For most of human history a man never lived past 30

For most of human history a man never lived past 30.

He died at the peak of his physicality, mental fortitude and knowledge if he lived that long. He was paired up with a girl when he was 12 or 13 and they mated for life. They lived long, fulfilling lives of striving to exist every day in the world and then they died. And then their children would carry the torch for a new generation. This was our way, for millenia.

What does modern life offer you? 60+ years of abject misery and drudgery, a used up whore who's had multiple men by the time she turns 18, a meaningless existence of working for money to buy things that help you forget how much you hate being alive. We need to go back, we need to nuke it all and go back.

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we Iive in a society


You're wrong in your first sentence. Modern life is nightmarishly automated, but it's not a curse. You just have to adapt to your new cage, animal.

I thought "early" men had multiple wives, especially if they were wealthy. Honestly I know nothing about it. I know you're just complaining about "le wrong generation I want a qt pure wyfoo" stuff.

If you stick a dog in an ant farm and expect it not to go insane then you're an idiot.

this perception is wrong, life expectency was so low because so many children died, if you made it past 12 years you'd get likely +60 yo

Many people lived to be older than that. Sargon lived to be 50 and Rameses lived to be 90. If you lived past child hood making it to 40 wasnt a big deal.

The main problem with society now is people are not as useful. Only the elite of the elite work on meaningful tasks whereas the rest of us just uphold the massive weight of civilization. It is hard to stick out unless you are beautiful or incredibly smart. Talent doesnt even mean much anymore when everyone can just watch the new guardians of the galaxy of instead.

this, they would half like 20 children but only 4 would survive

>I thought "early" men had multiple wives, especially if they were wealthy.
I'm talking pre civilisation, hunter gatherers. Before the time of kings and war.

>Honestly I know nothing about it. I know you're just complaining about "le wrong generation I want a qt pure wyfoo" stuff.
No, I'm saying humans evolved over millions of years to live a certain way and modern life goes against that. Humanity has been around for about 2 million years, agriculture came about barely 10,000 years ago. Then the industrial revolution happened 200 years ago. We haven't evolved to handle this shit yet and we never will, we'll always be playing catch up for the rest of time. The effect of this is depression, suicide, apathy and all the other evils of modern life.

You're not going back far enough, I'm talking waaaaaay back. When getting your shit kicked in by a random bear was an everyday occurence.

Ok virgins here's how you do it

>be ugly, creepy, unfit male loser like OP
>choose a career
>devote your life to it
>make exercising your hobby along with one or two arts
>start to make decent money, get nice clothes, get a nice place to live, fuck hookers if too lonely
>take vacations to Russia, China, India wherever and find a waifu there
>bring her back and pump her full of babies
>live the boomer life knowing you made it
And don't give me any of this boohoo I want real love bullshit. That will never be for you. If you're average or worse than you'll have to work on getting a girl to love you, it may take years.

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No, here's how you do it:

>Nuke humanity back to the stone age
>Nature self rights itself and people go back to how things should be
>You get your virgin waifu when you hit puberty and live a life of being a strong hunter who provides for his tribe

Degenerates like you deserve to die in the holy fire

Don't call me a degenerate you mentally ill freak. You'd be the first to die in an apocalypse and you know it.

You should've said you're retarded from the beginning, carry on.

>Anything drastic enough to take away my comfort is a joke

Nice point of view

OP'S RIGHT and homosexual, but NUKE IT ALL

>You get your virgin waifu when you hit puberty and live a life of being a strong hunter who provides for his tribe
>implying you somehow magically survive the nukes, survive nature "righting itself", and survive the old ways/lifestyles back in the stone age
>implying you somehow magically revert back to before you hit puberty
>implying you'd magically get a virgin waifu on top of all that
Either you're so fucked in the head thinking you'll somehow experience all that by nuking the planet, or you're assuming everyone else shares your misery in modern times and would be better off living a life of constant danger, continuous struggle, high death rates, and simplicity by lack of time to get anything more done than that.

As said, we live in a society. You sound like you just want to live in a distant past world (read: want to live in some glorified and happy version of the past, conveniently disregarding any risk, downsides, and whatnot).
Go through the amount of struggle people had to go for in the past, and apply that effort to modern-day shit. Invest in yourself, get your own plot of land with enough space and game to hunt, and make it a place your kids could live out your dream (implying they will want to).
It's about the best you can do, other than fantasizing and romanticizing hypothetical past lifestyles as you do now.

