This is 10 hours after I made an account on this dating app

This is 10 hours after I made an account on this dating app

Why dont you just try it user? Even ugly white guys like you will get matches here

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That's impressive 10h and only 3 fake accounts replied. It's usually 20 or 30 in that time

Was about to type this exact message but then I glanced down and saw yours. Regardless, even if the accounts arent fake I would avoid anybody who names themself something like "cutie" on dating apps. I would avoid them like the plague

I tried. Asians don't like middle easterners as much as whites

because I have, for two years and I haven't gotten a single fucking match. I don't even know why I try with tinder anymore.

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Which app retardo?

take a guess at which one(s) are the bots.

In a few days i had over 30 matches, lotta nice looking girls too but fucking hell l just can't bring myself to actually talk, even when a girl messages me first.

I just use it to see what kind of girls go for a guy like me. I have zero personality but I'm 6'3" and pretty handsome so thots automatically assume "chad".

I'm probably an aspie.

well you could at least mention what app this is user

Because I can't be cucked without having female contact

You're either very ugly or really unlucky.

Is your bio autistic?

And I ask a second time OP
what app?

>he still uses tinder


heres my bio, its not even autistic.

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Sweet user i'll check it out shortly.

people told me that about bumble, and I tried it for months, I still have it and ive gotten nothing.

keep the one with the corgi, delete the rest
if you're over 6 feet write that in your bio

im a fucking manlet dude. 5"3' its fucking over for me.

>not ugly
>several weeks and no matches

I... Im sorry user


did you get matches already user? got my first match ever after 1 minute of swiping

I haven't signed up. Got distracted by a few other apps. Read the reviews also and some make it seem like you cant message people or see who likes you. accurate or no?

You can message people once you matched with them
Na its like tinder you have to pay to see who liked you

>extremely chilL

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its only true, people have assumed i'm high all the time due to how calm I seem but I dont do any drugs. It's just the assburgers I guess.

yeah dude no one uses tantan in my area.

p much the whole point of tantan is to get yt hooked up with a golddigger from guangzhou then drained of all his funds. it's like how tinder exists to spread herpes.

I mostly match with fat girls, single mothers, and fat single mothers. Oh, and a few art hoes.

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Straightedge also means no sex before marriage right?

does it? Im not sure, but I havent had vaginal penetration so I think im good either way

blessed are the short, for the Kingdom of Heaven will be nearer to them

>continue with phone or normiebook
Dropped, no grills for me

is this how you do it lads

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Fuck off mox

Inb4 all bots preprogrammed to respond to your first message with a "that sounds great!" And then proceed to ask you questions for bullshit

I am not attractive.
Next question

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I don't know anything about dating apps but those are probably all bots.

i'm autistic and even i can tell that last paragraph isn't doing you any favors

well I mean I have aspergers and I didnt think it was so bad, whats wrong about it?
I affirmed I was 20 because I look like im 15 really.

>considered it
>downloaded app
>Im not a chad but not a beta either
>~7 or 8 out of ten
>remember that I am not currently browsing the market for companionship
>leave app on phone w/out making account
>app keeps telling me I have matches and people are liking me
Man I dont get how you guys arent getting matches. Im getting matches and I dont even have an account. Kek

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Yeah no user. The use of friendos shouldn't have been done, referring to dating as the other thing is bad. And reaffirming your age shouldn't really be done, raises more doubt than it dispels. From a fellow diagnosed and rehabilitated spergling I have to tell you you got a little more rehab to do

Everything about Tinder is a scam, even the most bluepilled of normies accept this as fact

Yes they do. But apparantly you dont understand that the joke is that Im still not making a damn account.

Why? It's just a username

In my experience a vast majority of the females to do that are either very high strung, high maintenence, narcissistic, insane, childish, or some weird mashup of them. My sample size for this is pretty decent and it usually holds true.

Remove the straight edge part. It shows you're boring and present. Remove the music part. Everyone likes music. Playing instruments is impressive to 15 year olds

so basically just have no bio

>Playing instruments is impressive to 15 year olds
And girls

Bios are meant to be very short. People dont read most of it. Its best for stuff to come from talking

Lol!! No. It's kinda childish

>Not liking the advice you asked fucking Jow Forums for and not leaving when you bwgin to reject said advice

What the hell? Then why are you bothering with online dating?

He's right. Mine's only two lines and it still feels too long.

Lol!! Taking dating advice from some r9k faggot

Bios are basically at the point where its like. Adjective noun (these should be witty and describe you) adjective/noun noun (these should describe you) and you're trying to sell yourself in that short.

I have been using it for a month or so and have gotten a lot more matches then tinder and 95 likes. But most of the people I matched are so far away and most speak chinese. Don't expect too much out of it. Also how do you get the premium function to pop up? I have been using the free version since it came out and not once have they advertised premium, not that I am complaining.

Tfw I almost get two shitty shitty triples in the course of ten or fifteen minutes. Im gonna go back to being toxic now cause I can have positive triples