Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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>he fell for the yellow fever meme
More qt non-crazy white girls for this nigger :^)

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all women are like that, fuck them. and remember, if you don't put up with that, you get accused of being gay.

that's why you shouldn't associate with low IQ subhumans if you're actually smart.

Obviously the dude. You do not try to engage and certainly not reason with someone in that state. You either BTFO them or don't engage at all. What a fucking cuck.

he fell for the ugly ass chinese meme.

>not getting married and starting to try for kids 3 months after
Why even get married? Its like you want the marriage to fail

Dude's dumb as fuck, not for not wanting to impregnate her but for marry an ugly chink in the first place

I feel bad for her. But that guy would make a shitty Dad.

>But that guy would make a shitty Dad.
And the crazy bitch would make a good mother?

She's crazy because he's denying her biological imperative. To be with a woman until her ovaries get dried up and deny her kids should be a criminal offense.


why do white roasties do this?

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men have a biological imperative to rape but if you stop it and get raped nobody blames the person for denying their biological imperative

>biological imperative only matters when it's a woman
>only women matter basically

waiting for women to just come out and admit they think the world revolves around them because they talk and act like it.

>Implying your plastic, makeup-caked korean models aren't even more cherrypicked
Fact: the average white girl looks much more attractive than the average Asian girl.

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She's Japanese. No surgery involved.

>stop cherrypicking
>continues to cherrypick


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Too bad white people age like shit much more easily. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4756870/

they bulk up after having kids too

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>when 2 hypocrite retards argue

anyone else find it really cringy when asian girls do this? it really disgust me

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>Fat people look ugly
Wow what a revelation you've got there. Unfortunately, many white girls remain a healthy weight, even after childbirth.
Still doesn't change the fact that Asian women look uglier even when they're skinny.

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this is a man right?

What ones being fat has to do with the fact that white people age like shit because of their lack of melanin? You guys age a decade faster compared to non-whites.

>You guys
I'm the black incubi that's gonna pollute your race while you're off being a yellow-fever beta :^)

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>tfw no crazy chink wife demanding you impregnate her with your BWC
why live

Have fun making ugly ass mutt babies.
Btw im not white myself.

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take them tyrone, we have transcended.

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Fuck off with this bait OP. This clip is from a movie.

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>ugly ass mutt babies
Lol, mulatto is the new hot thing, haven't you heard? I like how you people only ever post pictures of ugly babies, since mulatto adults look too good to exploit.
Have fun raising the next Elliot Rodger.

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both their fault for not having this discussion before marriage
definitely feel bad for the guy

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I like how white people make fun of asians by cherry picking.
t. asian.

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Calling out the truth is cherry picking now?
Ok Tendo

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this guy has deep seated asian hatred, lol typical beta behavior.

Obviously the guy. I would kill to have a cute wife that wants to have children.

>think asians are ugly
>"you hate asians"

The hell? Tenda hates asian women.

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Elliot Rodgers was half Jewish/halfseanigger.

Half koreans are objectively hotter than your average ugly ass mulatto.

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It's not even real. It's a fake documentary.

And she seems like a good wife that wants to be cummed inside.

amen breh

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Enjoy your self hating wife and mentally fucked kids.

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I'm not jewish like you, Tenda.

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>falling for the Hapas are mentally ill meme

Maybe if they grew up in racist Hicksville, they might feel socially isolated, sure. But hapas are mostly well adjusted successful individuals if theyre raised in diverse environments

Damn I'm so good. Posting on everyboards 24/7.

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I like hope you just keep ignoring my posts. Stay in denial, retard

Why you are posting a model then?

Holy shit the amount of metal retardation in this board is increasing every month,

Asian women are trash originally

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This shit takes me back to '98 on base housing in Okinawa.
Screaming, fighting, domestic abuse, all sounding just like that through the walls between Okinawan nationals and their Marine husbands. Many times their poor children had to endure it too.

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Something about girls like this makes me want to bang them in a snowbank in Sweden and create racially pure, white children.

I want to do the exact opposite.
Isn't life beautiful ?

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She makes me want to impregenate her with my melanin semen and create superior multi-raced babies.

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Shes kind of cute.
Like a little demon baby with pointy ears

>To be with a woman until her ovaries get dried up and deny her kids should be a criminal offense.

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Literally a fuckin' orc baby

That was already confirmed to be a movie

i never see which movie it is, tell us user

Asian women don't care about white guys, not in the sense that they want to be loving wives, they want babies so they can dilute their asian genes so their ancestors can be more white. Can't believe so many robots fell for the "asian wife" meme, they just want a kid and once they have that kid they'll stop caring about you

Rice eater here. This video does not represent my experiences in any way, shape or form.

Why are there both multiple anti WMAF and anti Jow Forums threads right now, and why have nearly these exact threads been posted alongside each other many times before?
Can't white men look out for their interests? Seems like you're just seriously anti white, and if you are, all I can say is I'm going to continue doing things for myself despite your apparent anger.

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asians are brutal

>Rice eater here.
Kill yourself, sincerely

Its a movie retard. Its not real

Sorry to disappoint, but I'm having a great time in life. I'm not going anywhere, and I'll forget about all of this kerfuffle when I'm hitting my beautiful Chinese gf from behind tonight.

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I'd fuck her right away after she started screaming holy fuck that was hot
Imagine her leglocking you while you cum forcing you to impregnate her

I want an abusive asian gf right fucking now fuuuuuuck


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why do non whites go so far as to spew pseudo science to justify their racial insecurity

>being this retarded
Its a fact that white people on average age like shit ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4756870/

>2 race traitors
They both deserve the rope.

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>t. assblasted chang

Maybe in America due to their awful diet.

Antiwhite niggers like you should take a trip to Europe and spew your bullshit and then watch what happens.

wh*te and *sian '''women''' are disgusting

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Andrew is a fucking ladyboy. She want baby.

Anyone here remember BlackBusterCritic?
Im sure /v/ lurkers will remember.

Well,this is him in 2018:

Chinks. Not even once.

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>not even niggers are safe from roasties
Fuck, all men, no matter their race should unite and fight the roastie plague

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Come on now, Cletus. You saw her eyes in my first post you responded to. Do they look anything like that?