>i fucked my best friends girlfriend
what the fuck should i do guys he find out that i fucked her girlfriend and he's crying
>i fucked my best friends girlfriend
what the fuck should i do guys he find out that i fucked her girlfriend and he's crying
Fuck you, this is not the right place for your advice.
i regret it i was drunk they broke up because of me
my friend used to say about marrying his girlfriend,i feel like a piece of shit now
Honestly you should. You betrayed you best bud for a piece of ass. I don't care if you were drink or not. Your friend has every right to hate your guts so deal with it.
Green text the events, include the details of how you came to the point of fucking her. Is she hot?
sorry im desperate right now my friend is thinking about killing his self now for what i did its all my fault
yeah you are a piece of shit. you were a piece of shit the moment you put yourself in that situation.
well you're definitely not a robot so advice will be hard to come by, brace yourself for neckbeard vitriol since you've actually gotten laid
Leave, and do not come back.
Literal retard. I feel bad for you but you're a piece of shit. Literally why did you think that was a good idea.
You should kill yourself instead. Fucking piece of trash.
Fuck off failed normie, you are pathetic.I'm better than you even though I'm a real robot.
How were her tits? Did you come inside of her?
fuck off this board you fucking normal piece of shit. post pics of his gf and leave.
Apology accepted. I don't know what you should do, nobody here does probably. go to reddit relationships and ask the normies.
If I had to guess, try to apologize and explain.
this is the part where you expect me to disagree, right?
>be me
>shitty virgin
>hanging out with my buddies girlfriend
>buddy is currently busy at his work thats why he told me to entertain his girlfriend
>i know his girlfriend for almost 2 months they started dating 1 year ago
>were not that close either
>7:30 pm
>he ask me if i drink and i said yes
>after drinking for almost 30 mins
>i find out we have the same hobbies
>i asked if he feels disgusted on me
> she said no
>we both have a great time
>suddenly she fell asleep
>she drunk too much
>carry her to my room (were currently at my house that time )
>call my buddy and asked if when will he come
>he told me that he's currently busy right now and he's going to do overtime cause his boss told him to
>i told her she's freakin drunk and i put her asleep in my room
>he said thanks dude
>called off our calls and goes to my room check if buddies girlfriend is ok
>im quiet drunk too and my memory is fuzzy
>my room is on second floor so i made a lot of noise while wallking
>he woke up to all the noise i did
>i told her im sorry
>she told me she's going to tell me something
and come closer
>i go closer to her
>she put her head near to my ear and whisper how she find me a hot person
>i was speechless since its my first time someome compliment me (besides my mom)
>she started kissing me
>i was drunk i dont know what to do i was just sitting at the edge of the bed
>i started to kiss back and we ended up doing it
>we both pass out after that
>next day
>my friend come to my house
>he sees me with his girlfriend naked in my bed
>his face shows his about to cry
>he immediately close the door and run
>i heard the car engine
>i was still speechless
>tried contacting my bestfriend
>saying it was all mistake and we both drunk
>he told me in the phone that he trusted me that i wont fuck her girlfriend
you should feel like a piece of shit because you ARE a piece of shit. Fucking kill yourself you rotten scumfuck
>still calling my friend right now
>im planning on going to his house but i feel like he's going to beat the shit out of me if he see's me
yes, if he kills himself then it will be your fault, there is nothing you can do to change that, even in death you won't be redeemed.
>asked my buddies girlfriend what should we do and help me ask forgiveness
>she said its ok since she's tired to my buddy and she' s thinking of breaking up with her anyway
my buddy been helping me everytime i need help like lending me money playing vidya games with me and helping me find work
i feel really bad for what i did i dont know if he can stil lforgive me and im hoping he will what should i do
you don't even care thatt he's sad or what you've done to him, you only want him to forgive you, how about you think about him right now and do the right thing and cut yourself out of his life, kill yourself for good measure though it won't change what you have done.
Don't then. Maybe you should just move on and forget about them. If he wasn't even very close friend I might have done the same and not cared much.
>double betrayal
>your buddy
not anymore mate. cut your loses
Does his gf still love him? If she loves him, then its pretty hot to see her fuck other dudes.
Its her fault for fucking you. She is the one who was in a commitment to be faithful to him. You just caved in for some free pussy
This desu, sex having chads are not welcome here
She betrayed her bf, not OP
Only fools blame the other guy and not the girl
He should borrow from the Muslims and just kill his gf and get over it. Killing yourself for some slut is just beta af
My dad always told me: Friends are good for three things: (1) eating your food, (2) stealing your money, and (3) fucking your wife.
How did she look naked, OP?
>Only fools blame the other guy and not the girl
this only applies if the guy isn't purporting himself to be your friend.
