Should I study computer science or learn to do art?
I like both, but I am afraid I will starve doing art.
Should I study computer science or learn to do art?
I like both, but I am afraid I will starve doing art.
Study computer science and take art classes
Study computer science and learn art in freetime
Learn computer science in freetime and learn art in freetime
If you don't have something you specifically want to do, go for an associates at a community college.
Don't waste THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS just to get a piece of paper. A focused education is meaningful once you say to yourself "holy shit, I want to learn about AI" or "I am determined to be a nutritionist"
Jumping into college because it's what everyone else is doing is a trap of the highest calibur
>he's an amerilard
I'm sorry your country lacks free education like mine.
Hey, failure that was in the same situation here. Pick something practical with direct job options, and not some theoretical bullshit. If I started over I'd go with electrical engineering. Just... Don't do art. Please.
If it's free then get a PhD in a classical art. Fuck it, dude.
Do art, especially if you are good. CS is a fucking meme and no women in your classes makes it worse. Art is where the babes are
This. Loans are NOT worth it.