You have 0 (ZERO) excuses, you pathetic weakling.

Attached: weight-loss-transofrmation-thumbnail.jpg (1200x628, 143K)

I wonder whether there are enough idiots out there who believe in such pictures being anything but irony for obvious reasons.

that's not the same person...


left one looks better imho

>having to grow a beard to hide the ugly
that's some weak shit right there.



Attached: 1512502230685.jpg (750x720, 189K)

so basically attractiveness is tricking people into thinking you don't have a weak ugly jaw and poor eyesight

It's not only the beard. He also ditched the thin square rimmed glasses, stop smiling to prevent his crooked teeth from showing, and let his hair grow out. He basically went from car dealership manager to red-head bearded James Dean.

it is
He is a fucking model now, he's rolling in money and chicks.



NONE!!!!!! GODDAMMIT!!!!!!

Attached: 1484915259514.jpg (2600x2184, 372K)

So basically grow long hair and that solves the problem?


He looks like the typical chad in my area on the left though. It's just the glasses and clothing giving him a "nerd" look.

>he looks like a Chad on the left
holy you are delusional my man

>less than one year to go from fat to basically thin

how do you do this without starving yourself?

starving yourself for a lil while =/= dying

Just do it, pussy.

Whitoids can't be incels/robots it is known.

Attached: tMuriH4.jpg (1888x810, 250K)

Take away the glasses and put him in a sleeveless tshirt, and he's your average chad. In fact, he actually looks better on the left.

What's the arm lifting for? To show no hanging skin or flab?

how do I achieve this mode?

is this a fucking joke???? that isn't the same guy!!

>he actually looks better on the left.

>Haha lifting and dieting can fix years of social isolation, depression, resentment, anxiety and autism
For the quadrillionth time, no. Kys.

>ids dat fugen joge?! :DDD dat isnt same guy :DDD

Attached: 1516493755910.jpg (360x360, 17K)

>Take away the glasses and put him in a sleeveless tshirt, and he's your average chad.

Attached: 84230918420984098.jpg (400x386, 25K)

don't fucking step to me faggot I'll eat your fucking lunch

Bro you're a whole nother level or retard aren't you?

lurk more fagitboyu

Attached: 1529195526591.png (320x437, 274K)

if fasting is the golden key to healthy weight loss then why does popular fasting advocate, Jimmy Moore, look like this now

Attached: Jimmy Moore at Keto Getaway January 2017.jpg (1600x1066, 107K)

I can't even grow a beard lmao.

1) Get ripped. (your face will get sharp too)
2) Grow your hair long.
3) Grow a beard.

That's literally it.
You'll look like a Bengal God.

Yes, no excuses, cuck.

Attached: 4ff6c8deb56ee72d52de54d303eb3e38.jpg (534x800, 57K)

it was obviously "le ebin joke", are you autistic?

can I get source on the guy o the right, I want to mire some more

Still looks like an absolute creep.

Yes you can, NO excuses, spineless coward.

Attached: kirkland-minoxidil-beard.jpg (879x425, 126K)

he makes me wet my panties... *.* I love that type of creep...

>I was only pretending to be retarded
KEK, sure thing friendo.

>poisoning yourself for vanity

Not that guy but it was real obvious, get tested

>Not that guy
yeah sure thing dude, lmao

You eat poison everyday, dummy.

shut the fuck up you virgin retard

Projecting much? lmao @ ur lyfe


kys loser

my excuse is i can't grow a beard

>lmao muh nigga finna @ ya lyfe boiii

Fucking kill yourself

Why so ass pained my dude? It's ok to be retarded
no need to samefag either

dude just take everyones advice and stop posting lmao

Yes you can, cucklet.

this guy looks like a typical chad in my area. take away the glasses and put him in a sleeveless shirt and he's your average chad

Attached: averagechad.jpg (600x738, 36K)

doesn't that give a shit beard anyway? also i have to keep using it.

>dayuum mah nigga was gud muh dude

1) Fix teeth (2 years)
2) Reach healthy BMI.
3) Get fit.

That's it.


I bet you'd like that, maybe you'd stop crying then lmao. lol at u 2 nigger.

>I bet you'd like that,

a lot of people would my dude

Literally scooby who?

>lulzing @ u 2 mah nigga finna gang gang finna boii

>being this much of a brainlet
Guess I might as well go chug a bottle of insecticide since I eat poison every day anyway, right? lololol

Nah, it's just you who's crying.
please speak english, no one can understand you.

Hey OP, do you have a discord I can add you on? You seem pretty smart and would love to talk self improvement with you

You should, no one would miss you.

just shut the fuck up loser


yea just be confident.

Attached: lazquez.jpg (2448x2297, 1.01M)

>he thinks they don't put poison in food
>he thinks certain quantities of what qualifies as poison in food = instant death
you're the brainlet, brainlet

I'm just a shitposter passing by, famalam.

no u, faggot.

Chad potentiaI.

If he is the same person he has had a fuckton of plastic surgery. Eye area and nose are totally different.

Well men can't get away with painting an attractive face on top of their ugly on, so we grow hair.

Attached: William_Murderface.jpg (640x360, 23K)

he's white and has a suit

but user my excuse is that I'm a pathetic weakling

Stop being a pathetic weakling, you pathetic weakling.

From Boomer to Zoomer.

Soiboy ----> soiboy with a beard (bigger soiboy)

t. insecure manIet

lose the weight fatty. I can see it in your face.

Not him but what if I'm very skinny (not skinnyfat) but have a chubby face? Should I starve myself for a few days?

Wow who would've thought.

Attached: 1454787171534.png (290x290, 141K)

Describe how you feel about the image you uploaded, thanks.

It looks like he went from a callcenter job to making his own microbrew made with kale or someshit