>majority of population are poor boomers who are constantly being told what to vote for
>the rest are mouthbreathing soccer obsessed,seeds cracking,alcoholic,gipsy music listening normies
>nonstop religious brainwashing,churches are basically a mafia by this point
>pay is absolute garbage,you can never gather money for a house,car,anything
>every city is depressing
>everyone is ignorant as fuck about what happens around them,90% of the population can't even speak english which is fucking everywhere in 2018
I have 2 years of uni(EE degree) left,what the fuck do I do to get a decent job outside this shithole after I graduate?Any romanians who made it?
Any /RO/bots here?
Ori te sinucizi or inveti bine pana cand poti pleca din tara asta :)
And even if I learn and get the best grades,how do I land an engineering job in western europe?They dont give 2 shits about romanian engineering uni diplomas.
Well you could start learning german , they would probably hire an engineer who knows english and german very good instead of an engineer who just knows english.
It doesn't have to be german , I just gave an example.
Working as a waiter in italy/ 1400 euros
Nu neaparat robot. Dar imi plac memeurile de aici
That sounds like a good plan,but what else would I need for them to choose me instead of german students?
Sounds like hell,even if the pay is good,do you live there?Ever coming back?How long You've been doing that for?
Cyborg?Normie?De cand esti aici?
hmm well you could try to prove yourself to the people around you that more valuable and smart than the others around and they should consider hire you.This kinda sounds stupid but idk , I don't have any other ideas at the moment.
What about britanistan?Is it that bad like the faggots in here say?I think it would be perfect for me considering the weather,I love rainy days.
hi fellow RObot I know what you mean fellow bROther, im currently in highschool and im prob gonna move to germany after i finish college, ill take u along if u want
Why don't just go right after highschool?Are you taking that time to learn the language?What do you plan on doing in germany?Are you going with your family?Also which region are you from?
Hmm britain is not that bad , the weather is nice but there are going a lot of gypsies from our country to work there or as beggars and that could change how brits judge you but depends on what type of people will you find there.
I'll avoid the gipsies like the plague and prove myself worthy for a technical job by any means,but I don't know how things are there now after the brexit.Do I need some sort of green card or something?
I'm not really sure about that but I suppose you could get one just in case brexit really happens.
i wanna have a degree and I also have cambridge, i wanna see if i can make it in the country with my degree so if that fails im just gonna move away, also south west desu
Are you a girl? There's tons of Romanian hookers here in Switzerland. If not a girl, can you become one?
there are no romanian fembots silly, every romanian girl is a stupid normie roastie
I know this feel
where do I meet robots in this normie shithole?
>everyone is ignorant as fuck about what happens around them,90% of the population can't even speak english which is fucking everywhere in 2018
That is incredibly stupid to expect people to speak a second language, yes, I know English is an international language.
but u start learning english in third grade here, everyone should be able to at least understand it desu
Why would it be stupid when they are fucking surrounded by it?It's literally everywhere in their day-to-day lives.School teaches it as a mandatory language also.They even think its some quality to not know it,they make fun of it and speak it in a gibberish way,mocking speakers.
I thought cambridge counts only for 2 years then you have to retake it.Which degree you plan on getting?
I think mini was the only romanian girl who ever posted in here,I was surprised hearing her nationality.
I don't think there's some designated place,maybe some technical unis/colleges.
Transylvanian cyborg reporting, we gotta get out of this place
Romania is my dream country
I only warch romanian music videos
Love is in the air, in romania
It is perfect place with lovely ladies
Sounds of the heavens and stuff
my teacher said cambridge counts for 4 years, anyway im prob gonna go to the polytechnic university and study some gay english engineering
Which country would suit us best?What are you doing to get out of it?Are you in school?
don't let this thread die, I need ideas on how to get the fuck away from this shithole before i give in and become an hero
Wanna know how I know you're a westerner?Yes we had some pretty decent music some years ago,our roasties are good looking,and we have nice places to visit,but living here decently,is a big impossible absolute NO NO.
Just watch some music videos in your flowery love language
Works for me!
Dream country would be Japan(filthy weeb), but anything from Western Europe would be fine i guess.Last year at high-school, plan on going to Uni right after it.Currently doing nothing to get out of here, only playing vidya and drinking cheap ass beer.
i want to find a qt skinny kissless virgin gf to devote my life to i guess
>a qt skinny kissless virgin gf
>living in Romania
Why not figure out how to fleece the morons in Romania out of their money? Make a business that you could sell to everyone there and not only would you build industry in your country, you wouldn't be a fleeing faggot.
Our best bet is getting a useful degree and getting a job in the west.Or some trade job like electrician or something similar.Don't let this shithole kill you fellow /ro/bot.
Never gonna make it senpai.
Stay in your country and make it better instead of trying to leave.
Everyone is doing this right now.Everybody is money-hungry scum,the years of poverty turned us into this.Nothing will be left if we keep doing this.
Just find Mini and rape her
That's what i'd do
Bucha mucha lavolalo ravioli!
