Are your parents normies?
Are your parents normies?
Dad was a chad who pumped and dumped my mom
Dad definitely not, but hes pretty unaware that hes an autist, no friends, shut-in etc
My mum has slowly become a shut-in over the years being with my dad for 30+ years in marriage now, she use to be a full on normie stacey, now shes a near shut-in
Dad used to be a poor chad, now its going into the autismo far off end.
Mom is going full normie but was originally a real life fembot, only two relationships, first one lasted 8 years, ended when she found out bf had left uni, second was my dad and they married because he wanted to.
I was doomed from the start. I should kill myself
no my dad is even more beta than i am
My dad is a proprietary trader who works from home. My mom was a singer and actress before she became a housewife.
>Didn't bother to educate me right
>Somehow nothing it's their fault and children educate themselves anyway
Yeah, pretty much. Normies in denial.
Mom is normie as fuck but that's good because she's the only one out of the three of us that functions in society without spaghetti dropping dad and me are fucked tho
Kind of. My dad is slightly autistic and clumsy as hell as well as something on a brainlet. In another life, I think he might have been a robot but he's almost full-on boomer now. My mom was a total normie and even something of a stacy in her youth but she's a depressed, anxious wreck now.
Yes normies and materialists buying a lot of shit they do not need all the time (especially mom).
I'd say my mom is a pseudo-normie.
She doesn't have many friends, nor do she go out a lot.
I'm probably the one who spends the most time with her lmao.
But still, she has friends who she meets occasionally, and her mindset is extremely normie.
There's no doubt in my mind that my dad's a normie, though.
my mom is a normie and my dad is an autist. i love my parents a lot but i blame them a lot for all my problems as they were always fighting and probably should have gotten a divorce but didn't, so instead i got stuck listening to then fight and sleep in different beds for 18 years.
My dad is pretty much a walking stereotype of that retired boomer who incessantly mows the lawn and constantly needs to buy new cars and RVs and decks and everything else, so I'd say yes.
my parent actually reees when you disagree with her
they won't stop screaming whenever a different opinion is given
and she hits her head constantly like a fucking drum idfk why but it's annoying as hell
Normie = Had sex
So yes, all parents are normies.
>mom was stacy
so she was a whore?
My dad was a hard working fresco when he was young right up untill he got married. Then he became the BetaBux provider for the family.
Mom was a stacy in her prime but once she married, she became the average upper middle class mom making life hell for everyone in the house, shouting and angry all the time.
My dad is but he didn't raise me. He's a business owner, restores and sups up cars as a hobby, loves fishing, races motorcycles, owns several houses, recently broke up with his much younger GF whobhe was basically sugar saying becuase she found out he had another even younger GF in a different state at the other house, he kept it secret from both fo them for 2 and a half years.
My mother is a dweeb english major who is entirely too into sci-fi and played MUDs and flight simulaters when I was a kid in the 90s and she's the one who raised me. Guess why they got divorced?
my dad is super normie and really loud
but im the worst autist you could imagine, its because they were really abusive in my childhood
My mother is a fucking judgemental, narcissistic, outwardly-spoken individual. She loves to talk and joke all the time, it gets really infuriating. I know that I don't deep inside, but I hate her and her personality. She keeps treating me as if I'm actually a fucking retard and capitalizes on my mistakes as a human. She probably bipolar as well. So yeah, she's a normalfag.
My father on the other hand is a reserved individual. He doesn't go to hang out with friends alone. He's pretty irritable towards others, including me, but I understand why. He finds my mother obnoxious and frustrating to be with. Her need to want to go out every weekend just bothers him. It's understandable though since he works under the sun most of the week. Considering his situation, he can't leave her. Aside from being able to fuck someone, not really.
they're retards. i was raised by Jow Forums, gay furry porn and video games while they were busy working and fighting.
I went to make some toast and my father was drunk on the floor calling me a piece of shit . He threw my phone (which he stole from me several months ago in the first place) at the wall because he was mad. I felt angry because that phone was a gift to me from someone special on my birthday, but he already dirtied it and fucked it up so much from viruses and neglect while downloading porn and jacking off (he talks to me about it all the time in weird creepy detail even though I beg him not to) and spilling whisky all over it that I never want to touch it again, so I didn't say anything. He started yammering on about how I'm a cunt just like my mother because she hung up on him after he drunk-dialed her at 3AM to go on a batshit insane tirade about how he's going to blow his brains out. He told me, "Hey, Son! SON! GUESS WHAT!!! I'M GONNA BUY A GUN! I'm buying a gun tomorrow. Son, look at me! Listen to me you FAT FUCK!"
