As a part time wagecuck, should I dive into the Touhou or Fate series first?

As a part time wagecuck, should I dive into the Touhou or Fate series first?

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give me a quick rundown on their respective universes

>As a part time wagecuck, should I dive into the Touhou or Fate series first?
Fate has a more interesting world / plot, especially because it has a lot more actual canon content

Touhou has more exciting content to play, considering all the canon content are bullet hell games

If you want story, fate
If you want gameplay and/or community, then maybe touhou

The touhou community is much, much larger and has a lot more fanmade doujins / music / games / etc

In my personal opinion? Neither, get into rewrite

depends where you start in Fate, anything with Shirou is reprehensible chuuni garbage, he's like those male feminists that treat women with kindness only because they want to fuck all of them, and don't get me started on the superhero fantasies
Then again Type Moon inserts that trope into pretty much every story they manage to get their hands on except maybe Kara no Kyoukai

get into Touhou OP. Fate is a casual franchise now, they sold out to make a shitty cellphone game and butchered the lore and characters

Touhou can be fun if you're in the right mood, the doujin scene is better than the game itself. Just get into Fate first, as a part time wagecuck too I enjoy reading VNs after work, it's relaxing as hell. I wouldn't bother with Touhou unless you are actually a fan of bullet hell games, or if it's just the fanmade content that appeals to you.

if you do pick Fate I'd suggest starting with Zero for the best plotline and the purpose of chronological consistency

How does some one even get started with tohou? At least with fate you can start with the shows/movies and casually get into it. With tohou everything is scattered

read the manga

Start with Touhou Sangetsusei, the fairies manga, split into 4 parts
and then
Silent Sinner in Blue
then you can read the following in any order
Forbidden Scrollery
Wild and Hornet Hermit

touhou has some great doujin music. there's a 1.8Tb torrent out there of just touhou music and i know it's missing a lot of shit.