This shithole and the people in it have made my life bitter since the day I was born.I have no reason to try and improve this place.
I'm going to get an english-romanian degree or something similar, then learn some foreign languages so it will be easier for me to find a job in another country.
Well, if you do it with an actual industry of some sort, maybe your country will pull out of being a shithole. If everyone was doing that, you would have thriving economic conditions, not the shithole you describe. The bonus of doing this is you are in a position to take over easily as there is no real competition, this is what is known as a good opportunity if you can find the proper niche and being a local means you have better understanding of local economics.
Do it for yourself not for others.
Any suggestions?
>had a revolution,nothing changed
>gipsies are outbreeding us rapidly and their 'culture' is spreading
>actual decent people who want a change(and are willing to do something for it) are a minority
>the country is full of boomers
>everyone emmigrates so the internal economy is shit
The problem has multiple roots,the old easily manipulable old people,large number of uneducated poor population who will vote for a kg of sugar,politicians rotten to the core(all parties).I think not even in 2 generations things will change.
there is no reason to remain here, every roastie got wasted when she was 14 and fucked by chad, salary is trash, the government doesnt help neets, just run
I wish but I'm not Romanian. You seem to know where to problem is though. You should be able to find solutions. Start a career in politic ?
>tfw no qtp2t romanian barely-speaking-english gf
The rest of the retarded population would ruin every good change that's being,I think it's in our fucking blood or something.It's pointless,Call me a superiority complex cunt but I think I can do better than this place and I don't really belong anywhere in here.
There are probably more people like you than you think, you just haven't met then yet.
>career in politics
Insane levels of nepotism,the big important parties are already known,there's no way you can change anything in a political manner.Also why should I be the one wasting my life away to change this shithole while the rest live a comfy live outside the borders?People generally know the problem roots but everyone is kinda pointing fingers,we are very divided,just how the power wants us to be.
every politician that was worth a shit immediatly gets outvoted or blackmailed by the bigger parties
I wouldn't be surprised if I met more people like me beyond the borders tbqh.
what fucking grinds my gears is the absolute stupidity and apathy of the general population
these idiots don't even know the fucking difference between left and right
Kept asking in some threads about her contacts in stuff,found nothing,I would've unironically try to establish contact with her.
Most of the girls in here are gold diggers(it's not hard to figure out why),and also the liberalism is kinda spreading in here too,like we weren't fucked up enough.
Start with that : "our educated people are leaving because ..." and you have the first steps, then make it international with social media so people around the world supports you and your people elects you.
Someone got to take care of it, it's up to you.
They are exactly how the power wants them to be.Uneducated,obedient animals,divided to point fingers at eachothers.There's absolutely no political party in romania who can actually make things decent.Also makes you think how even with free education,lots of people are dropping out of highschools,and doing mindless shit-paying jobs like there's no alternative.
You should try within your borders, you might be surprised.
I don't know mate, at this point I honestly think only some sort of armed revolution could change things, but it would be just as bad or even worse, just a different set of shitheads with their rifles pointed at us
>Start with that : "our educated people are leaving because ..."
Kek,I don't even wanna imagine the reactions of UNEDUCATED PEOPLE.Something in the lines of:'why are they more important than us?'we are hard working people,educated people are entitled,we don't need them'.
>a bunch of robots have to take care of their country ruined by communism,years of corruption and mass emmigration
I just can't picture that in my head.The only chances would be if we actually had social skills and were able to persuade people in a psychopathic style.
People are stupid everywhere and the lower generation are animals
If you see extra beautiful people, they are animals
Hell is overflowing
Within the borders I really have no idea where I could find that kind of people among this sea of ignorant mouthbreathers.
Good luck man. I'm French and we have Romanian coming here and they're known for being very creative when it comes to robbing and stealing from people. What a misery.
druze you just described Serbia.... i fucking hate it here and I want to go out in to the world and make it. We have a huge problem of masses of young people leaving but no one cares nuff to fix it so fuck it im goin too. I need your help robots!! What do I dooooooo
There is another protest scheduled in 10 august,I don't know if things are gonna escalate in a violent way,but I agree with you,the leaders won't change unless they are afraid of the people,and they are practically laughing in our faces daily,passing laws only for their benefit,I don't know if a violent revolution would make them afraid enough to turn things for the better.Some EU help would be appreciated,but I guess nobody actually gives a fuck.
Have you tried creating a Facebook group ?
Wow,so the whole east europe really is in the same fucking bucket.I think it's the best for us to leave,don't know if a bunch of social outcasts can do anything about situations of thisproportions.People need leaders.
fighting some dumb-ass cops probably won't change much, but a peaceful protest is useless
also if the cops beat you for no reason the majority of the people will defend the cops
unless the law requires you to a get a degree, a degree is less important than work experience in germany.
So learn german (you can do it online/get books etc. as pdf), you might say your family comes from Transylvania, and apply at a mid-sized company. You can do this from Romania. If you really have to, apply for an apprenticeship related to your degree. Many people have succeeded in doing so. But you might not like germany.
