I have one question for you guys!

I have one question for you guys!
How general white ppl think of blacks?

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Don't care

Over here some are racist but the vast majority don't give half a shite

some are okay some are not

It depends on the country. Some particular white majority countries have a history of racial oppression, others still have almost no black people. It matters a lot when it comes to racial attitudes and possible tension.

most do bad things

Black people are fine, niggers don't.

> ID

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if the slaves had been returned to Africa everything would have been fine, but now the government financially incentivizes young black women to become single mothers with a boatload of kids they don't give a fuck about and don't care who the father is

want to know what a generation of boys with no fathers looks like, look no further than the black "community" in the US.

>that ID
>that flag

They are extremely ugly. Black women look like black men in drag.

As with any race, individuals are fine. The problem is that races are politicized over here and that black people are pitted against white people by politicians literally daily. It's not exaggeration; Every single day there is some politician or news article talking about how black folks and white folks are enemies (despire that not being the case if they were to be just left alone.) It doesn't help that they're being cooped up in cities and given awful education to make them easier to control. Black folks are fine but they're being used and abused, is all, and it negatively affects the majority of them in America and especially Dixie.

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I don't judge people by their race, I judge them by their actions. I also don't generalize an entire race of people based on the actions of others. Just because you do something good, doesn't mean your race is inherently good, and vice versa.

black are normal weebs like everyone else
they are ok

nigger is low iq gangbanging hoodlum
they are scum

True school idols hate niggers!

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Excellent ID

I hate them

Black people are great, I've got some great black friends and hip-hop is the greatest genre of music to come out of the modern age, regardless of all the pop shit muddying the waters.

That's surprisingly reasonable for a burger.

Have you ever even seen a black person?

Seriously how many homosex related trips do you even have

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Far too many. Generated half of them and found the other half in an archive.

I'm sorry but what's pitted??

As in politicians will try and increase tension and infighting between races, largely to try and win a vote of some kind or remain relevant.

So politicians use racial matter to win their vote? Is that what you saying?


I see.. thank you!

Yes, exactly. That's why illegal immigration is such a big issue in the west, too, because it literally breeds more votes for the party that wants them.

Yes a lot actually since I travel 3 to 4 times a year around Europe.

Depends, slavs usually dont care about inferior races but w*stern europeans for example love to see their women get gangbanged by a bunch of black dudes

Nice pic related. why do you ask?


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wy you care, if all they do is lie.
every shit of one they pass to other.
but mad enaugh with who does exacly the same.
just cause they not used to it, "not their lies".
fuck that tssssssssssss

I don't mind brownskins like turks or other folks around that area, but africans tend to suck to have around, super cocky and refuse to integrate

>super cocky and refuse to integrate
Just like Turks or Moroccans

Most white people sadly like them.

all turks i know are really nice people that integrated quite well while keeping their own culture