Super cute girl on OKcupid, seems completely cool and then this is at the end

Super cute girl on OKcupid, seems completely cool and then this is at the end

Wtf Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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> I don't mind the white ones too

I don't understand why so many girls are like this. They get pleasure out of putting white men down. They like to remind white men that they are a second choice, and less desirable than men with black skin. Weird.

It's like these women have never even met niggers irl.

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White people are unique in the fact that they're the only documented species and race to willingly want to extinguish themselves

She's obviously retarded. Cute. But retarded

another retarded white women

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she’s chubby, I hear blacks like thick bitches

Latvian reporting in. I’ll tell you this, American liberal Jews might be bad here in the states but liberal cunts in Europe are absolutely the fucking worst, without question. Especially Baltic cunts who’s grandfathers fought with the Reich to preserve the cultures and countries like you user pointed out took years to build. As much as I hate to finally admit this, white liberal cunts are number 1 on my rope list, before anyone else it’s them. To them sex is not an expression of love and procreation but tool which is used to bridge the cap between ethnicity and their offspring are the manifestation of the retarded ideals of “I don’t believe in countries, the world should just be 1 big country, fuck borders” bullshit. I wouldn’t even waste rope of them I’d just drown them as poestic justice for living a life drowned out from reality.

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Why don't you take off your meme flag?

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I can't understand how they care so little about all the things their ancestors have done for them to secure their freedom.

I'm conflicted. On the one hand I want to save whites, but on the other, whites seem so hellbent on killing themselves.

Here, it's off. The reason why I use the European flag is because the Belgian flag might as well be.


why are women so fucking stupid

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Mi guste

You can't reason with emotion. The day of the rope can't come fast enough.

A cute girl i was talking to on tinder and getting along well with blocked me once she found out i wasnt a Communist. She told me to check my white male privilege and blocked me. I was completely polite the whole time. These women dont deserve your trouble man. If you can be yourself then whats the point. They will end up with some white beta loser and they will both suffer together.


She sounds retarded as shit, might as well breed with niggers.

>displaying this much autism
>still wondering why she prefers blacks
At least they shut up and fuck her senseless

how old is she?

He’s the emotional one. He has an emotional attachment to language, skin color, and culture.

so much this

18 and Lithuanian
I'm only engaging in this conversation to display what European women are often like and how they think. If you think that acting like a nigger to impress white women is the way to go, then maybe Greeks really aren't white.
Typical mutt response

Gib, Greeks not white, let me breed her

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I’ve had this happen to me too.
Call me petty but when I first meet someone on tinder I start a backup file, saving their pics and screenshoting their details.
I then take the girls file and start a Grindr account stating that she’s a left learning communist and loves social justice but deep down fucking hates pozzed our fag, and she wishes she could burn fags alive, etc.
She gets TONNES of messages none of them are nice. The profile always gets removed before anyone messages saying it’s fake.

Fuck em. Sanctimonious cunts.

Brainwash is still going strong as ever....

Give it up waffle bro. I dated a Lithuanian who started to say shit like this too so I broke up. She’s now married to an Iranian with a child who looks like Sloth from the Goonies. Oh yeah and they’re divorced after 3 happily married years. They’ll never learn until they’re cutting their wrists at 45 with no prospects.

hey i just say u in a thread whats happening

pfff. She'll get over it after finding quality white conservative dick.


Fuck off nigger no one cares bout your King Chaka leaf larping faggot.

Women were a mistake.


You pushed the bait too hard

they produce retarded mulattos though, you can't have white women without white men

>entire thread dedicated to ripping on a coal burner for throwing away her heratige and her country
>choose to throw away his nations flag to wear a cuckflag
There is nothing to hide, friend. It's not like you're Canadian.

>this much delusion in one post
>is a faggot

Yeah it checks out.

They usually end up being single mothers. Women are too stupid to learn from their mistakes which is why they're like children.

Almost no women are like that. The ones that are like that are extremely mentally defective and extremely brainwashed. It could never happen naturally.

>super cute
Not even close. And who the fuck takes pictures like that? Desperate much?

Fuck 90% of white women. Latinas, Desis, Asian women appreciate us white men more than white girls do. It's time for us white men to make a powerful 56 race and wipe these naive nigger lovers out.

