Are there any good soft drinks out there you can recommend to me?
Let me know within this thread.
Are there any good soft drinks out there you can recommend to me?
Let me know within this thread.
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Gin Tonic is my favorite Softdrink
stop drinking the carbonation sugar jew
flavourless carbonated water
It's fine I'm a jew
Cheerwine if you can get that in your area
>jew fell for jewish tricks
Best brew
I really like dr pepper but I can't find it anymore in my country.
this laddie reet here
Sold in coles if your from Aus.
Nah, eastern europe.
Look harder, for your own sake.
I would have spent 100 euros on dr pepper if I knew that this will happen
If you're from the south, RC cola is pretty popular thing.
Soda is garbage for you.
But coke is alright. Also a Thai orange soda call Green Spot is amazing, not sure why. Havent found anything like it.
One of the very few good things to ever come out of Scotland.
It was an American drink but now is only popular in Southeast Asia
I really like Barq's Root Beer and any kind of sarsparilla. Home made root beer is always good, because you can adjust to the flavor you want in your brew.
>Boards of Canada
>Gail Porter
>Helen Marnie
>Annie Lennox
>David Byrne
>Primal Scream
>Tunnocks Tea Cakes and Caramel Wafers
>Battered Mars Bars
>Charles Mackintosh
>Grand Theft Auto
Tractor soda is fucking great. Too bad I've only found one restaurant around me that has it and I'm pretty sure they don't sell cans or bottles of it.
I've seen in that in Austin restaurants that try to be quirky like hopdoddy
Drink Coke~
Who here knows about softdrinks? I mean relaly knowsd bout them? They're all laced with their own slow poisons, be it salt of benzine (sodium bezoate) or halogenated vegetable oils (brominated VO) for example. But in Canada, Fanta got called out for having halogenated veg oil in it, and it was removed eventually. But I know Coca Cola would never make a soda pop that was actually neutral to health, so does anyone know what the replacement slow poison is in Canadian Fanta? It'd clearly have to be something not required to be labeled, like perhaps perfluorocarbons does anyone know???
You can probably find it in Kaufland. And if you live in/near Poland you can come to Stokrotka, they have it there.
irn-bru my g, say no more.
that went to shit when they changed the recipe
what do you lads think of irn-bru extra?
Try some Beverly my man. Good shit.
Yeah Poland is close. Thanks
Vanilla Coke master race checking in (original)
tfw dr pepper is my favourite drink but is sold 25 km from where i live
It's also in Carrefour if we talk about poland
Oh yes, Carrefour is my go to place for dr pepper. The price went slightly up recently though.
Gonna help bump a fellow sodafag here. Dunno what's the best but damn American Mtn.Dew is the greatest.
all slavs gonna have to agree with me on this one
Kofola tastes way better than any foreign cokes
flavoured water is super nice desu
other than that though fanta is the best choice
fentimans Cola is also delish
Oh, don't mind me, I'm just true masterrace passing through.
they aren't the same!
>Much of the current concern about the dangers of fructose is focussed on the cornstarch- derived high fructose corn syrup, HFCS. Many studies assume that its composition is nearly all fructose and glucose. However, Wahjudi, et al. (2010) analyzed samples of it before and after hydrolyzing it in acid, to break down other carbohydrates present in it. They found that the carbohydrate content was several times higher than the listed values. "The underestimation of carbohydrate content in beverages may be a contributing factor in the development of obesity in children," and it's especially interesting that so much of it is present in the form of starch-like materials.
> Mows lawn
How can something provide energy with zero calories.
Iron Beer
Vernors is the best ginger ale.
Got this at the mexican supermarket and it's delicious. My favorite soda at the moment. Would recommend.
Also tried Faygo and it tastes like dogshit. Wouldn't recommend.
it uses meme magic, little zoomer
Root beer is nice
Retro Gira best gira.
This fella knows what he's talking about!! What does red kola taste like? Been wanting to try it for a while.
Also Smirnoff Ice while not technically a soft drink is essentially the quality version of 7up/ lilt/ sprite.
of course a 23yr boomer would fuck using tech like this
got a mini fridge yesterday from a garage sale. Too lazy to take a picture but r8 what i have it it.
>2 cans of coke
>12 mautain dews
>ice blue gatoraid
>2 monsters
>half a gallon of milk
>water bottles
what more could you want?
>still drinks the carbonated jew