>>he told me in the phone that he trusted me that i wont fuck her girlfriend
I dont know why people think they can trust women around other guys
The only piece of shit would be the gf
Both parties are at fault you fucking retard
you piece of shit. i hope you die. but the bitch wouldve ended up cheating anyways but why did you have to make it with his best friend of all fucking people?
what should i do Jow Forums is killing my self is the only way to get out of this mess
he wasn't trusting the woman, if you read the statement he was assuming he'd be able to fuck her if he wanted, he was trusting his buddy not to.
Honestly, it is sort of shitty of you to fuck your friend's girlfriend, but if she didn't fuck you she'd have done it to someone else. Sluts are gonna be sluts.
Kill yourself you worthless fuckhead
Lmao, this fucking meme is real? Uh, I dunno say sorry or something. It's just a girl lol, there's millions of them
8/10 asian chick
Just because you are friends doesnt mean you wont find their gfs and wives hot af
There are def a few friends whose wives I would totally fuck if I were enough of a Chad to do it.
Trusting other men around your wife is just dumb. And any chaste woman would not be comfortable casually hanging around other men
its not about how many girls is its about fucking the wrong girl
i should juststopped with all my might on that night
i dont wanna lost my bestfriend
What did she look like naked, OP? Was she good? Come on! Give us the details!
are you responding to the right post?
OP was his friend, not his bf
He is not a piece of shit, the gf is
He fucked her because pussy is pussy
Its not reasonable to trust a horny guy to turn down sex with a girl who really wants to fuck them
Help your friend honor kill her and help him get away with it
Totally serious.
dude what if he kills me to cause he trusted me that i wont fuck her gf
we've been best friend for almost 10 years
>There are def a few friends whose wives I would totally fuck if I were enough of a Chad to do it.
they might be your friend but you certainly aren't one of theirs, you're a backstabbing little worm who would sell your (((friend))) up the river for a cup of beans, if you're someone's friend then you don't harm them for self-gain.
Let him fuck you to get even.
And allow him to fuck any gf you have in the future
>Its not reasonable to trust a horny guy to turn down sex with a girl who really wants to fuck them
It absolutely is, it's not fucking hard to say no so just be a reasonable human being and fucking say no.
>be was crying
What a beta bitch, no wonder she cucked him.
there is no getting even from that, best thing he can do is just cut both of them out of his life.
starting with the whore.
actually he could pull a Jared, and fuck her gfs; sister/mom/best friend.
but sounds like op's friend doesn't have the mantle for that.
Its her fault
She took advantage of you, of your insecurities, of your sexual desire.
No, if I had a wife, I would totally understand that my friends want to fuck her. Its natural.
Thats why you dont let women socialize freely with men. There is a reason why religious Muslims do what they do with gender segregation
Tell him he gets two free punches to your nuts and hell probably call it even if hes a real bro.
Dont be surprised if after he forgives you he never trusts you again.
OP says he was a virgin. Obviously he was craving for sex, and this was really his only opportunity for it. The gf took advantage of him
b-b-ut i want to regain his trust
You are a complete piece of human garbage dude but so is his girlfriend so atleast hes not dating a non loyal whore anymore. If it wasnt you it would have been somone elese.
He should not trust any man with his gf
>No, if I had a wife, I would totally understand that my friends want to fuck her. Its natural.
there is a difference between wanting to fuck them and fucking them. And of course you would expect it, people normally assume others are just as shitty as themselves on the inside and would do any depraved shit that they themselves would do.
Why the hate for OP?
He did not betray his friend's trust. She did.
>OP says he was a virgin. Obviously he was craving for sex, and this was really his only opportunity for it. The gf took advantage of him
Bullshit, he's normie enough to have sex so he's normie enough to get sex.
Tbh if you humiliated yourself just to prove what you did was a mistake id forgive you.
Idk this guy though its up to him
Shut the fuck up you retarded fucking faggot
>had sex
You're not allowed here anymore. Fuck off and never come back.
If my wife or gf wanted to cheat, she already cheated.
Its not the fact that she is fucking another guy, but that she hates me enough to actually want to fuck another guy.
A chaste women would not be comfortable being alone with another man
>>he told me in the phone that he trusted me that i wont fuck her girlfriend
He specifically broke his trust
Jow Forums is not a nigger friendly board
it's about your friend caring so little for your feelings that they would do that to you just to get some pussy.
He seems like a cyborg/mentalcel. He just lucked out by being hot enough to fuck a taken girl.
