Only friend is female

>only friend is female
>she's a legit 9
>orbit her like mad but know I'll never hit so I try to enjoy the company without thinking about how sexy she is
>yesterday she showed me her nudes

I am literally such a "bro" to her that she showed me her nudes without shame. My dick became so diamonds that I had to walk away. She thought I was mad at her for showing me the pics. I can't even think about her any more without my dick twitching. What the fuck do I do? I have no other friends.

Attached: neun.png (649x437, 128K)

send her a dick pic and see how she reacts


How the fuck is your only friend a 9 year old?

now she think you gay, well done faggot.
you could have fucked her

Tell her you were embarrassed by your erection and had to leave

Orbiting is always a mistake. Might feel good in the moment but it is absolutely the wrong thing to do. For a start, it's setting you up for a fall. Then there's the fact that you're letting this roastie use you for attention and possibly favours.

You're her bitch, mate. Not saying this to be nasty, I've been there myself, but you need to cut her off.

May as well say that you were really turned on by them and that you can't continue on as just friends anymore. You either A) cut her out of your life or B) open the door to sexy talks. You win either way

Op do this or be a beta for the rest of your life.

>showed her nudes
>still friend zoned
what the fuck dude? are you the omega cuck?