Im speed running life right now

Im speed running life right now
took out
and now im comin for you mantras

Attached: king nigga.png (1024x1024, 1.09M)

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Picard already BTFO Mantras a long time ago.
Now stop posting KingBlackChad.

*puts on glasses*
alright fags lets get through this before 27

Attached: king nigga.png (612x612, 326K)

can u go after Toby next
fkin hate that guy

based redguard

mantras is gonna die

I remember this guy one day when I joined a server this guy was spamming about him being handsome and shit and posting pictures like this
Saying he was a 9 out of 10.

Is this king black chad? That dude that was always acting autstic on r9k Omegle ?

any updates fampai? can't wait until these pathetic guys go down.

yeah its me
im no longer king black chad, just michael