I got dumped today after a 5 year relationship, after i caught my gf sleeping around. She then dumped me for not being attentive enough even though i work 24/7. Im killing myself today. Goodbye
Goodbye Jow Forums
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thank you guys for supporting me the whole way, ill miss you.
I just want you to know that you absolutely deserve this for all those stupid posts you made bragging about your girlfriend
>killing yourself because some roastie
at least go out with the roastbeef you cuck
He had a point.
Bye friendo
i loved her, i was going to fucking propose and she betrayed me, why are women like this?, why is there not a single good one?
>inb4 chad didn't do anything
Teach him what happens to degenerates
i didnt post about that
Girls aren't evrything but its your life. Or death I suppose
i might do it, ill fucking kill him with my 1911
>i was going to fucking propose
Learn from your mistakes and hold on to life. Don't do something stupid like get addicted to alcohol. You'll just feel worse in the end
Live stream? Then someone can send it to her in retaliation
I FUCKING loved her, she was perfect, and then i got promoted and had to work more, and more and more and soon i was bringing in money, and then she did her deed of evil
actually maybe
You'd be doing a great service to evryone. People would think before fucking over people that they are supposed to care about.
>She then dumped me for not being attentive enough even though i work 24/7.
she was using you. id kill her first then kill yourself if you're being serious about this.
Why should she get the release of death. Make her live with the quilt of causing the death of an innocent man
youre a giant pussy bitch cuck
What you're feeling now, ask yourself, is this truly how you feel? Surely you felt her drifting before this.
Don't give her your heart any longer, OP. She doesn't deserve to hold onto your feelings. She doesn't want you. you need to move on to protect yourself from this.
if you're serious give us her name
Roasties love life more than anything, he could physically deform her to really make her suffer but that would take a bit more effort to do.
you need to take the redpill about women or if you're really offing yourself just kill every party involved. whatever you do don't just off yourself.
this guy has good insight why men off themselves when divorced or left. he's a bit of pacifist individual, but at least he makes sense.
Just send her personal info. Live stream the suicide and then one of us robots will send it to her
listen to theyre hanging me tonight by marty robbins
Sounds like an interesting prospect. Shoot her legs out and tear off her nose and ears
ive decided not to livestream my suicide, im going to jump off a building and die painlessly, i already plan to leave in 10 minutes, thank you guys for everything and i hope i will see you in the afterlife
Do it live and let's get the stacy whore
Wait, user, hold on. Can you please make a Fresco meme to commemorate your suicide before you go? One like this, please
At least let us see da nudes before you life stream
Farewell. You were too beautiful for this world
Fresco has no place here. This is Jeffle's domain
It would be doubly funny since long hours of work are what killed you through your relationshit
>Make her live with the quilt of causing the death of an innocent man
thats not how it works. she will think about it for 2 mins, then move on immediately to fucking chads.
Mayhaps. I was hoping for a live stream. Anyone know where he's from to confirm he did it
Please, OP. I beg of you, one final OC Fresco. You are Fresco!
Woah, woah, user right now? Are you sure man? I'm ok with suicide, I'm doing it myself, but I don't think you exactly want this just yet.
He hasn't done it yet, said he was leaving in 10 minutes 8 minutes ago.
He's probably already out the door headed to a building. Maybe his apartment complex.
You're not suiciding if you're not doing it right now, attentionwhore. OP is ahead of your pathetic emo games
Watch how a REAL man does it! Messy and on a feelings-filled whim!
OP here. Continued in
I'm most definitely not an attention whore. The reason I'm waiting is because I don't want my death to be news. It needs to be quiet.
om nom nom, tasty b8 m8
>killing yourself over a bitch
Don't do that user.
I know this is probably bait, but whatever. If you slept around, then that fucker didn't and doesn't deserve you. So you will be killing yourself over some bitch that wasn't meant to be with you. Grow up.
If you are willing to kill yourself then you could forget about finding someone better, someone that will clean the shit from your life and make you feel like you were born again.
Don't do it. Just because you stumble in your path doesn't mean you won't get even better tomorrow. It's hard to believe but it's the truth.
>highschool gf cucks me with my best friend
>about to jump off the roof of the school
>I look down and see a small kid
>fuck I can't kill myself in front of a fucking child
>father hugs me when I tell him what happened
>he says, and I will never forget this, "remake yourself to the person you want to be"
>I quit every single addiction I had
>no smoking, no drinking, no fucking computer
>mind feels clearer, body stronger
>start working with small indie videogame studio
>now a vip in a VERY well known studio
>girls throw themselves at me
Life changes. Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean you aren't gonna have better ones.
