Fembots, do you prefer cute penises or large ones?
Fembots, do you prefer cute penises or large ones?
I prefer no penis because I'm celibate :^]
Not a grill but same size. Honestly I'm glad I'm cut unless you like the extra skin.
I don't think yours is that cute desu
Also are you pissing outside the tub?
is cute what they call small dicks these days
Awww you recognized me as the tub pisser :) That is touching user
Yeah I took that one at work where obviously there are no tubs to piss in
Small and cute have always had a large overlap just like with babies or shit
do you only like fembots user?
I have a fetish for seeing men piss, post more
How do you get it to stick out flaccid?
I am a failed Chad so I think a fembot would understand me
have any videos?
This is now a tiny cock thread. I'm not huge, but at least I'm 6+ in length. Whew, lad.
I was just blessed with a perky little peepee with great elasticity :3
it's so cute, can i see it hard?
Girls love cute things so of course they like small penises!
I could make some but making webms is annoying I fucking hate that about this board
Cool story bro too bad cock size is a male meme
Here you go :3 I have some pics of me fucking a chunky girl doggystyle too if I can find them. I raw dogged her and creampied her the day we met then she tried to pull a pregnancy scam bc she was a needy fat NEET and getting a dick was the biggest thing to happen to her all summer. Cringey as fuck
You aren't scared she'll actually get pregnant? You creampied her and if that's what she's looking for I hope the odds are in your favour.
Nah she had an IUD I even felt it she was just a desperate idiot who needed to invent a drama to spice up her lame NEET existence
it's bigger than i expected
too big!
:(((( If you will come to Odessa Texas to suck on it I can get drunk enough that I dont get all the way hard so you will suck on it when its still small
i'd love to user but i don't think you'd be interested
I also want a video desu