I dont know why you dont blame the girl instead of the guy
you're both pieces of shit but atleast you stopped him from marrying a slut
>He seems like a cyborg/mentalcel. He just lucked out by being hot enough to fuck a taken girl.
bullshit, unless this guy is fucking 45 then he's a virgin because he's a pussy ass faggot, a girl willingly slept with him, all he had to do was the exact same set of steps except not with his friend's gf
im going to my friends house to ask for forgiveness r9k
wish me luck if i haven't replied to this board yet then it means i killed myself i feel really guilty for what i did he's my bestfriend and he helped me many times i dont wanna fight her though
see ya space cowboy
Thats a trust that was foolish and unwarranted. Its like trusting a fox to not eat your chickens. Guys want to fuck girls just like foxes want to eat chickens.
The opportunity to have sex with another girl who clearly expressed attraction to you and her desire to fuck you is too great for the vast majority of men to resist
Wrong, she was inebriated.
He probably looked better than he usually does because of that.
hence mentalcel. He was too autistic to get laid regularly, but was hot enough that he lucked out despite being an autismo
>wish me luck
I wish you'll get hit by a car before he has to see your fucking face again
> i killed myself
I fucking hope so
>he's crying
He wants you to fuck him
>she was inebriated
yeh and that's such a once in a blue moon situation, girls never get drunk, he's lucky he didn't get hit by a lightning bolt the odds were so up against him.
step 1: be in the company of a female
step 2: get mutually drunk
step 3: have sex
it's not that fucking complicated, he said he knew her beforehand and i guarantee that this guy has other females within his social circle (friends of friends)
>what the fuck should i do guys
Honestly, Find him a new better girl and then end all contact. This is legitimately the only things you could possibly do to make him not hate you.
I honestly don't see how people bring themselves to do such evil things without at least having a back up plan
>Muh I was drunk meme, it wasn't my fault bro.
People like you should honestly rot, being drunk may distort things a bit, but it doesn't make you into a shitty person. You were a shitty person before you got drunk, and you would have fucked her regardless of if you were drunk or not, if given the same opportunity, and both you and the girl were just using that as an aliby for being shitty people.
but to be fair your so called best friend was dumb enough to let you his male friend be alone with his gf for hours.
>People like you should honestly rot, being drunk may distort things a bit, but it doesn't make you into a shitty person. You were a shitty person before you got drunk, and you would have fucked her regardless of if you were drunk or not, if given the same opportunity, and both you and the girl were just using that as an aliby for being shitty people.
^ this guy knows it
I honestly wished your friend got angry and beat your ass like the piece of shit you are, instead of getting all suicidal.
Honestly truly the only way to make this right is to let him fuck someone close to you of the same calibur. A sister, or a crush. If you get a gf you have to wait a year and then give him a free round with her. That's legit the only way to somewhat make things right again.
>what the fuck should i do guys he find out that i fucked her girlfriend and he's crying
Okay CHAMP here is how you win your best buddy back. You find a girl, you date her for a long period of time, you begin to like girl, then you go to your best buckaroo and you say hey fellar I got this new lady and it would be a real swell time to watch you fuck her mercilessly
You cry just like he cried and the tears wash you both clean
Are normalfags even human? Honest question.
Honest answer:Fuck no
Do you guys think OP got killed by his (former) friend or something?
unironically kys
You are worse than a nigger.
Castrate yourself in atonement.
I really find it hard to believe, why so many people fell in op's trap? Why is this board full of fucking underage people now?
You are a horrible, weak, spineless person. I hope your friends will find this out one day.
Yes, a woman might be a whore, but a man should be better than this. I had one girl suggest sex with her while her bf was out of country.
At that time i didnt have sex for years.
You know what I did?
I fucking walked out.
Because honor is worth more than pussy. Meningless pussy. You disgust me, and I am saying this with zero irony, you are aboslutely disgusting rat.
If you leave your girlfriend alone with a man for hours you deserve to be cheated on.
>here lion I'm going to leave you alone with this juicy steak that may even TRY to make you eat
Use some fuckin common sense even if a lion loves you it's still a lion wants to eat steak
Plenty of great men have been involved with infidelity you should expect some random fuck to do what he's naturally programmed to do so you should not even put them in the position in the first place
t. Someone who has turned down several of my boy's girlfriends
You know the worst part of NOT doing it? She's going to respect you more so she's going to want you more and your friend will notice and start resenting you and you will never be friends to the sane extent again
your worst than a roastie, how can a dickhead like you have friends, you dont deserve them
Is your 'friend' a chad or a cunt? if he isn't cunt then fuck both of you, i hope he executes both of you. also Sage is a fag and should be exiled to reddit
If i were to see someone like you then i would beat the living shit out of you until your lungs fill with blood
You actually saved your bro from marrying a slut dude, good job
Remind him of that fact as often as possible, and eventually, he'll accept that and reunite with you one day
Be a man and let him fight you pussy