Why does this make "tyrone9inch" butthurt? Why is he so insecure? Is he afraid his ass will be fucked next?

Why does this make "tyrone9inch" butthurt? Why is he so insecure? Is he afraid his ass will be fucked next?

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Tyrone = dumb sissy black boi

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Tyrone aka Shaniqua is little black sissy bitch boi

>Is he afraid his ass will be fucked next?
No he's worried his won't be

>makes trip named after me
>makes threads about me
>ass completely BTFO'd

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White bois going extinct because theyre all sissies

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oh no. 2 million out of hundreds of millions.

What are you even talking about gay boy?

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Lol what's the point of these threads?

He doesn't realize his autism just makes me more popular and gets me more sweet yt wimmin anons looking at my peepee on discord

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