Kys faggot nobody cares about your maladaptive daydreaming
Please live stream your suicide and do it pronto. I am hungry and mom is making mac and cheese. I can't wait for you to kill yourself forever.
Take other people with you.
op comes on to brag about having a gf loses her and wants to anhero and get our sympathy fuck u entitled asshole you think we're doing any better FUCK OFF CHAD
>having a girlfriend
>killing yourself over a whore
Fuck off normie no one wants you here anyways, so good riddance
>it's another "trust me guiz women r evil! I had a girlfriend, did everything right and she still cheated on me!" thread
That's women's routine.
Please don't kill yourself user.
Originally original
This. I was user's best friend. We used to talk all the time, until his gf left him. He went crazy and I tried everything I could to calm him down, but he still did it. He still killed himself. Please upvote this post to show you care. 1 upvote = 1 prayer
You must be new and young.
One thing the dunecoons are right about. Want to hurt a women, mar her face.
no, don't do it op!
you forgot to set up the live stream.
Kill her first you fucking retard. She's the one who wronged you.
God I hate betacucks so much. Fuck you.
OP will not deliver. OP will not deliverOP will not deliver
I read to gf then stopped you dont belong here anyway so go tell soc. Or let me guess they didnt care. Suicide is not the answer faggot
Go there, the answers you seek are there
Doing ANYTHING because of a singular NPC female is NOT worth it cuck. DO NOT let her control you. This is what she wants.
Do this if and only if you're dead set on killing yourself. If you kill her don't pussy out on the ol' 9 to the dome piece.
>seeking answers from plebbit
thats gonna be a no from me
And then reenact it!
Please do this for us, OP
Paint your face red and dress up like him
Wrong. Women never want anything. That's why tyranny appeals to them so damn much.
how can you tell it was him nigga
He already killed himself guys. As of like half an hour ago
this is so sad upvotes to the left
Dude, she had no guilt while fucking around. Don't be a fool, she won't care. I've been through the same, you'll find a new one eventually and laugh at the stupid roastie whore. Don't be attention whore by going huuur imma kill muhself maybe she will care that will show her lmao calm down
OP here. I did it, I'm dead now. Please upvote this to get it to the top of Reddit so others are aware of the dangers of suicide
You don't know how many women say they'll never marry again after the death of their partner but then are fucking dudes two months later. It's going to be less time in this case because she didn't even give a fuck about her partner.
Stream it, you pussy. I'm waiting
you've finally realised the true nature of women. Congratulations user, you've achieved that which countless betas have been blind to since antiquity.
Dont do it OP! She is not worthing it! There are people who still love you in this world. Dont die for a shitty roastie please OP! Dont do it, think of your family and those who love you.
OP there is much more to experience in life. This is just a sad part of it. Think of your family and friends, deep inside they love you. Dont do it if that shitty girl decide to do something so awful. OP be smarter than that. Please OP continue living!
But it was good pussy and I lost that pussy
I lost the pussy don't you get it?!
Based and redpilled, friendo. Goodbye
OP said he would die hours ago. Are you OP?
Just try to sleep it off man.
Based, may op burn in hell
MGTOW not rope
Why don't you get "retribution" user?
Insert empty space here. Insert empty space hereInsert empty space here
can you faggots stop making attention whoring threads every time you end your pathetic little lives? it's seriously annoying to have to hide these every time i saw them.
He should add to The Daly Depressed (aka Jow Forums) content for the years to come.
If he jumps. Pieces.
originally stream it
He's probably already dead.
Not original. This has hsppened before
You should be grateful that she did this before marriage, it could be a lot worse.
>im killing myself
>posts on Jow Forums
>expects us to believe him
livestream link or gtfo is the only legit response to this type of bullshit.
can you live stream it nigger?
some bitches are evil. that's just a fact of life man, you gotta evolve past dwelling on that shit.
livestream it. for fucks sake. stop attention seeking like a dumb bitch and livesteam that suicide. for once in your pathetic life, take control of your pathetic life and livestream your suicide.
Remember, love is a chemical. Now how bout not killing yourself, and finding another. It's better off this way. Imagine what would've happened if you had married and she cheated on you.