>They usually end up being single mothers
Lithuans don't even have niggers to breed with. Just a thought.
>they're like children
exactly what i'm talking about

>caring about meme flag
Why don't you stop sucking meme dick in the closet and come on out?

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Don't you understand that nationalism doesn't really exist in Belgium and that the redpilled people hate this country?

While this is obvious bait and largely subjective I will just quickly point out that's it's factually wrong in at least 1 way, blacks are shorter than whites on average.

They're not. Just a small number of people, heavily psychologically abused by Jews, are.

the difference between you, and OP, is that whilst you are not a communist, the OP most certainly is one. did you miss his flag?

Everyone of OK Cupid is like that

>Super cute girl
She's fat, you're blind.

Wait she is Lithuanian? Damn you jews! Stop corrupting our women!

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>imagine being this autistic

Fucking hell German Women only want white dick Sieg heil

It's this. Bitches ain't woke yet.

Only degenerates use those apps

>cannot tell the difference between thicc and fat

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messiah complex, it's common amongst girls that age

There must be something wrong with her mind OP.

she's gonna pay the toll, you cant stroll on the toll

lol if you're writing more than two lines you're messing up

Apparently she fails to realize only 2% of black men financially support children they have with white women. Joke will be on her in a year or two.

Clever Swarther

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>To them sex is not an expression of love and procreation but tool which is used to bridge the cap between ethnicity

Very insightful.

To everyone in this thread calling me autistic

That's what you sound like to me


that new OKCupid messaging system is bogus

i used to get messages on the regular

now i get nothing


It's biological warfare.
You're right, browned roasties and supreme gentlemen makers must get the rope

>I want to fuck fat girls but I won't get shit for it
it's okay dude, you're anonymous. We all have your kinks.

This gurl seems to be ready for my BMC

Things that never happened: the thread

I wouldn't piss on her if she were on fire

Are there even enough blacks in Europe to have coalburners?

If they are your friends you would stop that you fucking asshole. Black men taking off on women they impregnate is not a meme. You are encouraging them to be welfare cases you utter piece of shit.

>Have you no shame
Why do you have to say it so archaically

Just keep it simple with daft women. Simply tell them you insist on having children that look like you. Express value in yourself this way.

tell her family

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exactly, you can't let the first conversation you have with a romantic prospect be you getting rly flustered and sending her walls of text. terrible

What are you on about? She has an emotional attachment to other ideals, and so do you.

What point are you trying to make?

We didn't really fight the third reich. It was more of a peaceful opposition. The entire ww2 was more about fighting the commies in the eastern europe.

Here pol / I'm gonna leave this right here
There is always HOPE &Free Pizza
You KNOW you qualify
Your welcome

I spot you rabbi

That's the end.
I don't understand why you think this conversation is fabricated.
Yes, there are. I see them sometimes.
Yes but she unironically thinks everyone should be this shitty shade of brown and have no unique qualities but be unique through their personalities

Fat chicks are like scooters, fun to ride, but if your friends catch you they will forever make fun of you.

Only if you believe it.

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Unless your friends all ride scooters too

But then you have to be married to an ugly monkey faced loser with a one-track mind. I doubt you're allowed to comment about masculinity being that you're from Toronto.

>trying to shame women by using right wing autism
Nah that's not how you do it. Women enjoy the feeling of being a sjw savior for minorities just like their good boy teachers taught them. The trick is to treat them like weird freaks they are. Seriously, just call out anybody who prefers a different race than their own for being racist fetishists and they will never be able to come up with a counter argument. Also never act upset or mad, that makes them think you're jealous which is half the reason they do it to begin with. Just treat them with contempt.


Nigger you're fools of shit I'm from the south and surprisingly none of the white girls I know mess with black dudes. Quit trying so hard to bait people I'm white and never had problems with getting girls.

Irl I do this, I just wanted to display her childish reasoning on Jow Forums

I made out with a coalburner once unwittingly and I've felt disgusted ever since

>claim to be transracial
>dick the (((programming))) out of her
>start a family and have six children

Meanwhile you have none because your language is Ebonics, your skin colour is brown, and your culture consists of eating fast food and loving Israel

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God bless you user.

It's a troll, no need to take it seroiously.


Should've just sent her black on white violence stats and called her a coalburner.

>arguing with holes

Normal people don't give a shit about your stupid movement.

>muh heritage