Fembots, do you prefer cute penises or large ones?

Fembots, do you prefer cute penises or large ones?

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I prefer no penis because I'm celibate :^]

Not a grill but same size. Honestly I'm glad I'm cut unless you like the extra skin.

I don't think yours is that cute desu
Also are you pissing outside the tub?

is cute what they call small dicks these days

Awww you recognized me as the tub pisser :) That is touching user

Yeah I took that one at work where obviously there are no tubs to piss in

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Small and cute have always had a large overlap just like with babies or shit

do you only like fembots user?

I have a fetish for seeing men piss, post more

How do you get it to stick out flaccid?

I am a failed Chad so I think a fembot would understand me

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have any videos?

This is now a tiny cock thread. I'm not huge, but at least I'm 6+ in length. Whew, lad.

I was just blessed with a perky little peepee with great elasticity :3

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it's so cute, can i see it hard?

Girls love cute things so of course they like small penises!

I could make some but making webms is annoying I fucking hate that about this board

Cool story bro too bad cock size is a male meme

Here you go :3 I have some pics of me fucking a chunky girl doggystyle too if I can find them. I raw dogged her and creampied her the day we met then she tried to pull a pregnancy scam bc she was a needy fat NEET and getting a dick was the biggest thing to happen to her all summer. Cringey as fuck

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You aren't scared she'll actually get pregnant? You creampied her and if that's what she's looking for I hope the odds are in your favour.

Nah she had an IUD I even felt it she was just a desperate idiot who needed to invent a drama to spice up her lame NEET existence

it's bigger than i expected
too big!

:(((( If you will come to Odessa Texas to suck on it I can get drunk enough that I dont get all the way hard so you will suck on it when its still small

i'd love to user but i don't think you'd be interested

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I also want a video desu