What was the last text message you received from a biological female that wasn't blood related to you?
>Hopefully another time!
What was the last text message you received from a biological female that wasn't blood related to you?
You were an awful boyfriend, she couldn't stand you the whole time.
>Hey can you switch [assigned task for some school shit] with [some other girl]?
>yeah ok
Not even exaggerating to be honest.
"please check the stove"
30 minutes ago from my young housewife who cooked for me
Life's good.
>user are you alright?
Shit that was like 8 years ago when my ex oneitis Pm'd me on the PS3. Never realized how long it's been until now.
What the hell happened next? Were you alright?
>Do you have a card for the graduation party?
For context she needed a ride home cause she was drunk and I was like 50 miles away in another city.
Shit forgot to post it. pic related.
"wanna get ketty at mine?"
My wife told me she loves me.
I don't get answers to my texts.
Cum ram this pussy, user.
Nah I wish it was "oh cool" from a girl I don't like unfortunately.
We were supposed to go on a trip together. I paid for her plane and concert tickets and everything.
Then I confessed my feelings of infatuation to her and she felt she didn't want to hurt me by being friends, so she decided not to go. She's a NEET and her dad had to give her the money to pay me back lol. Still a virgin at fucking 20.
>I will have to talk with [loan officer] and [realtor] to see what is realistic
My wife, minutes ago.
Happy marriages, anons.
>What the hell happened next?
Too lazy to type it all out but the next day she caused my last few friends to ghost me after she told them I had depression, then she ghosted me the same day.
>Were you alright?
>Then I confessed my feel-
Stopped reading there. Jesus Christ when will you faggots ever learn?
Wow, that's despicable. *Pat pat* user.
"Yeah, I think so." Originally.
10 days ago
Unironically kys you retarded piece of shit.
I've been friendzoned at least 8 times this year. I don't know how to escalate beyond a friendship. Fml.
>Ye I know
Two hours ago, chatting with a friend.
"I'm sorry, I don't feel the same way"
hold me brothers
Why tho? I expected sex for paying for all of her shit and flying her out with me.
>When you change your mind please let me know
Should I keep talking to her, bros?
>grew up together
>very secluded, few children
>think of it as a military base
>fall in "love" together at 15
>both our parents constantly moving
>never spend time together but talk constantly
>5 years later
>bring friends to her country
>she makes out with my best friend on night
>cut ties
>5 more years pass
>comes to my country
>visits me
>fuck for a week straight
>afterwards she says she felt taken advantage of
>wtf it was your idea
>cut ties
>3 years pass
>she sends me a message last Christmas asking if I still hate her
>god damn it, but no I don't
>we meet, bang, and she leaves
>tells me she wants my babies
>tells me she wants to marry me
>leaves to her country again
>gets a new bf
>I move the fuck on and get a gf
>tell her we shouldn't speak anymore
>she sends me that
She stresses me out, but I think I'll always love her. I've since broken up with that rebound girl. Developed a little physical dependence on alcohol, but I sorted that out. Now that I'm better I don't want her mind fucking me back onto a destructive path.
I'm sorry user. I hope you'll manage to fix these things.
>but I think I'll always love her
She'll always be a backstabbing whore. Enjoy your "love".
It was in 2012, don't even have the text anymore.
Haven't even talked with a female since then
>tfw I was dating an autist
This is why you'll die alone. Just kys already
Thanks. She's gotten me through a lot of shit. Can't believe we're buying a house. It's a tiny 2bed in an undesirable neighborhood, but it will be ours. I have so many plans.
gif related
>yesterday at 3 PM
Fuck yourself whiteknight
>Hopefully next week! I think it's just a summer cold.
Who knows if she's actually sick or if I'm entering the pre-ghost flaky phase. I guess I'll find out next weekend.
>But I have nothing to do lol
>How are you feeling otherwise
I don't talk to women that much anymore
i've never received one before
Quite literally never, not even memeing.
Well im am here 2 days of not getting any messages from anyone even if i asked for something sooo.
>Good luck baby, I know you can tackle this one.
From my ex girlfriend last Friday.
now you have nigga
Just a friend, we just hung out
This isnt a text message, retard.
Roastie, roastie, show me your toes please
Cant remember, probably last year and she said something like "lul".
I dont have any contact with females outside my family and rarely have contact outside my family
Whats magic school bus? Is she cute anyway?
My one and only friend (best though) is moving (sorta, its complicated). Im looking to make a rebound friend with a girl whos kinda like one of the guys. Tomboyish. Not really a looker, but whatever. Sorta funny easy to talk to.
Thing is im REALLY fucked up. Im nervous she wont like the real me or only put up with it cause she thinks im hot. Plus idk if I can joke about gore and dick with women?
most original comment ever
What'd she cook?
