White women are whores who will fuck any shitskin. Stop pretending you only chase good looking shitskins...

White women are whores who will fuck any shitskin. Stop pretending you only chase good looking shitskins. You are just trash whores.

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dude is fat and has glasses. still white roasties whores fuck him cause they're trash

that girls body is bad

still a traitor

He doesn't look like a bad black dude. I have no problem with this. I feel worse for him because she doesn't look that great from the back.

he's a shitskin. It's still disgusting you cuck

see White roasties always want a white chad, they just aren't hot enough for him and know it. So, they rather become a race traitor for a 4/10 shitskin than settle for some white robot. Sorry user.

but why whore our for a 4 inch dicked Indian beta?

Shitskin, spic here

I fuck anything. If you don't like your chubby ugly white women. Then sent them to me. I'll breed with them.

He's like, barely black

Why do you care if ugly overweight whores suck niggerdick?
Thank you based niggers for taking out our trash.

Love that Aziz Ansari bit about thinking about the racists while fucking a white woman. Exactly what I think about and makes it so much better.

Go back to Jow Forums orginalio

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yeah and then he got accused of rape and now he's ruined

i like this one better than that stupid shit

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white men also race mix a ton. It's a white people thing not just white women

He looks like a normal guy though. He's not some nigger.

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No. It's white women who are the problem. They are trash whore skanks who jump into bed with any shitskin and now the white race looks weak because of them

>posting cuck propaganda
kill yourself you filthy nigger lover. There is no such thing as a good nonwhite no matter what they do

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I hope you don't keep that saved user.

i do to btfo black dicklets

high res pic

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I'll post something humiliating to niggers again

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This someone's sister/daughter

>"I have pictures of naked black guys saved on my computer but I swear it's just to btfo da shitskins I swear!"

>"now the white race looks weak because of them"
no buddy, the white race looks weak because of you

are you mad pathetic black boi?

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then consider traps join my trap harem discord dwUTf3y

No. it looks weak because of them. I could easily beat that weak little Indian faggots ass. I wish there were no cops so I could run around beating the fuck out of every nonwhite pansy I could find.

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I'm not a black boi dumb ass

I checked that guy facebook he is absolutely based. Gallery full of big cars, guns, weed and white whores.

keep posting this shit just gets better and better

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but I've literally beat up 5 black guys this year. one was a Hebrew Israelite. I'm stronger than most other men and if I could I would justbgo beat the fuck out of every nigger I could find.

how is that based you fucking cuckold?

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Reminder that White Women have the lowest rates of race mixing out of any other group

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stop larping you literal mangina cuckold

i don't believe that bullshit for one second.

I'm not larping bitch. i have beat up 5 niggers this year. Niggers are fucking pansies.

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do u really think anyone is gonna believe this dude

if women would rather date a "shitskin" shouldn't that be a wake up your doing something wrong?

It doesn't matter whether they believe it or not cause it's true. Sorry you're too weak to beat up a nigger but in reality they're not that special or tough. Most of you are just brainwashed cuckold pussies.

>yfw OP literally took this pic himself while seething on a carless trip to wherever he was going

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No. It's proof that Jewish brainwashing is working.

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Don't you get it I'm WHITE and MALE and MIDDLE-CLASS. That makes everything I do RIGHT by definition, and anyone who's not like me is EVIL by definition. I'm going to go bully more minorities for not acting like me, then unwind by complaining bitterly that normies are so intolerant.

You sure it really can't be the fact that you yourself are a horrid human being?

>never see a shitskin betas talk about jews
>never see a white alpha talk about jews
>only white betas talk about jews

Nope. It's the fact that Jews brainwash them to fuck any shitskin they can find to kill the white race.

Can't find the gendered one right now so have this for now

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It's almost like Jews don't fuck over those other groups you stupid piece of shit. It's almost like Jews want to kill the white race but not the other races.

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>people never have sex outside of marriage

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minorities should get the fuck out of America

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imagine when he kills himself and they deep search his electronics LMAO

>t. edgy 14 year old who has never won a fight in his life

imagine when you kill yourself

>the denial

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No bitch. Sorry you are afraid of niggers because you are a weakling.

>people never lie

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>m-muh cuck fantasy can't just be a fantasy!
even escorts regularly deny niggers service

>Most whites still marry whites
>Only 10% of blacks marry interracial

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because they don't want to get robbed

and porn stars also deny regularly them or demand to be paid more

>all sex happens within marriage
>implying the vast majority of white women who have babies with niggers don't do it out of wedlock

>A Jow Forums Synopsis

Because it ruins their image to white men who buy their porn.

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>t. sissy faggot black boi with a micropenis

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>NO U!!

good one retard. someone please tell this 12 year old's mother to get him away from the computer he's losing his mind

sorry, niggers just aren't wanted by white women

The fact is white women are filthy shitskin lovers and white men have to do something about it. We never should have given them rights.

Was this supposed to make blacks look better? What was your point by saying this?

imagine when you kill yourself cause no one likes you and you're ugly

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>give many examples of women not wants niggers
>The fact is white women are filthy shitskin lovers
white men race mix more on average

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quit being in denial. white women are nigger lovers and something has to be done about it. I understand the power of suggestion but we can talk frankly. Our race is dying and America is being taken over by shitskins.

woman don't have sex with you because you are a autistic sperg grow up and change

I haven't seen any evidence that white woman are widely race mixers
The white race is at risk of being out bred in their own land, not race mixing

Because white women are filthy nigger lovers

No thanks. I like it here. I'll stay and if you don't like it you can take my take up your ass.

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okay, just keep repeating yourself, cucklord

Okay... cool but you didn't answer my question - so again how was saying "prostitutes only don't like blacks because they rob them" supposed to make them look better?

Because they'd still like to fuck them they just don't want to get robbed.

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>ass hurting

Let's post screenshots of our text inbox...see who is really unliked

that's why you are so insecure you have to try and convince yourself you're not worthless. It's easy to get throwaway friends who don't really give a fuck about you. It's not impressive.

>friendless virgin making excuses


lost it at 16

youre the one coping because none of your friends actually like or care about you. It's easy to make a thousand friends that you just do stupid shit with

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>Assumptions about people he knows nothing about


>implying all of your posts weren't based on assumptions
guess you'd better kill yourself loser

>t. virgin gay porn spammer

Wait till they see your internet history FAGGOT LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I literally lost my virginity at 16

>admits to saving hundreds of gay porn

I bet you did lose it at 16 since you're a fag

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i didnt admit to that and you have a small dick

>denies being a virgin
>doesn't deny being a gay porn expert

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funny when ironic threads like this get blown up with unironic arguments

really says a lot about the kinds of traffic that browses this place

You sound insecure qq

i have a bbc and can vouch that white women love fucking with other races. marriage statistics don't mean shit in this day and age

>Coping for HOURS

No such thing as a BBC

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>beta 'nice guy' with a shitty personality gets rejected by everyone he pursues
>"i-its not me, its clearly the colour of my skin fucking shitskins lmao"

Wake up to yourself, or off yourself you coping fuck.

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I don't even get rejected. I'm just disgusted by white women with nonwhites. I could have a thousand women and I still would be disgusted by it.

i literally have one. it's 7.5x5.5. posting pictures of black guys with small flaccid dicks won't change my penis size or your oversized clit lol. the white women YOUR virgin ass could have been fucking are getting fucked by me. sorry :)