe it and id still ravage it because its attached to a girl i care about.

later, virgins

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Anyone remember Jessi Slaughter? Her's was supposed to be young and pristine but the flaps were huge. Guess it is just genetics. Unfortunate genetics.

>Ywn eat perfect pussy on a one night stand