>le people died young meme
How fucking retarded are you? The average lifespan was 30 because lots of people died in infancy. If you made it to 18 youd also make it to 80.

>For most of human history a man never lived past 30.
Actually a lot of people lived past 60. The average aged was skewed because so many infant kids died before 5.After that age the rate of living exponentially grew.

Michelangelo lived till the age of 88.
Leonardo, 67.
Donatello 80 age.
Raphael died earlier which was 37.
Isaac newton, 84.
Galileo, 77.
Plato, 80.
Socrates, 71.
Aristotle, 62.

All of them past 30. I am not going around cherry picking either. Do your research, instead of believing liberal studies.

Yeah, well, long lives and the comfort of good food and air conditioning and whatnot gives us time to just relax and enjoy our imagination and entertainment. We're not forced to settle for a dirty roastie, we have the freedom, and no pressure outside of shaming from some idiots to even bother talking to them. Sure, you would have gotten a person to call your mate and feel like a man, at the end, but it's nice to just relax and hang out. Life is much less miserable when you don't pay normalfag social expectations any mind.

>people with good genetics live long
MAGICAL. What about the average peasant?

>Either you're so fucked in the head thinking you'll somehow experience all that by nuking the planet
I know it's too late for me, but it's not for future generations

>or you're assuming everyone else shares your misery in modern times
Just look at worldwide depression and suicide rates, the number one killer of men under 60 now is suicide

>and would be better off living a life of constant danger, continuous struggle, high death rates, and simplicity by lack of time to get anything more done than that
We really would, studies have been done on the mental health of remote tribes. In one study they talked to 150~ people, one guy showed minor signs of depression.

>As said, we live in a society
No, we don't. Not anymore. We live in a cesspool, you don't know your neighbour like you'd know a member of your tribe. There's a huge gulf that can never be crossed in modern society.

>You sound like you just want to live in a distant past world (read: want to live in some glorified and happy version of the past, conveniently disregarding any risk, downsides, and whatnot).
Billions would die, violent death would be common, life would be harder all round, but I truly believe we'd all be better off and happier.

>Go through the amount of struggle people had to go for in the past, and apply that effort to modern-day shit.
No point retard, people in the past would be taught from birth how to survive. Going out today to do it myself as a demonstration of how shit it was isn't fair to the process. If it takes years to learn you can't shit on it after a few hours of trying.

>Invest in yourself, get your own plot of land with enough space and game to hunt, and make it a place your kids could live out your dream (implying they will want to).
That's retarded. It doesn't solve any of the problems of modern life.

What part of "waaaaay back" are you not understanding mongoloid?

I'm talking about going back hundreds of thousands of years, not back to fucking rennaisance Italy or ancient Rome.

And you're still wrong, somebody already explained to you that high mortality rate in infancy brought that number down harshly. Listen to them.

>implying a brainlet like you has any understanding of the past

Even so it was still 30 at best for a lot of human history

False. Humans have always lived till around 70 to 80 except in really bad times of war.

I guess you don't understand what's being said to you. Try to read it as many times as needed, you'll get there

Fucking stupid post. People still lived a lot longer than 30 years in the paleolithic era. Its estimated they lived to be around 60. The figures estimating average life expectancy are thrown off by high rates of child mortality. If you lived long enough to get laid, you probably lived to be an old man.

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>For most of human history a man never lived past 30.
Nope. Life expectancy was 30 because half of population died during childhood. If you survived into teens, you would live for 50-60.

>For most of human history a man never lived past 30
That's a myth
The "average lifespan" you read about in history textbooks is skewed by infant mortality. Anyone who survived past ten years old would usually live to about as old as people live now.

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Listen retards.

There's a reason our bodies start breaking down after 30, it's how long we lived for for most of our history. Fuck outta here with your revisionist jewish brainwashing.

the teenage mutant ninja turtles arent real you fucking idiot

Seems like you still don't understand, try reading it some more.

you sound like a brainIet

>The combination of high infant mortality and deaths in young adulthood from accidents, epidemics, plagues, wars, and childbirth, particularly before modern medicine was widely available, significantly lowers LEB. But for those who survive early hazards, a life expectancy of 60 or 70 would not be uncommon.
You could've done a simple Google search and found out you where wrong.

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Yes double down. Thats smart.

Technically our bodies start breaking down at birth or at the very latest after puberty

Yes because people dying at 30~ in a 3rd world country have it so much better and wouldn't give it away

>our bodies start breaking down after 30
What the fuck