The anti-loli thesis

The Anti-loli Thesis.
Alright you fucking faggots its time for some logic around here.
So some of you think its actually acceptable to masturbate while looking at 2d pictures of little girls.
Your argument for it is as follows:
Pedophilia is only wrong because it destroys the life of a child. If the child isnt even real in the first place, there is actually no harm done to anybody. Not only that, but its perfectly legal as well, so why the fuck not?
That is in a nutshell what you believe, right?
Well now its about time someone actually go ahead and debunk your bullshit.
Here i come:
When we masturbate to something, we do it to insert ourselves in whatever we are watching.
This is a proven scientific fact, you cant deny it.
So what you guys end up doing in inserting yourself into the fantasy of fucking a little girl.
As i said, its already all proven by science.
So now tell me, whats your excuse now?

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No harm done to anyone.


So what exactly have you proven?

You are wrong.
The crime you commit is on yourself.
You hype yourself and get used to something that you will never get in real life, unless...
You actually damage your own view and own desires about sexuality and if nobody tells you, youre not going to stop.

Lolis dont look like 3D little girls.

i have proven that you want to fuck little girls and have no excuses for it.

This doesn't invalidate the argument you stated earlier at all

You realize you didn't actually respond to the defense and just made a tangential po- OH HOLY SHIT IT'S QUADS

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which argument are we talking about exactly?

My intro is merely bait.
I am here and ready to defend my points.

the wrong part of pedophilia isn't the fact that the person is attracted to young children it's the fact that the child isn't a mature enough mind to understand what is actually happening and what all of that might mean
2D no matter how much you fantasize will never be real so there's nothing to act on past rubbing your dick on a toy/pillow

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Tought crimes are not real, if I think about raping some 5 years old thot I'm not comitting any crime because I'm not doing the action of taking her little body and pushing my dick inside her little vagina and doing it over and over until I cum inside her and then she just cries and I repeat after 5 minutes.

originally as original as possible

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>Your argument for it is as follows

>So what you guys end up doing in inserting yourself into the fantasy of fucking a little girl.
The only fantasy I insert myself in is fucking an oversexualised drawn girl, who looks nothing like a real person.

>Tought crimes are not real
Are are right on that.
HOWEVER, fapping to loli is not a tought crime.
You are seeking out drawings of little girls and then fapping to them.

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You should also read
People have yet to refute this point.

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Is nobody going to step up to defend covert pedophilia?
Done already?

>You hype yourself and get used to something that you will never get in real life
So sex in general?

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So what if I seek out drawings of women being raped while being decapitated?
I'm actively seeking it and imagining something horribly immoral.

What about pedos who use loli as a safe and legal outlet for their urges?

You already knew youre fucking yourself up.
Its not even a question, you know it.
And yet you still do it.
Why must you destroy yourself in such manner?

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>Fantasizing about a crime is a crime
>Suddenly all the people who've ever fantasized about killing someone (like half of the world) go to jail

What are you trying to prove. Or are you just looking for (you)s

>What about pedos who use loli as a safe and legal outlet for their urges?
Their urges are none of our problems, they have to delete those urges by themselves.
When i was a kid, i got bullied pretty hardcore, so i ended up with the urge to kill all my class mates.
What did i do?
I deleted that urge, for it was inapropriate.
They can do the same, its not that hard.

you have issues dude

>What are you trying to prove.
Seems pretty obvious to me.
Just trying to get the pedos off the internet permanently.

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So is fapping to drawings of women being raped and decapitated immoral or not? I didn't quite catch that.
If you had a shitty diary where you wrote and illustrated grotesque ways of killing them but never went and actually did it, then you didn't really do anything wrong unless you actually acted on those fantasies.

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Well obviously you can't go and kill your classmates cause they are real people. But 2D lolis aren't real people. There's no one who's affected in any way except you thinking "ew icky". Whatever are their motivations, there's no reason at all for it to be illegal when it affects no one.

To put an example, it's like if you took your fantasies about killing your classmates and recreated it on a Sims game or some shit like that. Is it fucked up? Yes. Should you go to jail? Nope.

Ayy lmao
i do have issues but at least my issues dont involve little girls.

>Murder is fine as long as it doesn't involve little girls.