Generally use snapchat, but this is my last text from a girl.
>only a couple of people ITT saying "never"
I knew r9k was full of fucking normalfags but this is sad.
>you better fucking delete those photos because I deleted yours
May 2017 I think
Can't remember, I regularly wipe everything, and haven't had social media since 2014.
Two nights ago a female friend of mine whom I would probably fuck if she gave me the chance sent me pictures of two "funny" tweets that had sexual content, about putting a banana in your pants to impress a girl. I replied with normal bantz to the first one then added after the second one: "very sexual memes by the way. I'm guessing you want to see a picture of my banana?" And then I sent her a picture of a banana. She has not replied since. What does this mean? It's unlike her to send me anything sexual like that, even if they were just jokes.
did you delete them?
Is she a tranny from r9k?
Around whites internet fights
It means she's either considering it or your dick is small
Didnt respond. Couldn't be arsed.
>I did! Just pedaled around the neighborhood.
She doesn't know if my dick is small or not. I didn't send a picture of my dick, I sent her a picture of a banana.
Fyi my dick IS small.
She just realized you want to fuck her. She doesn't know how to respond.
>Hi. Can you hack into a fb account? Anonita can't remember her password
Last year of computer engineering and bitches thinks i'm some kind of genius hacker
A woman named Janice accidentally texted my phone because she thought it was a coworker
>Hey, what's up tonight?
Last night. Didn't respond to her because I was playing Mega Man 4 with some friends.
Eh, if that's what she thinks and her response is negative, I'll easily be able to play it off as a joke. I joke around with her 75% of the time anyway.
>July 11th 8:06PM 2018
>What a cool tradition!
Two months ago from my brother's wife, accidentally sent to me instead of a group family text I was included in
>you just weren't fun
My wife sending me meems while I play on my console.
>habibi, let's play cards when I get home
Gf last Friday.
how the fuck do you have so many female friends
Shouldn't have caved user, saying sorry is like cutting yourself in a pool of sharks, it just gives females the initiative to attack further
>boooo that's not fun
2 hours ago from close friend from out of state.
jesus fuck this autism is overwhelming
>Then I confessed my feelings
Unless you're an ultra Chad(which seeing as you're on Jow Forums I highly doubt) this will NEVER WORK
>i didn't see this until now, sorry
>3 days ago
Nah, it's not that bad, you're just contextualizing it that way because the girl didn't respond.
You have to use Jealousy to win. Date other women, get laid, do it well enough that the women she sees you with are always happy to be around you. She will be unhappy you're not orbiting her and will try to convince you that they're not good enough for you. That's your chance
>Yea sure! Room 405
~1:30 today. I was picking something up from her that she had grabbed because I left it somewhere
>"Love ya. When are you leaving?"
Joke's on you, my sister isn't biologically related to me.
>here's how to get laid
>get laid first, then you can get laid
you don't see the obvious flaw in your logic?
Bang a hooker. Girls get really jealous when they find out you have sex with hookers
>Should I keep talking to her bros?
Only if you are able to handle keeping her as strictly a booty call, but you said you have feelings so maybe that's not possible. Her behavior tells me she's been through miles of dick so her ability to pair bond is completely gone, she will cheat on you as soon as she gets bored.
>You want so I from Starbucks
I got a cappuccino
What's your relationship like already? For context
>girls thing you're really pathetic when they find out you have sex with hookers
I thought he was complaining about not being able to bang a specific woman, not women in general, but this is Jow Forums, you're right
>So I can drop it off at ur house
Today, at 12:15 PM
>what's magic school bus
Get out, you fucking underage cunt.
I was waiting for someone to say that. This board is full of 15 year olds these days.
>"Alright, have a nice night user."
>2 weeks ago
From a NEET lesbian girl I've been talking to online for the past 3 years now. She wants to transition to a boy, even though she's asexual? I'm glad she is broke so she can't do it.
Why do I talk to her? Well I met her online and we really hit if off. Then she told me all this tumblr LGBT shit, and I started disliking her. The only reason i still talk to her is because we talk about cartoons sometimes.
Last time I got a text from a girl I met IRL was back in high school. Some girl asked for my number because she wanted me to hook her up with my friend. We didn't even talk much. It was weird, but I did end up hooking them up.
>they think everyone's from The Land of Freedumbs
How did the relationship end where THAT was the last message? Did you kill her at the motel?
>How tall are you?
July 12th. FYI my reply was 5ft 8, which might be why she did not respond. Whats worse is that I actually inflated the number a bit
>5 f-
She stopped reading there 100%
You're posting on a computer (designed in America) running an OS (created in America) posting on the Internet (invented in America) on Jow Forums (created in America). Show some respect.
Immediately followed by
"Are you getting it today? We could maybe hose it out"
Happened today
>Jow Forums (created in America)