How can we improve the quality of this board?

This place is soo boring.
Unironically femanon bait threads are the most interesting threads, but you faggots oppose to them and repeat the same predictable mantras.
This place is supposed to be original, but it's just a never ending repetition of the same shitty threads with some minor variation.

Can you create something new?
Or does repetition make you more confy?

Attached: 1518612893088.png (594x741, 720K)

Other urls found in this thread:

only way to fix this board is to allow self-pic uploads again.

Yeah like what happened to the good ol mods are asleep, gore, etc? Now normies infest this board because of some shitty greentext vid they saw on yt

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Promoting OC is the only way to go.

t. normie
You're cancer.
Remove all normies from /r9k and we'll be fine.

And it will be a dead and slow board.
Why do "normies" bother you soo much?
Do you need a safe space?

We can start by not using big tiddy women as click bait to shitty threads.

Can we also stop with apu/wojak posting?

>This place is soo boring.
Correct. That's why we need our golden era back, we need tripcode users.

Attached: 112125677888223.jpg (1356x994, 189K)

>Can we also stop with apu/wojak posting?
Leave, This site probably isn't for you

Attached: vfg.png (674x500, 130K)

You need enemies!
Some to direct the frustration of your life at.

Force me!

>unironic exclamation marks
what the fuck

It wasn't always liek this. It's the normies fucking fault for ruining this board. FUCK YOU IDIOTS JUST DON"T GET IT

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this is utter blasphemy


>How can we improve the quality of this board?

You can't polish a turd.

This board was okay in 2011.

Now it's the same threads every day:
>blacked / interracial bait thread
>hehehe big penis picture
>traps and other gay LGBT faggot shit
>fembot thread xD
>pseudo politics / edgy Jow Forums shit leaking into this board

You can add a lot of filters to purge the crap but you're not left with much. The glory days are long gone OP.

>remove the robot, the gimmick is now just an annoyance
>blue board
>give traps a board or redirect to /lgbt/
Warning, unpopular idea ahead:
>sticky a self improvement thread

No, you faggots just come to stir the pot and disrupt our posting flow. You cunts are bothering the artist while he's in the studio and bitching about how nothing getting done. Normies should be barred from posting.

Post address and schedule. We'll make it happen for you. You have given consent, after all.

unironically go to 8ch Jow Forums if this is what you want. i swear to god you wont be disturbed.

>giving up Jow Forums to the normalfag menace
Absolutely disgusting

>giving up
its already ours, sweetie. face it. you lost. youre on par with those dixie flag waving racists in the south.

You don't, it has only been decent up until /sci/ got its own board.

Just delete this board.

>t. /sci/

I don't have the timeline anymore.
But r9k in its initial state got a healthy mix of many topics, but moot eventually decided to create all sorts of subboards instead.

>implying implying implying
>I seriously hope you don't do this
>my face when
>guys what's the least painful way to kill myself

Oh I guess they still do that last one. But there weren't gay/tranny threads or femanon threads (which btw are in fact tranny threads)

>waah I'm bored and can't entertain myself
>do funny things!!!
Fuck off.

Yes, and this is unironically it.

Why do you intrude on robot lives?

we need to set a baseline of the date when normies are considered normies when they first tried to assimilate into r9k
2016? 2015? 2013? '11? '10?

when instead of term normalfag which had faggot in it and was considerate edgy and politically incorect people started using normie so their friends on facebyook don't ban them.