I don't feel the sting from the insults and abuse anymore, because he already did it a bunch when I was a kid. When I was a kid he used to "apologize" for what he did to me by coming in my room when I was sleeping (he thought) and rubbing my back while he cried and talked about getting raped by his dad. He refused to let me go after he wronged me by holding me in a headlock until I forgave him every single time. One night when I was 8, I told him that his words don't mean anything because he always betrays them and his fake smile disappeared and he called me a fat fuck. I thought it was a funny callback.
"I WANT YOU TO SHOOT ME IN THE HEAD, SON! You can shoot yourself too with it after you kill me, I don't give a shit what you do with it really, go kill some people if you want, but you HAVE to shoot me first. Shit, if you're too useless to even do this I'll have to kill your mother."
I walked silently to my room with the toast and a bug landed on it. I let it eat the toast because I wasn't hungry anymore. I whispered to the bug, "Hope it's good."
Your mom rode the cock carousel buddy
they had sex to make me, what do you think?
My dad acts thinks he's a normie, but he's actually pretty antisocial (not asocial, the actual definition of antisocial), he barely has any education, and most people only like him for his money.
My mother is socially better, but she's so focused on work and being a strong independant women that she is extremely critical, blunt and unlikable to most.
Compared to them, I'm a ultra-chad: I'm educated, funny, social, I have a beautiful girlfriend... yet they hate me because of it.
I guess my mom is a normie, but she has mental breakdowns and she's diabetic, like she literally has to take insulin. She's okay but she starts drama with me, her own child. my dad is okay, he's a normie, and so is my big bro.
my dad has lots of friends and is very social overall. he still goes out basically very saturday
my mum doesnt ever go out, but she still has very good social skills and can still make friends very easily.
i dont know how they managed to make an social retard like me.
My mom is quite a normie but dad is either high functioning robot or cyborg.
>educated, funny, social, I have a beautiful girlfriend
>yet posts on r9k
doubt it
Dad is a high functioning sperg like me but he has a really good work ethic and was a millionaire at one point before we moved to the states. My mom was a stacy in high school and rode the cock carousel until she met my dad who hid his power level by acting like a douche and playing guitar so they got married.
mom is a lesbian who together with her sister introduced me to weeb shit.
i haven't seen my father since i was 3 but mom said he had a tendency to sperg out from time to time.
I never thought about this question until now, but no. They aren't as robotic as their kids though.
they're retarded left wing hippie boomers
worthless trash
They ended up reproducing. Tells you all you need to know.
Father is a turbo chad
Mother was kind of a robot but became a normie after marriage
I'm the same, you'd be surprised
EXTREME normies. My dad makes a lot of money in a business he runs and is like the biggest normie you can imagine. Mom is a loser but also very normie.
Dad used to be a humorous well-read football chad. His physique is in the dumpster now but he still looks 7-8/10 facially.
Mother was (and still is) autismal- aside from ~5h of work per day as a teacher, she's basically a female neckbeard- she stays on the computer for well over 10 hours per day reading whatever and following slutbait bands like Queen. In her youth, she'd read all the time and go camping alone in the woods for days on end. I'm her male version, personality-wise.
they stuff like 1 towel under the door then go smoke their dank weeds and pretend like i can't fucking tell
that's alright though i've been smoking meth behind their back
My parents met at a library and were each others first lovers. They were both losers and ugly asf, so more like failed normies, but at the same time theyve always had a great group of friends, especially my mom.
SKATEBOARDING! hahahah weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Kind of. If my dad were young now he'd probably be a cyborg.
>driving through my dad's hometown with him a few years ago
>"hey user I knew a girl that used to live in that house, we used to sneak out and drive my car out to the outlook and make out"
>"and I had another girlfriend who worked at that Ice cream shop, she was something else"
>"I used to walk down to that park to meet this girl. We were too young to have sex but we really liked each other"
>tfw I have literally none of these experiences
Ask your dad how he picked her up!!! Help us user!!
>is a gay furry
>calls wageslave parents retards for working trying to provide for him
Kek stop user my sides
Its you again! Nice tricks! See, I learned one!
Dad's a normie with some slight chad going on.
Mom is somehow able to tolerate and even participate in my unfiltered degenerate humor so she's pretty good.
My mother was an insane roastie and my dad is an autist robot who really likes computers.
I took after my dad.