>be me >two years ago in college class >super cute girl get paired with me in groups >we get along really well and she thinks I'm funny >we start pairing up in groups after that >we get along really well >similar interests, personalities, etc >I find out that she likes me >I ghost her and completely ignore her >she comes up to me one class going to say "hi" >I turn my back to her an pretend she isn't there >she says "hi" in a whimpery voice, then walks off in sorrow >mfw she doesn't show up to the last two classes >mfw she failed the course, despite doing very well in it, because I made her that sad >mfw I turned down a girl that could have easily, and I stress easily, become my wife
I am stronger and more powerful that all of your faggots, for I can turn down temptresses. I am reaching Peak Gnosis and will soon acquire the girl who appears in my dreams; the only one that can soothe my heart.
Aren't you that guy who claimed albanians were slavs and arians and turned down that kike?
Hunter Parker
>thinks he's strong for hurting women and making them hate themselves cringe! you'd actually be strong if you were capable of maintaining relationships and letting people down gently. that's your autism talking, just delusions of strength and enlightenment.
Grayson Cooper
>claimed albanians were slavs and arians Aryans, yes. Slavs, no.
>turned down that kike? Yeah, which happened in February till early June. This story took place two years ago and was my best rejection of a temptress.
I actually read up on it after some user also mentioned something about indogermanians and shit. Albanians are exactly as aryan as iranians and indians.
Christian Green
What the fuck happened to Jow Forums? What happened to us hating women? I can't believe that there are faggots defending the girl. I strive to be like OP and make girls hate themselves.
Nathaniel Edwards
how many successful women hate threads have there been the past year? like 2 i only come here now to revel in the existential feels since normies have taken over any conversation relating to women
Michael Thomas
Jow Forums isn't your board incel this can't be said enough
Bentley Murphy
Jow Forums isn't your site, reddit migrant. Saying incel is a dead give away of your newfagness.
Thomas Torres
Fuck off to reddit moralfag
Nolan Bell
I bet you are also that guy who also makes the posts complaining about not having a girlfriend. The autism is strong with this one.
I should've asked this earlier; are you going to settle down with an albanian woman in Albania, or are you not interested in going back home once you're(completely) done with your education?
Jack Williams
Don't listen to all these other pussies in the thread, OP. You are a real hero who did the right thing. I there were more men like you, the world wouldn't be the shithole it is today.
Daniel Murphy
Op, why? For some reason this is really bothering me. I don't really have sympathy for her so much as the situation disturbs me wtf
Mason Taylor
I already have a gf though. You're only hurting yourself
Maybe I'll end up retiring in Albania, which is pretty common for other Albanians to do. Idk if my wife will be an ethnic Albanian. I have an image of how my future wife will look like and how her personality will be, but idk the ethnicity; I only know that she will be white.
>I don't really have sympathy for her so much as the situation disturbs me wtf Because I denied what you pray for.
You guys seriously need to grow your hair long and get skinny. The shit will do you wonders. I don't have to do anything and women will approach me and give compliments all the time.