Have dog that I took care of and raised since birth and loved her

>have dog that I took care of and raised since birth and loved her
>she died tragically but because of her disease
>many years and life experiences later
>have gf
>she is better at vidya than me
>love her and sacrifice unconditionally despite her illness
>years pass
>she is dying of bullshit disease
>cope for years
>ignore .jpg
>hear song
>from album my dog used to get super excited and happy to
fucking lose it
I'm done lads. I could have explained this much better, but i'm fucking sad.

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You deserve it all
Rot in hell

I'm sorry user just enjoy being with her while you can. Ignore the summerfags being mean

its sad what happened to you and i feel for you, but please leave

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wow so cool and edgy and fucking awesome. bet you and all your friends are high fiving and getting your dick sucked by stacy over that one.

Not him but yeah they are wanna suck me too bby?Fuckin captcha do I look like I know the fuck a motocycler is?

The only thing equally as bad as never being happy is having happiness exhausted.

>tfw my doggo of 14 years died yesterday

This must be what it feels like for a mother to lose her first born. I knew he would go sometime soon but I also knew I would never be prepared for it.

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I'm so sad to hear that mate. How are you doing right now?

At least you had someone to lose. I am khv.