>think about trying to be an artist because those are the only people history remembers who tend to lead lives like mine
>no idea how to do it
Anybody have advice on how to do it? I'd also love to hear about your day / your aspirations / just chat.
Think about trying to be an artist because those are the only people history remembers who tend to lead lives like mine
try expressing yourself / your thoughts in a different, unique way, people love new things. Start off small, no one becomes an artist on the first try. The stage is yours.
draw something
using my one self-bump for the day
Please talk with me
hi i can talk to you
How do I express myself or my thoughts? I'm no good at drawing, I was thinking maybe literature would be decently suited for me. What should I do to start? How do I know if I'm any good?
I drew a shitty megu yesterday and reminded myself why I should never draw.
How are you doing today?
keep trying, i've been drawing manga for a while now and it has improved ever since I started practicing every day.
>how do i know if i'm good?
you don't. people will either love you or hate you. you cannot change that
>How are you doing today?
I'm the same guy, and i'm feeling alright I guess
choose an art
practice it 6-8 hours a day for the next 5 years.
now you're an artist.
ctrl+paint has good art tutorials. You just need photoshop. I've heard paint tool sai is a good substitute for those on a budget.
>keep trying, i've been drawing manga for a while now and it has improved ever since I started practicing every day.
So just keep doing it?
>you don't. people will either love you or hate you. you cannot change that
I guess you're right. Hope I can be a successful one
>I'm the same guy, and i'm feeling alright I guess
That's good. Hope you end up feeling better than alright
>6-8 hours a day for the next 5 years
Shit. That's a lot of time. I don't think I'll be able to do that but I will try to improve anyways.
Thanks for the resources user, I'll look into those.
I'm thinking of starting with poetry, would you guys recommend couplets or iambic pentameter? I'm not good at the other forms of verse yet.