>all bad is caused by evil people
>good people win over evil people if they try
>hard works gets rewarded
>you should put your trust into your fellow countryman
There are dozens of those,none really accomplishes anything,basically just normies complaining about the actual ruling party,and people in the diaspora who keep pushing the people in the country to get out in the streets to protest.None of them actually sees the bigger picture I'm afraid.I honestly think everyone should emmigrate by this point and just let eastern europe rot away,or let it be a fun thematic park for rich westerners who visit here once in a year.
>wow your country is so beautiful :) why would you even think to leave his heaven?are you people insane?:)
Hahaha kys you baguette sucking motherfucker
Learn the difference between Roma and Romanians dumb ass croissant
If you go to UPB, add Warm Foothills#4547
I never said you were good in this scenario, quite the contrary, you should look for the most manipulable situation for your benefit and fleece all you can. You seem to be projecting with your strawman cause you don't want to actually put in the effort even when a good opportunity arises. Stay in your country and accept that you are shit just like the rest of them.
>went to a protest
>60% were normies who didn't know shit about politics
some people go to protests just to be there ffs this country is killing i gotta get outta here fast or I'll literally combust AAAAAAAAA
Tbh I'm actually used to the frenchfucks mocking us.That's the best they can do,their genes will be replaced in 2 generations but oh well,let's point and laugh at the romanians shall we?
I wasn't being mean but ok.
Damn OP always feel bad for you guys I retired with my wife at 30 and we make 120k a year after taxes GL on escaping
I wasn't mocking. I was saying it's unfortunate that Romanian people have to do that when they could live with dignity in their country, which is something they deserve.
Yes they are going there just for virtue-signaling.Their moral compass dictates so.
>'we're gonna take romania back from the greedy meanie rulers'
>'look how decent of a person I am,winning my country back,omg I should post online about this :)'
Then take control. Do you see he bigger picture ? If yes, talk to them about a project or something.
Well thanks I guess,and sorry for chimping out like that,but I also read it in a mean way,I'm used to only the negative commentaries about us.Living here with dignity won't happen anytime soon.
and then they held that march, where they gave flowers to the cops, because the previous protest turned violent, who the fuck does that shit?
Not really,I'm in the northern part,UTC.
I don't know if that was some media stunt or anything,was really out of place honestly.If shit gets violent they would kick our fucking ass without hesitating kek.
I'm glad not everyone has to go through the shit that we do on here.Good for you man.
Why wouldn't I like germany?Oh boy anything would be betetr than this place.I don't know how the people are towards foreigners though,so yeah that might be unpleasant.
I'll be a freshman in electrical engineering next year and I heard that senior years can't find jobs with this degree. How true is this shit? I don't think it's true.
How about working as an engineer for an international company,on a plant based in romania,then getting to another country from that plant for the same corp?Is it possible?
I can understand that, no worries and thanks.
Well my degree is actually Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering,and in my Cluj,there's a huge demand for that kind of engineering so i think I would be fine,don't understand how they can't get jobs in Buc though.Maybe there's too many of them.It's not like you're studying oil engineering or some other irrelevant shit for that region.
Stupid bragging normalshit goyim
ok mates this thread was nice, it's good venting out my feelings, since whenever I say i hate this country everybody jumps on my neck
keep this thread alive and someone should definetely make threads like this again
We should have a general desu
da, voiam sa ma sinucid acum 3 ani dar m-au luat parintii cu ei in franta si de atunci aici locuiesc cu ei, merg la facultate desi de abia stiu sa vorbesc limba, deci imagineaza-ti cum ma simt cand incearca cineva sa vorbeasca cu mine (pot vorbii cu profesorii dar nu prea inteleg limba lor de strada, stau intr-un oras in care sunt numai negrii)
in general traiesc mai bine, reusesc sa cumpar tot ce vreau dar la ce ajuta daca in societate sunt un robot care nici nu poate sa se exprime?
you cannot escape this hell
you are stuck here along with me user
rest in sarmale
make something like /romanianfeel/ or something everytime this thread dies
we could also do a discord server maybe?
cum dracu sa stai in franta mai bine as sta in iraq unde imi zboara obuzele pe la ureche
nu am avut o optiune, totul era mai bine decat romania oricum. depind de parinti.
E aproximativ acelasi lucru cu a te putea exprima dar fara sa ai un interlocutor.Cam asa e situatia aici,macar poti trai decent si sa-ti iei tot ce vrei,Pariez ca negrii din franta usnt mult mai ok comparativ cu tiganii,ce facultate faci?Godspeed.
Whatever happens don't come Ireland. If you want to live by yourself you'd need 2 fucking jobs cause everything is so overpriced. They will pay you less then they would to a Irish person not to mind a Irish knacker
^^^^^^^^^^^ invite code pt discord
I'm not really good with the whole discord thing,I can add people and that's about it,but we should definitely get a /romanianfeels/ though,maybe even a discord if someone volunteers to create it.
don't know how to create discord server, if my anxiety will allow me maybe I'll add some of you guys, you seem nice people
but someone could make this thread every couple of days or so