/cyborg general/

hoping this won't die with 3 responses edition

A thread for those who are normal enough to function in society and not be able to relate to the actual robots robots (have jobs/occupations and maybe even a few friends) but not normal enough to be able to relate to normies

Share your feels here

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I have 2 friends IRL, but no social skills to anyone else. I have never even talked to a girl properly. feelsbadman.mp3

its the worst situation. we belong nowhere.

Same boat with you there user
The worst part is when you so rarely speak with them you may as well have no friends
In a way we're more robot than robots

I guess I am between what you described and normies

I try to think outside of the box, there's much to be done
But I don't like this reality, it's very restrictive
These days I just think about walking into a large forest armed to the teeth and hoping to find some mythical creature to fight, but I'd just encounter bears or boars

I have 1 friend who I dont talk to often, he might as well be a cyborg though, got me the job too, I'm pretty much a robot outside of work because I spend all my time alone and I put my customer service mask on while I'm at work, I've learn not to let that rub off on me, I'll either figure out a way to become a comfy neet or die in the next war, possibly both.

I'm planning on getting a job that pays more after I pass my driving test and get a car, then I will be closer to moving out, might get a small motorhome so I can get out of town now and then.

I have a few robot friends that I play RPGs with; but beyond that common hobby (and a similar interest in nerdy movies), I can't really relate to them. As for Normals, I'm fortunate enough to have a gf who's a Normal herself but still gets me; so when we're out around normal people, she's kinda like my translator.

Feeling ill lose the few Friends i have rn, really Hope to make some in college but im pretty bad socially , generally Always had 1-3 good Friends but there were years id have no one , also no gf(never had one) but i think its pretty common here

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Aha, cyborgs thinking they are more robot than robots, you will never be on our level.

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>Aha, cyborgs thinking they are more robot than robots, you will never be on our level.
No the user you're replying to, but you're right; and I thank heavens every day that you're right.

My last irl friend is ghosting me
I don't feel anything for some reason

This IS the user you're replying to and you're right
I meant on the "at least robots have each other" thing

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But user, dont cyborgs have each other as well?

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i'm bitter because i fucked up my life and nothing seems to work and i'm a dumb creepy faggot

Yeah but I mean both society and robots reject us

Do we really have each other? I always felt like being a cyborg is like being in a no-man's land with no one to relate to

Well I cant speak for the other robots but I dont mind cyborgs so much at least not online, talking to anyone in real life is mentally taxing, there was also another user who said he plays RPGs with robots so there is another form of co-inhabitants.

But with that robots are rejected by everyone as well are they not, so in that respect we are alike, or any niche group is really.

Am i cyborg if i have good job and my own flat, don't have anxiety, yet i am a khhv with no friends and diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder,

The definition of robot and cyborg depends on the person
Some say you can't be a robot if you aren't a NEET
I'd say having friends, even if online makes you a cyborg as opposed to a robot

My friend I used to often go for a walks with found himself a gf and he ghosted me.I'm disgusted by his behaviour, I would never do that to someone. My two other friends I see like once a year. Since I'm almost 30, I don't expect that anything than can improve the situation and I feel a bit terrified, I don't relate to anyone.
I'm probably perceived as someone attractive and successful and had plenty of opportunities to a get a gf, but I rejected every advance towards me. I don't want to get into relationship now (and never actually wanted), but I feel like the window of opportunity is closing pretty quickly if I ever change my mind.

I think my friends and I are a collection of failed normalfags. That's probably why we get along so well.

I feel as if I am literally God's shitpost. I'm not autistic enough to interact with robots but I'm also too socially inept to interact with normies. Fuck.

Why do you cyborgs even look for a group anyway? Maybe not all of them do but you guys seems to be looking for a tribe of your own, nothing wrong with that I guess I'm just curious.

Diagnosed with Aspergers in 95. Retarded enough that no college will take me (though they're happy to pocket my money and stick me in their special ed program), but not enough to get a disability check.

I make enough money to see an escort every few months. So far not one has been willing to see me a second time.

We want original friends.

Fuck dude, I have aspeergers too, never hired an escort or anything like that, sex isn't something that is needed, got to keep pushing forward and save so I can move out one day, that light at the end of the tunnel.

saying that we are looking for our tribe is quite blunt but essentialy it is true. normals have their cliques failed normans have their cliques women have their cliques. everyone tries to find likeminded people to hang out with. only robots do not because of their nature but i'm prette sure that if robots weren't as autistic as they are they too would seek friends.

>sex isn't something that is needed,
I envy you for that.
I think God played a joke on me by leaving my sex drive intact.

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I just have a job that seems to cater to normie rejects.
The only difference is I escaped society willingly, those fucks must have been pushed away by it.

Fight club good movie

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I still have a normal sex drive but I dont let it rule me, sure if been in dog mode before and beat my self off for weeks but you come to realise that that isn't happiness, through meditation and perhaps music you deeply love you can find peace, off course you need solitude too, this is why I haven't achieved true enlightenment yet, because I still live with my family and they are loud and destructive, but I'm working hard to reach my goal, I have a reason to live, I just hope the world stays intact for me to reach my own peace.