Too fucking beautiful for words. How is a fembot supposed to compete with this? -.-

Too fucking beautiful for words. How is a fembot supposed to compete with this? -.-

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7/10 maybe 8 on a good day


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one and only one

>MV is about supportive beta cuck who's there for you when Chad acts angry
Do f*mapes actually find this shit romantic?

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>beta cuck

That guy is not ugly.

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>not asian

boring tbqh

She's had plastic surgery.

I dont. Thats why i gave up on relationships all together. Theyre pretty much fucking meaningless in the long run. All it does is making you think that you wont be lonely forever. I might as well buy a fucking turtle for that shit.

Who cares though? If she looks like that, I don't care, how can I compete?

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