>So is fapping to drawings of women being raped and decapitated immoral or not? I didn't quite catch that.
Its not that its immoral, whats wrong with it is that youre making yourself less human as a result of it. Just think about it, youre never going to be able to tell anyone about it, yet you spend time doing. This result into the fact that there is a part of your life you can never talk about, thus giving you less options for conversations with other people, thus making it harder to socialize.
Fucked up shit as a cost m8

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You're assuming anyone on this board socializes anyway.

Well why do you think most of you guys cant fucking socialize for shit?
Its not that youre bad at talking or anything like that.
Its because you have nothing to talk about because half the shit you do is impossible to talk about because its too fucked up.
So you have close to nothing to talk about, so you cant talk.
Its not rocket science for fucks sake.

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>When we masturbate to something, we do it to insert ourselves in whatever we are watching.
>This is a proven scientific fact, you cant deny it.
>So what you guys end up doing in inserting yourself into the fantasy of fucking a little girl.
>As i said, its already all proven by science.
>So now tell me, whats your excuse now?
According to science, allowing paedos to insert themselves into said fantasy stops them actually raping anything. Banning loli is literal rape.

t. neither lolicon nor literal rapist

fucking pedo fags bffo good one OP, its like you are reading my mind

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>Banning loli is literal rape.
Youre not even worth talking to.

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I suppose you have a point. It's possible to go too far with things and fuck up your mind if you obsess. I don't see it as a big deal though. People have a lot of things they know not to share in public. Like with me, having a foot fetish. It's pretty easy to compartmentalize. Not like I autistically focus in on any of it.

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A foot fetish is actually normalfag as hell, you can probly talk about it giving the right context.
But a guy who faps to drawings of little girls?
He must take that secret to his grave and the more he do it, the heavier it becomes.
Look im just saying, people think theres no harm in it, so they assume it as no cost attached to it.
They are wrong, the cost is really heavy.

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The problem with sexual relationships with children is that the inherant power balance often leads to exploitative and one sided relationships. It's only illegal to keep brainlets in check, sort of like speed limits on roads. There's nothing inherantly wrong about a 5 year old playing with your dick let alone fantasizing about it anymore than fantasizing about driving fast on a motorway. The laws are important but to act as if they're in place because it's "wrong" to be attracted to children is just silly.

What's so special about little girls? Is it worse to be attracted to little girls than leather boots for some reason?

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>but to act as if they're in place because it's "wrong" to be attracted to children is just silly.
Fucking pedophile, your days are numbered.

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>posting a picture of a sexualized child
nice meme

Cry all you want pedo, youre already on a watchlist.

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Honestly, when anything involving porn comes up irl it's pretty normalfag as hell shit. You might get generic stuff like pornstars you like, websites, and a few of the most inoffensive tags (big tits, big ass), but you're probably gonna get looked at funny if you say you're into feet. Granted, you're in better standing than if you said you like loli.
You basically can't talk to porn in much depth with people in general unless you're close pretty much. At least that's my experience.

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Good, the idea of government mooks having to read all my posts arouses me deeply

lmao, can you imagine working for the NSA, thinking you're gonna be hot shit, protecting the country and all that jazz, and you end up assigned to read Jow Forums posts? Lmfao, that's literal suicide-tier wagecuckery

I'd fuck a loli if they existed irl.
But they don't.

>implying lolis don't exist IRL

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This is the most absolutely pointless argument in existence. 2D and 3D are not the same thing and are not seen as such in Japan. People who are into lolicon or shotacon as a rule aren't interested in real children, and sex crimes committed by otaku are extremely rare. The West, meanwhile, is up to its fucking eyeballs in pedophilia and child rape, and it's totally socially acceptable to watch children get raped in movies for entertainment.

What's next, arguing that gun violence in anime is dangerous because it makes Japanese people get guns and shoot each other?

They don't.

Lolicon combines purity and innocence with a little bit of maturity, it's a fantasy that never exists irl, that's what makes it hot.

>t. never interacted with actual chilren

I bet you haven't. I like children in anime but cannot fucking stand them in real life.

people who arw into lolis often end up as a real pedo

cant stop me fapping to lolis user, they are so sexy and cute and tehy dont even look like real girls.

>When we masturbate to something, we do it to insert ourselves in whatever we are watching.

I dont man, dude fuck off man I dont do that.

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>people who arw into lolis often end up as a real pedo
No they don't.

I used to have to volunteer for gbp. IRL kids are generally a lot more mature than people give them credit for. Even 8 years is a long time to be on this planet.