Just be yourself bro, girls dig confidence, believe me, it works for me.
Just be yourself bro, girls dig confidence, believe me, it works for me
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holy fuck man this guy is a monster. Am I even the same species as him?
>boring and repetitive lookism memes
Isn't this place supposed to be original?
Can't you see his dick is small? It's just his jaw which is so chad it's actually repulsive. Chicks prefer pretty boys with BWC over guys like him.
> It's just his jaw which is so chad it's actually repulsive. Chicks prefer pretty boys with BWC over guys like him.
lol yea im sure if he asks a girl out on a date shes gonna think hes too ugly lololol
it looks small because hes tall u ugly dicklet
that is not a natty body. that is tren & all.
>thinks he's attractive
His face is full bog mode
>his dick is small
Have you see it erect?
This is 3D rendered, right? I know some swoll dudes but that level of veins... IDK man, call it sour grapes if you want but nobody healthy is that veiney.
What's the point in approaching girls if you don't look like this?
for people who actually know how you look like "this", it's actually sad to see. sure, a lot of people walking around can't identify a cheater by sight (i.e. shape of traps, delts) but there are people who know you're a complete fraud.
having a natty body will impress 10/10 people, instead of just 5/10. a lot of girls can tell natty from non-natty.
this guy isn't even trying to hide it. he eats Tren for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
>giving a fuck about your Jow Forums principles as long as you look shredded
He is not natty. He is using SARMs and the photos are enchanced in photoshop.
Still, his natural testosterone was already sky-high and his genetics are supreme, you don't develop such a skeleton, ligaments and musclature just by steroids alone.
What ethnicity is he? Looks Iranian or something
so people are attracted to the 'work' and not the look, sure thing buddy
uh yeah. that's how valuation works. people love the authentic and hate cheaters. fertility signals are meaningless if they're not legit
dumb thots or not, everyone understands this on a subconscious level
fit dude from hard work, discipline, self-love: fuck me
fit dude from drugs, photoshop, self-loathing: narcissist, loser with no self-control
think about it from a non-male perspective:
natural face v.s. face lifts.
natural boobs v.s. fake boobs.
vaginal tightening v..s virginity.
chechen or ossetian, apparently
Proof? Because the location of the pics are not his origin.
his profile got posted on lookism dot net a while ago and people did some research on his last name. I don't remember the specifics but you can try to find the thread if you want more info.
What is his last name?
Khalimov or Medzhidov
how can i even compete with that, it's not even photoshopped i can tell
It's shopped in an original way
strong humans are still pretty weak. a 120lb chimp could take him out