How do men feel about long nails? How about decorated ones? Or just plain manicured? Fake or otherwise

How do men feel about long nails? How about decorated ones? Or just plain manicured? Fake or otherwise.

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Depends on the person. If pic related belonged to a qt3.14 Emo grill with 1080p eyes it'd be okay, but if it belonged to basically anyone else then it'd be undesirable

I think they're gross, make girls hands look like bird feet.

why is it ok for an emo girl

They're impractical as fuck and I don't like them

Natural is best.

Attached: 376727EC-243E-4E59-ADE2-50B9CAA84CF4.jpg (1600x1200, 127K)

Sign of a girl who values her looks over what else she can do. Looks especially idiotic while typing on the phone.

how is she gonna massage my prostate with those claws?

whats wrong with valuing your looks?

Who the fuck gives a shit about nails?