Tfw no thicc ebony goddes who makes me worship her ass

>tfw no thicc ebony goddes who makes me worship her ass

Attached: giphy.gif (480x270, 1.95M)

these hoes are not loyal

Attached: 7777777777777.jpg (684x520, 80K)

Black women are the lowest tier possible. If you want a black gf, you are downgrading.

thiccy number two

Attached: giphy (1).gif (480x270, 1.13M)

go to Jow Forums with your racebait

>that facial exspression
Too cute.

How is it cute? Makes me wanna sock her in the jaw.

black women are the only women to ever come talk to me and hit on me at a bar
I'm a 5/10 fat neet

I'm not racist, just describing objective reality. Nobody except thirsty white betas wants black women, not even black men.

can't post another gifs but her name is