Fresh Comfy Bread

Post comfy pictures, songs, films, anything you think is comfy.
Try not to be uncomfy, ie "I don't think X is comfy and you're shit for thinking so" - this is the epitome of uncomfy and not what these threads are for.
Grab a hot drink, kick off your shoes, get under a blanket and let's get comfy. Last thread hit image limit.

Attached: 1529488201603.gif (450x510, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>those other anons talking about NYC

Attached: St. Patrick's Cathedral.jpg (540x455, 329K)

Small penises are comfy

Attached: D2F6363F-ED2D-4DB8-8CF4-F333B2D3CDAF.png (640x1136, 829K)

ga((aca.HARMONY1)) by ecco2k

>Try not to be uncomfy, ie "I don't think X is comfy and you're shit for thinking so" - this is the epitome of uncomfy and not what these threads are for.
You're just taking advantage of this. You know what, I don't think penises are comfy and you're shit for thinking so

Attached: Snapchat-411923917.jpg (261x193, 7K)

Ok, I don't know if my perception of comfy is skewered, but I want to see if this small animation could be comfy. I just find it nice.
Inb4 the youtube video doesn't embbed

i find libraries and just anything with a large amount of books to be the most comfy. the problem is that i cannot seem to voluntarily pick up a book let alone continue it because i seem the get easily distracted. also whenever i read long paragraphs i dont go from one word to the next, instead i start at the first word of the paragraph then jump to the last few words, and then move my eyes around reading random words, not actually paying attention to whats going on or the dialogue. ultimately giving up on reading as a whole.
anyone else have this problem?

Attached: spiral library.jpg (2560x1440, 1.22M)

I find this very comfy for some reason.


Attached: 1524278357274.jpg (1920x1200, 548K)

for library user

Attached: bBJIzvH2Shs4DiKRTtZmFbrVj47P7PLz6K1HUBvkRGTC23AjkxM5453kxjS6lTvl.jpg (1920x1357, 445K)