Lmao this 'modern' life is so stupid

lmao this 'modern' life is so stupid
wish we could hit a reset button and get back to the simpler 'traditional' times.

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Get a boring wage slave job in a factory or on a farm that pretty much what it was like.

you mean knowing everything happening on the planet, being able to eat until you die and having unlimited access to pornography is a bad thing ?

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Life was always stupid, even in traditional times.

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Don't worry user, the Yellowstone volcano will do a hard reset.

If we hit the reset button we'd just be losers, with the "modern" life we can atleast shitpost to distract us from our pain of our degeneracy

how many years left?
honestly cant wait

Right when you had to work 16+ hours every day just to earn enough to buy the same potatoes since 7 years old and probably die at 50 from breathing the factory smoke while sharing a room with 6+ people

>Implying that this doesn't happen nowadays

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people in the past worked far less than the average person does now