
When was your last shower user, and what is your record for longest without one?
>3 weeks ago
>5 months

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the longest i've gone for my whole life without a shower was 2 weeks and I smelled like absolute shit.

>12 hours
>1.5 months

an hour ago
a bit more than a week
how can you even handle your own musk after a week?

I ignore it.

man i thought i was the worst at about 2 months. it's been a couple weeks since my last, two months for the one before that.

4 days
2+ years. Wasn't homeless. Had running water.

How many of you go out like this, or do you only stay home?

Stay at home. Have been home for the last 15+ years with the exception of hospital visits.

but your ass starts to reek of the same smell that hobos have, doesn't it disgust you?

ive gone out after the 2 month mark, but like for midnight caffeine runs and stuff. sometimes medication appointments cuz i figure they've seen the worst of the worst anyway

About 19 hours ago. I can't stand feeling dirty.

Dont you start to get sores when you get too dirty?

Whats so hard about showering? I dont get this shit.

I don't get dirty, i'm in my room all day, and i'm a skelly so not much sweat (I also keep my room cold). If my dick starts to smell then I just put on a new pair of shorts. I also wear really loose clothes which helps.

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no, I ignore it.

i dont, different user but been months without
i dunno, i have difficulty taking care of myself in general. feels like excruciating effort to do anything nice for myself

>4 years
>4 years

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>1 month

Musk is a nice scent

i take one every night / morning. i do kind of miss the smell on taking a pee and smelling bad when i was younger.

>Two days ago
> Three Years
I used to have this belief that I would get sick if I showered cause I thought a layer of filth would protect me from disease.

You sprinkle that dick cheese on your pizza?

I usually only shower every other day anyway, but the most I remember ever doing was six days when I was extremely depressed.

Even then my own stench and filth drove me to take a shower, I couldn't stand it anymore.

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>try to go one entire 24hr day without showering as a guy
>face begins to break out red and form dandruff around my nose or some shit
>BO awful

>meanwhile girls I know can go an entire week without showering

it's not fucking fair

i go months at a time without showering without facial acne, but my back is a fucking nightmare.

if you shower every day, not showering every day is going to have noticeable impact. People who don't shower everyday aren't going to exhibit obvious symptoms, other than perhaps smell.

i legitimately dont think ive gone for longer than 24 hours without a shower in the past 15+ years. i just feel fucking disgusting if i dont shower immediately after waking up. i dont know how you neckbeards do it

stupid fucking faggot nigger penis licking hemorrhoid biting cunt