Why is it +30C in literally every country in the world?

Why is it +30C in literally every country in the world?

I'm trying to escape the heat but not even nordic countries are cold anymore.
It's the same weather everywhere, and it's been this way for weeks and it's gonna stay like this for weeks.
It's not normal, some evil overlord has fucked up our planet with some death ray.

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The environment is literally going down the drain because of greedy fucking corporations

Fuck this shit

Global warming is upon us, my dudes! No more comfy Winters.

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Nah brew it's pretty chilly down here in kiwiland, got my hotwater bottle and all.

>4 weeks of +30C in every country

>every one of my friends with an AC in their house is saying how great it is

Must be nice to be able to escape the heat.
I live in it. It's +30 in my home day and night.

Hello fellow kiwi! Pretty wet and cold eh?

>climate change is now ruining comfy first-world life too
what the FUCK? This can't be happening! Why didn't they warn us?

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>live in berlin
>used to get supercomfy russian type winters with -20c and massive snow blankets
>lucky to get 3-5 days of snow nowadays
>summer is always 28+
>can't leave the house to do anything

kill me please

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Yep maximum comfy, I quite enjoy falling asleep to the sound of the rain.

Every country has African weather these days. Just checked the weather in Kongo, it's the same as in Finland.
How equal and multi-cultural.