Go to club: game is BS

>be me
>meet childhood friend
>He's goodlooking: Nice smile, 6ft1 broad shoulders lush hair etc
>Me: short, weird looking etc.
>Girls ask him out to club in our hostel
>After sitting alone I decide to go after them
>Get drunk with him at club
>actually a little fun A LITTLE
>Girls constantly grind against him and touch his hands etc. IS THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENING
>Girls come up to him and just start dancing with him(!?)
>He dances a little and just makes out with one of a hot blond girls after she literally grinds up to him
>sigh, they look so good together: I feel a mix of wonder and pain. If only I could be him
>He says to me:"user why don't you make out with a girl?" He talks about how most of these girls aren't hot enough.
>even these girls blow me off
>he doesn't even understand I get ignored the whole time
My friend is no player. Only thing he did was smile a little and ask some clumsy questions. These girls just liked him from the very beginning
don't fall for it.
I saw myself what it is to be a handsome guy in the top 10%

Attached: blond.jpg (500x500, 50K)

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no jk retard

I think we all knew this

put yourself in the reverse situation:

imagine if you were a hot guy every girl wants to suck your dick and suddenly a ugly fat girl came to you and tried to suck your dick but you can only feel not a single drop of attraction to that girl.

Is something similar to that situation.

You also do the same by looking to hook up with mainly the hotest girl.

However, here's some of my advice that clearly could work:

go after a girl smaller than you.

DONT SEEK THOTS, but seek girls in a place where they don't expect Chads.

Also, get fucking fit, losing weight and fat can increase your appeal to women, even going from 19% fat to 10% fat can make you go from loser looking to an agressive male (because of chiseled face).

Also, try to get a haircut and make money by using some kind of fashionable clothes.

good luck.

seriously, get fit.

Yeah, he's hot, get over it. Girls are not asexual

I'm going to work on myself for sure.
But I will never reach his level though and I have to live with that. The way these girls look at him is just something else


look at this.

damn you sound like a faggot in love with your friend, jesus no wonder you got no women

whoa, I could actually be a 6.5.Oke fair enough but I'll never be chad.

women are naturally attracted to fit guys, is biology.

don't tell me you're a chubby loser and you tried to pick up girls.

Your analogy is off. Way way off.

I have seriously worked on myself. I have a brilliant job for my age, whilst studying for a masters. I am well travelled, enjoy multiple hobbies that include both men and women (weightlifting, dance, martial arts) and hold myself at around 10% bf, 5'11 and 180lbs. I am in much better shape than most people my age 21. I dress well and have a stylish haircut. I am well travelled and have things to talk about. Because of this I have no difficulty making new male friends. Unfortunately, with all this, I land myself at average/above average

The equivalent is not being a fat ugly girl but being approached by a girl with a below/average face with an amazing body who wants something genuine but refusing because you only want top 15/20% natural genetics

Self improvement for women is a meme. I guarantee you. If women don't like you now, they probably never will. Only exception is if you are tall and obese with good facial genetics and shift it all

you sound like those chubby faggots from fit who complain that lifting for women is a meme.

Attached: 47497DD400000578-0-image-a-45_1513167963672.jpg (634x488, 42K)

What about 10% body fat do you not understand? I am an amateur cyclist. I cycle around 200km a week. This totals around 6500 calories. On top of all the other exercise I have mentioned I do, it is literally impossible to get fat

What about you? What do you do?

exercise is pointless unless you're obese and have reasons to believe you might be hiding a chad jaw under all the fat. if you're skinny and ugly getting fit won't do anything for your face.

maybe you need to accept you're a subhuman.

Maybe you need to accept that you are a brainlet as this was the point I was making all along if you see my rebuttal
To the points made here

you will be less of a subhuman if you had muscles.

You'd be less of one if you could actually read... Actual state of brainlets...

According to this I have a FFMI of 22.7. The average for males is 19 whilst the upper limit for those who do not use steroids is 25 (journals.lww.com/cjsportsmed/Abstract/1995/10000/Fat_Free_Mass_Index_in_Users_and_Nonusers_of.3.aspx)

Sure I could become more muscular but I currently hold a pretty decent amount of muscle. This would require me to sacrifice my other hobbies in order to gain muscle

How tall are you OP?
Reading your thread, you should be scoring some 6/10s.

Attached: aaaaaaaa.png (238x212, 5K)

>I dress well and have a stylish haircut. I am well travelled and have things to talk about. Because of this I have no difficulty making new male friends.
You sound like a normie.
That's not a good thing.

All I read are random factoids. How the fuck is your character, though? You seem like a loser.

I used to go clubbing a lot, just dance for yourself or with your mates and enjoy the time. If you go clubbing to pickup girls youre wasting your time.

This. You go to have fun with friends, dance and get drunk.

Chasing girls in that kind of places is legit for Chad, or the people with top tier Charisma (and even them have to be at least a 6/10 for that to work).
The girls there are a bunch of thots anyway user, its not like you are loosing any quality material.