"Alright user, you have 1 hour to do whatever you want with me, and I'll do whatever you tell me to."

>"Alright user, you have 1 hour to do whatever you want with me, and I'll do whatever you tell me to."

Wat do?

Attached: 5C9C6410-8708-4E6D-AD2D-A077F2454B3B.jpg (194x194, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Clean up my place. Do the dishes.

Beat her to death for being the worst doki

Put on these cat ears and this cat tail and lay your head on my chest

Attached: 1526436115052.jpg (1452x848, 120K)

since I'm not in a serious relationship with her.
ask her for a massage, and then to make a good meal for me.

Hand her an automatic rifle and drive her to a school

Attached: 1511673720296.jpg (549x563, 92K)

This is the best response so far. Though it should be a synagogue instead of a school.

she looks 12, I'll send her to school or something

Eat 15 bowls of hard boiled eggs

Hang her gently

Have a nice conversation about the meaning of life.

Get undressed and have sex with me. A lot.

somebody had to say it eventually

Attached: cuppo.png (369x387, 82K)

>women deep meaningful conversation
this aint a we laugh at women thread buddy

N-no. Anything but that.

Attached: No annon.gif (480x480, 266K)

nice reference
check my dubs though

Attached: 1524322837158.png (670x770, 182K)

I'm sure you could make time for both.

Best response I have ever heard

Jewish school? :^)

date me then become my qt loli gf

Attached: 2015-12-09_1907.png (452x446, 271K)

Stop saving (12 KB, 194x194) images you little brat
dipshit phoneposter

I'm too lazy to fill in the gray spaces so this is what you get

Attached: 45BE19BC-4E95-4BB4-8DA3-3C9FC21B4B0E.jpg (1125x1204, 170K)

find monika for me and make her love me

You're still looking compressed but that will do, you bratty loli. How much time is remaining?

All I want is to lie on my bed with you, clothed if necessary. I want to hold you, spooning. I want to lie there with you and every now and then you look deep in my eyes and tell me you love me, I'm handsome, or that I'm worth something. At 59 minutes you take a revolver and shoot me until it goes click. Thank you.

I wouldn't want to. I would want to continue lying there

All the girls in DDLC are exactly 18. Natsuki is small due to malnutrition.

did loli die?

No, you just ran out of time, user. She isn't obeying any longer

Well I know you like manga, so I'd ask you to read your favourites to me.

I still have 23 mins left I think

Hug her and cuddle with her for the whole hour.

slit her throat because shes not hatsune miku

Attached: download (6).jpg (227x222, 12K)

>that filename
>that file size

dangle yourself from a tree, fag.

>File: download (6).jpg (12 KB, 227x222)
go away ironic weeb scum

sex in the missionary position with lots of eye contact, kissing and hand holding with a creampie impregnation to finish up

Attached: 1527916694429.jpg (781x568, 229K)

Even cute naive op have to admit this is as good as it gets. Better take it before more weirdos show up

Attached: 1531410773514.png (1080x1077, 762K)

I'm on my fucking phone at work right now. I'm not a pathetic little shitskin NEET like you. I actually MAKE money and CONTRIBUTE TO SOCIETY. Piss off and rot when your Mommy kicks you out

Anime isnt real you retarded fucks


Attached: 1512454251382.jpg (1236x1791, 828K)

>another dipshit phoneposter cries when he gets called out.
I've only ever met 2 anons who learnt from their mistakes.
What compels you 0 standards fuckwits to come to a imageboard dedicated to posting images and pull this shit? Fuck off back to deviant art you ironic weeb scum.


Tick tock, little wagie.

FUUCK YOOU. Not all of us can suck from the government's tits. I don't have time to watch every single fucking anime in existence. You're nothing but a sloth that absorbs useless anime info. YOU'RE A PATHETIC NOBODY. END OF DISCUSSION

>tfw you will never have a cute petite gf to bake cupcakes with

then what are you doing on this board fucko? go back to /v/ and /b/ where people will actually tolerate your low-effort posts.

>Almost had qt tsun flat chest gf
>Friend zones me
>Play ddlc
>Natsuki best girl
>See her later at a Christmas party
>Her hair is styled like natsukis

One day, I will buy Jow Forums and holocaust all you phoneposters.
In the mean time:
>get fucked
>get some standards.

I like it when someone posts something wholesome and pretends it's some fucked fetish because I get an excuse to post wholesome stuff

Attached: 134r543234.jpg (800x600, 68K)

Cuddles and saying she loves me

Attached: 1476904809518.png (218x160, 5K)

ur gay end of discussion.

Attached: 0bb62b66a4a4d7d8ac2bdb8b46292428.png (800x960, 516K)

based and redpilled
a true connoisseur of art

thanks for the phone wallpaper

>1 hour has passed
goodbye pink loli

Gonna need a source on this one. Please.

see and use

Can't. I'm on my phone atm.

Yes you can you subhuman shit

Thanks, saucenao worked.like a charm.

[Makinosaka Shinichi] A Little More Assertively

alright Natsuki, you have to agree to go on a dinner date with me for 1 hour, where we'll share a nice big meal
I know your father starves you so you better accept my gratitude you little bitch

Attached: 1529429531700.gif (700x704, 295K)

Have you bookmarked it?

Thanks user. I appreciate you for helping me, but I did what this guy said already

No, but I think I have remembered it.

please give me real love, tenderness and affection

Attached: apu 1.jpg (785x644, 51K)

Your hour is already up, frog

you take that back you son of a bitch

>I think
just bookmark it

I use bookmarks very rarely.

I use it everyday

What are you, a stupid fucking boomer? Just remember that shit. Technology isn't good for you. You probably have an ask.com toolbar

Attached: 1525964158130.png (377x346, 79K)

Your list of bookmarks must be very long then.

It's in the thousands, but SauceNao being the most important is right at the top next to yandex!

Why would you even want to use yandex, unless you're a slav?

have the most high impact super tender cuddle sesh

Be my girlfriend!
Bake a cake with me!

O-okay user. B-but I'd like to warn you, I'm not so good at it...

Attached: Ashamed.jpg (256x300, 35K)

Often better results than google, which has been progressively worsening as a search engine for some time. I think they also censor manga due to piracy or incompetence which effects results and make it hard to find things.

>search manga page
>cartoon network and Talking Tom

This game is for edgy teenagers who think they are intellectuals

Climb on my back while I hike and talk to me in a Yoda voice.

Attached: 37644903_2108089009431585_6059480233612935168_o.png.jpg (986x995, 55K)

your a nigger shitskin end of discussion

buttblasted phoneposter is back!
Please go back to facebook

>all this wholesomeness
Well, looks like it is time to go to bed and delete my thoughts again

Make me, faggot.
Sayori best doki

Solve the Riemann hypothesis. Might as well do something actually useful.

Attached: e9b003dee6ffa0_full.jpg (500x350, 35K)

>when people don't understand feelbait

Clean my room and kill yourself

That's it bud. Ur gonna regret those words

Attached: 605.png (600x564, 222K)

Do it lolicon, bet you wont

Attached: 7C676524-51E2-457B-AF26-9C4CBF3E3B2B.jpg (300x250, 31K)

Wake up alone in bed

Fuck user, this made me feel.

Attached: 1525360834303.jpg (1068x566, 92K)

Just let me hold you

Attached: 1493480133997.jpg (400x207, 11K)

feed you a large amount of food and cuddle