How many degenerate and wholesome hobbies do you have?

How many degenerate and wholesome hobbies do you have?

General examples of degenerate hobbies
>"I'm a cinephile"
>science without majoring in science (the i fucking love science crowd)
>gym (wasting energy for no reason)

Examples of wholesome hobbies
>physical sports

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Own a 500cc piece of shit.
Been to 40 countries, lived in three.
I get paid to write and do it for fun sometimes, too.
I'm a faggot doctoral candidate researching a faggot topic. Sadly, I enjoy what I do, even though I'll die indebted to the student loan Jew.

You sound like an intolerable faggot.

Thanks, you rotten nigger.

Also my gf is a supermodel and I drive a spaceship

I really can't see what's so unbelievable about somebody going to graduate school and having the money to travel.

>fucking sluts

>collecting antiques

chanposting, netflix
leather working, and i need to add something else to this column desu

Did you get your Merit Badge yet, dear Webelo?

Hmm, I guess.. watching Warrior cat fan videos
-Wholesome would be reading books, I only read Warriors though and certain other books

im not even sure what that joke is supposed to mean desu

>Video games
>Weird 2D porn

>Yoga, running, and swimming
Getting physically fit with functional strength is not degenerate

Do /nightwalks/ count as wholesome hobby? I want to be at least a bit wholesome...

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It's not about having the money but the time. Every PhD student I know and work with dedicates 12 hours per day to their research because while working on their main dissertation research they're also doing like 8 projects at a time.

What about photography? Thats my hobby but i realize its at the intersection of a lack of artistic talent and tech fetishism.

Also fat 30 year old momtographers. Maybe I could find a slampig this way.

I'm 25 years old and I didn't finish my undergraduate studies until last year. My research area pertains to the country I'm currently in, which is India.




must be b8, 3/10

That explains a lot.

I'm in the US and graduate school here requires you to rededicate your entire life to your research in order to obtain your doctorate and find position after uni.

grow up
original concern

well what's the difference? is reading cosmo degenerate? where do you draw the line, you intellectunigger?

I'm from the United States as well. However, I was lucky enough to be admitted into a soft science program with funding. My proposal and research interests are also rather narrow--they necessitate being able to go overseas. Frankly, I would have accepted an admissions offer in Delhi if I hadn't gotten into my preferred program.

I would have gotten virtually no funding, but at least I'd have had the experience I wanted.

>is reading cosmo degenerate?
yes absolutely
and the vast majority of books people read these days are also degenerate. If you're reading Dan Brown or Harry Potter or erotic literature then you're no better than a creepy weirdo reading manga

how convenient that degenerate things happened to be all the things you hate

>comparing dan brown to harry potter
I ask you again, where do you draw the line?

inb4 no response because you know i'll fucking tear u apart kid

if you're getting exercise, i would call it wholesome

i'm getting into bikepacking, but since i'm some lone male i'll probably get eaten by a bear or robbed and killed eventually

not a bad way to go

I am 20 books into the Horus Heresy. Fight me.


>fishing (very rarely)

I think nightwalking counts as a wholesome hobby and I want to start doing those.

OP here

nightwalking is degenerate, daywalking is okay though

>Video games
Not a damn thing

Actually it's the opposite desu

How the f are politics a degenerate hobby?
Where I live we're allowed to vote on new laws brought up by the people or having a referendum on laws made by the government 4 times a year and each time there are about 3 laws to vote about. If anyone being able to vote about the direction his / her country is going and not doing so because of 'muh degenerate hobby, the cool kids don't talk about politics' he / she is the degenerate.
Btw yes I am a Jow Forums because I like politics and not for the Nazi-stuff. Still some sort of robot tho.

Because modern politics are toxic and cancerous beyond reason and those who obsess over it tend to be so themselves. For as bad as the left can be I've met them in equal strength and numbers on the right who spew just as much vitriolic malarkey.

Nah, sorry not sorry, it's degenerate and so are you.

Just look at Jow Forums, it's terribly degenerate.

It depends on what he means by "night walking" as some people mean an evening stroll after dinner and others mean walking at 2am because they have a horrible personal schedule.

Are board games degenerate?

all of them are wholesome in my book:
>learning languages
>weed once a month maybe


what? like buying things?

>being ugly
not degenerate
>being attractive

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>jerking off
>reading about fucked up people

>working out
>making and producing music



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reading isnt any different from your degenerate hobbies

its escapism, its not healthy

Have you fucked any Indian sluts off Tinder?



>join a club user you'll make friends there
is a fucking meme

post your work i wanna see

You hit the nail right on the head.
Originally, of course.

From the list
>degenerate :
Physical sport (I play tennis)

Hell no its absolute cringe tier

Wholesome hobbies:

Degenerate hobbies:
