You have one second to choose

You have one second to choose

Attached: 073F4E33-57CD-4C4B-8630-72861095AD2D.jpg (529x1024, 64K)


left one because right one is probably way taller than me

Right obviously
Who the fuck wants to breed with a femlet chink and bring manlet hapa to this world?

Wtf? Either the one on the left is a dwarf or the one on the right is a giant

wife and breed the right

>don't talk to me or my son ever again

both of their bellybuttons are disgusting

I keep flipping back and forth as I think about it, but at the 1 second mark I decided I liked the asian's face better so I choose left.

is there a sauce for this? oregenao

Left one because she's clearly the taller one when you account for the perspective trick that's obviously the point of the image.

Anything but the right is the wrong answer.

left because she looks like the chick from japanese breakfast

Attached: jbrekkie_feature_011.png (1000x668, 690K)

What perspective trick? They're standing next to each other

Why do women take naked pictures with each other?
For what reason does this picture need to be taken?

The asian chick, because she is cute, and if they are taller in the same height, i would still pick the asian chick, because white women are boring and the default that are forced and plus, are related to disgusting things in every industry of democrats, but look at this horrible asian woman too, don't matter, between a horrible american asian chick fabricated in democrats party in USA brainwashing her to be inferior for white women and against white dudes to protect the jealous and racist ego of asian men with some buzzords and manipulation, i would still prefer the asian chick with horrible behavior over the white chick with horrible behavior, because white women always will looks worse and more disgusting because of all mainstream anti-white male productions for years and become worse for being from the same race, plus, the men always prefer to be dominant with the women of other race, only in USA you have loser cuckold emasculated culture around white women racial worshiping and anti-white male racial trashing

Why do you think asian men prefer to have fantasies with white women instead of being neutral with asian women

Why do you think niggers prefer to have fantasies with white women instead of being with a nigger women

But the white male is forbiden to have anything good, who they enjoy, or want, democrats want to keep them polarized, racially trashed, related to shit, white men and asian or non-white women are less times in media, porn, or don't exist, they are marginalized, related to shit, they accept excuses of jealous racist asian men, niggers, don't expose the men of other race, don't ridicularize them, don't relate them with shit, but at the same time celebrate white women with other race, white women is shoved in the troats of everybody in American exported garbage, and the white male looks like a loser living only to promote the white women, forced to be only with white women in contrast with the white women being the only race used with other race

cuter feet on the left

>are related to disgusting things in every industry of democrats,

how does it feel to have such a skewed and broken mind.

you're worse than my SJW ex gf

Lmao whad da fuggg xxxxDD

>Why do women take naked pictures with each other?
>For what reason does this picture need to be taken?
These are vapid whores user

To send to chads to score them?
Or are they lesbians?

If it didn't look like there was a trick then it wouldn't be a trick, now would it dumdums.

left one cause small cute gf

Right for tall chad sons

Here is a good example of a legitimately insane person posting on Jow Forums

Girl on the left, I'm already I M A G I N I N G

>control all 3 branches of government
>still blame dems for all your problems

Holy fuck imagine being this cucked

Attached: zwesxdrctfvgybuhnijmko.jpg (538x513, 106K)

You haven't seen this guy before? I'm fascinated by him, personally. There are dozens of walltexts in this unique style all about the same topic. I've seen them posted under a Brazilian flag on Jow Forums and /sp/, and that would explain the poor English, but it could still be a proxy.

Right no question I love tall girls

Left one, asian qts are superior.

That's one fuckuva maze of ESL gibberish.

Attached: jZ1wq.jpg (528x423, 40K)

>Who the fuck wants to breed with a femlet chink and bring manlet hapa to this world?
I do.

Attached: 1526238993626.png (393x226, 101K)

tall girls have huge vaginas and can't be satisfied by a normal sized penis

based as phuck my guy

this is why chinks are self hating. subhuman robots

cant understand you guys fetish for short ugly non whites.

What do you mean "this is why"?

The Asian girl is objectively more attractive in this pic, both body and face

fuck lads this is a hard one.

they both push my buttons but in different ways. im honestly at loss for choice.

if it ain't white it ain't right my negroes

>right looks cringe
>left looks like an child

Amazon girl obviously.

Depends if the asian is really small or the white girl is really big. I want the one with the biggest height abnormality

>Not wanting to father manlets so that you can always remain the alpha

nigger this is 100% jewish, not "democrat"

Attached: silberman-quote.jpg (751x500, 218K)

This. At first I was going to say the tall white one, but upon closer examination neither is tolerable.

Id go for the tall one, im a tall boi so any interaction with people under 5'8 gets awkward quick

3D women are trash

Attached: 1531461776950.gif (400x208, 131K)

This, navel piercings immediately make them a 0/10, why would you block the view like that?

Attached: 20.jpg (850x1201, 157K)

tl;dr that shit, you dumb cuckhold

I believe he's a brazillian who was infamous on Jow Forums a few years ago.

hey someone else who recognizes him.